Dear Parent/Carer,
S3 Parental Update – Senior Phase Options Information Session
Dear Parent/Carer,
Following on from last week’s Parents’ Evening, Mr Brown sent out a letter outlining the timeline for options choices for the senior phase. The letter can also be accessed by clicking on the link below.
Invitation to online event 10.12.21
The online information session takes place on Teams on Thursday 16th December.
Parental Update: Additional Winter Payment 29.11.21
Dear Parent/Carer,
A letter with information on an additional payment to be made for all pupils in receipt of free school meals was sent out via our school app and email on 29th November. You can also find it by clicking on the link below.
FSM Winter hols additional payment MMcK Final
If you would like any support with the application process or any other financial matters you can contact our school’s Financial Inclusion Support Officer (FISO), Nicola McCaskill.
Tel: 0141 648 2022
S5 Telephone Parents Evening
Our S5 Parents Evening will take place on Tuesday the 14th of December from 16:45 until 18:45.
The booking system will open on Friday 3rd of December at 14:30 and will close on Friday 10th of December 15:00
We are using a new online system to book appointments, which will be delivered by telephone calls due to COVID-19 restrictions. Full details on using our new appointment booking system are in this letter- S5 Telephone Parents Evening (3)
LfS Newsletter
Dear Parent/Carer,
Please click on the link below to read our most recent Learning for Sustainability (LfS) newsletter. This has been sent out via email and our school app.
DYW Newsletter
Please click here- DYW Newsletter Nov 2021 -to read our most recent Developing the Young Workforce newsletter.
P7 Information Evening
Dear Parents/Carers,
There will be an information evening on 25th November for P7 parents/carers. This letter provides more information:
P7 November Information Evening Letter
Parent Update – 19.11.21
Dear Parent/Carer,
This week’s newsletter was sent out via our school app (GroupCall Xpressions) and also by email. You can also access it by clicking on the link below.
S5 Parent/Carer Update – 17.11.21
Dear Parent/Carer,
Please click on the link below to see the letter sent out via email and our school app today.
A copy of the Evidence Gathering Timetable can be found here:
S5 Evidence Gathering Timetable Nov
A copy of the Study Support Booklet issued to pupils last week as part of their study pack can be found here:
Anti-Bullying Week 2021
Anti-Bullying Week 2021 is running from the 15th until the 19th of November. This year the theme is One Kind Word and there will be lots of activities running in school to support this message.
Please follow us on Twitter to be kept up to date with these activities- @HillheadHS.
A parent pack has been created with lots of useful information and it can be accessed be clicking here.
The Anti- Bullying Alliance are also hosting two Twitter Talks which you can get involved in by following the @ABAonline account and using the hashtag #OneKindWordTT.
A Twitter Talk is a virtual Twitter-based meeting that takes place by replying to tweets and using a hashtag. The Anti-Bullying Alliance will ask a series of questions that will be posted as tweets over the course of the talk. They will have a panel of amazing experts but anyone with a Twitter account can take part. hope to start vibrant discussions and want to be able to promote the work that you do.
You do not have to respond to every tweet that is sent or even every question but any input you have will be really valuable. If you have any particular questions you’d like to ask, please email
1. Anti-Bullying Week 2021: How can we make schools kinder places to be?
Time and Date: Tuesday 16th November – 4.30pm – 5.30pm
- Kidscape / Twitter handle: @kidscape
- NASUWT The Teachers’ Union / Twitter handle: @nasuwt
- Maiden Erlegh School Reading / Twitter handle: @MESReading
- The Diana Award / Twitter handle: @antibullyingpro
- Diversity Role Models / Twitter handle: @diversityrm
- Equaliteach / Twitter handle: @equaliteach
- The Anne Frank Trust UK / Twitter handle: @annefranktrust
- Department for Education / Twitter handle: @educationgovuk
- Schools’ Wellbeing Partnership / Twitter handle: @ncbtweets
2. Anti-Bullying Week 2021: How can we be ‘anti-bullying‘ parents and carers?
Time and Date: Thursday 18th November – 8.30pm – 9.30pm
- Kidscape / Twitter handle: @kidscape
- Contact / Twitter handle: @contactfamilies
- Music.Football.Fatherhood / Twitter handle: @mffonline_
- NSPCC / Twitter handle: @NSPCC
- Mr G / Twitter handle: @deputygrocott
- Childnet / Twitter handle: @childnet