Our aim in Scotland is that we all have good mental wellbeing. Prevention and early intervention can stop problems from getting worse and empower people to manage their own wellbeing. Not every mental health need requires clinical intervention from NHS CAMHS or Psychological Therapies. We can all learn skills to manage the normal ups and downs of life, this is especially important during the pandemic.
Staff Wellbeing For us to be able to support children, young people and families we need to look after and nurture our own mental health and wellbeing. As the old saying goes, “you can’t pour from an empty cup.” Information for staff can be found here
** If You Have a Distressed Person you need to support **
The STOPP CBT skill (from the Decider Skills) below will help people to regulate their emotions related to anxiety, stress, unhelpful thinking, emotional dysregulation. You can do the 5 steps with them by clicking on the image below or download the STOPP app from the Apple Store or Google Play.
Falkirk Resources and Help for Mental Wellbeing Leaflet
There’s lots of information out there about mental health & wellbeing and sometimes it can be hard to know where to look. Our leaflet below is a great start.
Staff Learning & Development
Looking after our own mental health and wellbeing, along with having the right learning to make sure our workforce is skilled and supported, is key. Across Falkirk we are developing learning in line with the NHS Education Scotland Knowledge and Skills Framework for Mental Health Improvement and prevention of self harm and Suicide four levels of practice (more information on the levels is at the bottom of the page):
- Informed
- Skilled
- Enhanced
- Specialist
Most practitioners working with children and families will be working at informed and skilled levels. The learning resources below are core learning for informed and skilled.
Mental Health Improvement, and prevention of self-harm and suicide: Informed level
NHS Education for Scotland and Public Health Scotland learning resources have been developed to support the implementation of the Mental Health Improvement and Suicide Prevention Framework at informed and skilled levels.
Anyone can create an account to sign into NHS Education Scotland TURAS Learning site and complete the informed level MH Improvement & Suicide Prevention e-module for adults.
Children and Young People
3 videos designed to support learning about mental health, self-harm and suicide prevention specifically for the wider Children and Young People’s workforce at the informed level of practice of the Knowledge and Skills Framework.
Mental Health Improvement, and prevention of self-harm and suicide: Skilled Level resources
Children, young people and adults
This resource is a series of 5 short learning bytes designed to support staff to develop their knowledge and practice at the Skilled Level of the Knowledge and Skills Framework for Mental Health Improvement, and Prevention of Self-Harm and Suicide. Click on the title above to access the 5 reflective learning bytes.
- Promoting Mental Health and Tackling Inequalities
- Supporting People in Distress and Crisis
- Supporting People at Risk of Suicide
- Supporting People at Risk of Self-Harm
- Supporting Recovery and Quality of Life for People Living with Mental Ill Health
Informed Level Learning – Transforming Psychological Trauma
The NES national trauma training programme can be found here. Anyone can create an account to sign into NHS Education Scotland TURAS Learning site. You can see some videos from the modules below:
Skilled Level Learning – Transforming Psychological Trauma
Developing your trauma skilled practice this NES online module is designed to increase your understanding of what psychological trauma is, how it can affect people, and how people can be supported to recover.
Training & Resources for Common Mental Health Themes
General | Scottish Association for Mental Health: We all have mental health
An online module for teachers but useful for all staff. Click the link to register, if you are not school staff select ‘other’ and state your role and submit the form. A new page appears to access the module. Click to access the module and remember to save the URL to your favourites or bookmark it to save your access link. The module covers:
Working with young people and families | Turas | Learn (nhs.scot) MHWB resources for parents and professionals during Covid-19. No login needed. PSE Resources – Forth Valley & West Lothian Regional Improvement Collaborative (glowscotland.org.uk) NHS Forth Valley Mental Health & Wellbeing Page Falkirk Mental Health Useful Contacts (lifecurve.uk) SilverCloud – CBT Digital Therapy (Adult): Making Space For Healthy Minds (silvercloudhealth.com) |
Anxiety | ![]() Daylight – CBT digital therapy NHS FV Anxiety Self Help Leaflet |
Bereavement (including death by suicide) | Supporting bereaved children and young people | Child Bereavement UK | A guide to supports and resources for CYP, Families and Staff following bereavement incl. suicide. |
Emotional distress and Co-regulation | Use the STOPP CBT skills above.
Co-Regulation From Birth Through Young Adulthood: A Practice Brief (unc.edu) |
Download the STOPP app in Apple Store of Google Play |
Low Mood | University of Reading A free course: Depression and low mood in young people (futurelearn.com) | Depression and low mood | HandsOn (handsonscotland.co.uk) |
Social Relationships and Bullying | Emotional dysregulation is often linked to social relationships. The STOPP CBT skills will help. | Relationships | Young Scot |
Substance use supports | Substance Use Workforce Development – Practitioner Pages (glowscotland.org.uk) | Substance Use Support – Practitioner Pages (glowscotland.org.uk) |
Suicidal Thoughts | If young person is at immediate risk of suicide contact their GP or 999.
See the informed and skilled level information above this table. |
13 Ways – A Suicide Prevention Blog for Young People | Young Scot |
Trauma | See e-modules above. | Education Scotland: National Improvement Hub |
Educational Psychology
Training resources from Falkirk Educational Psychology can be found here
Educational psychology pages have information and materials here on a range of topics:
- Anxiety Toolkit
- Autistic Spectrum Disorder
- Behaviour
- Conflict resolution and de-escalation
- Engagement and Motivation for Learning – For Learners with Complex Needs
Community Mental Health and Wellbeing Framework
The new Community Mental Health & Wellbeing Supports and Services Framework (2020) asks us to develop earlier intervention services which support and improve the mental health and emotional wellbeing for those aged 5-24.
What Does Informed, Skilled, Enhanced and Specialist Levels Mean?
Informed: all staff working in health, social care and 3rd sector settings
Skilled: staff who have direct and/or substantial contact infants, children, young people and their families
Enhanced: staff who have more regular and intense contact with infants, children, young people and their families, who are at risk of, or are experiencing mental health and wellbeing concerns
Specialist: staff who, by virtue of their role and practice setting, provide and expert specialist role in the assessment, care, treatment and support of infants, children, young people and their families, who are at risk of, or experiencing mental health and wellbeing concerns