Primary 5A

Welcome to Primary P5a with Mr Blyth!

Our PE days will continue to be Monday and Friday. In PE we will be focusing on Gymnastics this term. We will be consolidating our skills and confidence in rolls, balances and flow. In addition to this we will look to create simple sequences and over the course of the term use a variety of gymnastic equipment. Mr. Coyle will be taking the Monday session and I will take the Friday one. We will be looking at all aspects of physical health. We will be using the hall so I would ask that the children bring a full kit(shorts and t-shirt or leggings), in order for them to perform to their maximum.

During Health lessons the children will be completing their RSHP sessions, more information will follow before these lessons begin.


This term we will be looking at the topic of Electricity. This was chosen by the children and will link with a separate project we are involved in at the Glasgow Science Centre later this month.

The children have identified the areas they want to learn about and we will document our progress on X and in the Floorbook. Ask at home what they have been learning about.

How you can help at home

Our 4 weekly homework grids will continue this term with January’s grid being send out on Monday 13th January. This grid will only have 3 weeks and will run until the end of the month. Each month thereafter should be 4 weekly. They should be encouraged to carry out these tasks any help and support would be gratefully appreciated.

Term 2 continued in the same trend as the previous one with a packed, hectic but very enjoyable time for us all. I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and we are all now looking forward to all 2025 has to bring. We will have a star pupil every week so be sure to check those schoolbags. Star café will be on the following Thursday at 9:00am. There will no longer be our Monday assemblies but we would still encourage your child to bring in any awards or trophies they have received for our Friday assembly.

Our Term 3 Stay and Play will take place on Friday 7th March at 11:00-12:00.

If there is anything at all that I can support with please do not hesitate to contact me at the school or on my X account on @JoeBlyth5.

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