The Child’s Plan

The Child’s Plan (previously known as the Integrated Assessment Framework – IAF) is a tool that has been developed for practitioners to assist in assessment and planning to meet children and young people’s needs.

Based on the GIRFEC national practice model, The Child’s Plan is based on improving outcomes for children and young people, embedding the principles of GIRFEC in service delivery and planning.

This approach should be child-centred, where assessments are carried out “with” the child and family and not “to” the child and family.

The GIRFEC Group are currently working on updating the Child’s Plan. 


In Falkirk we are rolling out our new integrated lead professional assessment and plan starting on 1st April 2022. This will replace most of the existing IAF paperwork. The tool has been developed in consultation with staff and partners and has been tested by social workers before we have reached the final version. Experienced social workers who have tested the tool, will be supporting the roll out by providing discussion and support sessions in team meetings across the social work service.

The tool aims to strengthen the quality of assessments of risk and need, encourages more analysis and evidence based practice and puts children, young people and families at the centre of assessments and decision making.

We have also incorporated sections for brothers and sisters views and family time contact

GIRFEC Lead Professional Assessment and Plan


It is recommend that you read the following guidance to assist you when completing Child’s Plan paperwork.

Please Note – when clicking on the links in the document, some may give a Security Warning, click Allow then Open when prompted, you can then save the document as required. Some documents may take longer to open due their size.

Team Around the Child Meeting (TAC):

A child’s plan can also be created as part of a Team Around the Child Meeting (TAC). Information on chairing TAC meetings can be found below:

TAC Agenda (inc pictures)

TAC Agenda

TAC Chair’s Introduction

TAC Checklist

TAC My Views template 1

TAC My Views template 2


Hints & Tips – Action Plans (Form 4)

Hints & Tips – Assessments (Form 2 & 3)

Hints & Tips – Chronology (Form 7)

Hints & Tips – Form 4 Action Plan Example

If you wish to give any feedback or comments on the guidance, please email details to


Previously IAF Forms

Please Note – when clicking on the links below, choose Open when prompted then save the document(s) as required.

New Information:

Form 2b should now be used by all Services/Agencies for Child Protection referrals and replaces ALL CP1s.  The Child’s Plan Framework forms should then be used appropriately for the ongoing CP processes.

If you wish to save all Child’s Plan forms at once, please click on the link below where you will be prompted to Open the folder.  From there you can save all forms onto your system. Some documents may take longer to open due their size.

Related Documents:

Please Note – several links below will prompt you to Open the file, this will allow you to view and save documents as required.

Scottish Accord – Sharing Personal Information

Detailed Chronology Guidance – Choose Open when prompted.

TAC Pack (folder with 6 documents) – Choose Open when prompted.

Risk Assessment Toolkit (folder with 29 documents) – Choose Open when prompted.

Resilience: concept, factors and models of practice briefing

Resilience Matrix template – Choose Open when prompted.

Resilience Matrix Animated Film

Evaluation Matrix

Chronology – examples of significant events

National Risk Framework to Support the Assessment of Children and Young People

Form 4 Action Plan Example

Leaflets – What is GIRFEC?, Information Sharing, Named Person Service

Chronologies | resources for West of Scotland children’s services staff – YouTube