Forth Valley Public Protection

Why is a public protection approach important?

Although legislation and national and local agency structures separate out the strands of work  which encompass what we call “public protection” in reality people rarely fit neatly into one category or the other.

Protection across the lifespan bridges all sectors of our communities and the services provided by both the public sector and partners. Some people may have contact with several service areas at once, or at different times. Some  may be both at risk of harm and a risk to others. Others will have members of their household or visitors to the household who present a risk or are at risk of harm. Some people will pose a risk to themselves and some may be unaware that they are at risk.

Public Protection governance arrangements are in place throughout Forth Valley to provide oversight of multi-agency partnerships involved in protecting people.

Practitioners and managers have knowledge and skill in particular areas however everyone has a role in protecting children and adults from harm.  In order to protect the safety and wellbeing of those who may be at risk it is vitally important for everyone  to work together.

Information & Resources

Public Protection Learning & Development page

Forth Valley Adult Support & Protection: Training and Learning Guidance Matrix

Forth Valley Adult Support & Protection: Multi-Agency Guide

Forth Valley Protection Across the Lifespan Presentation

Falkirk Council Resources

Falkirk Council Threshold Matrix

  • Guidance for assisting care home managers to make adult support and protection (ASP) referrals

Falkirk Council Adult Support and Protection: Guidance and Procedures for Assessment and Care Management Staff