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Being Me!


In Glenwood, we celebrate what is special and unique about each and every person. We are all loved and included just for being who we are!

Our Being Me! tree

We had a special Being Me! celebration and invited all our families. We performed some of our favourite songs using Makaton signs. Our songs included our Rights song as we learn all about the rights of all children.

Together with our families we decorated wooden hearts to celebrate what is special and unique about us and to share some of things that are important to us.

My family
My pet cat   


My Eid present list
My Favourite character
My friends
My favourite cuddly toy
My interest in numbers
My love of rainbows
My family

Happy Diwali!

Happy Diwali to our families and friends celebrating this week.

Diwali is the five-day Festival of Lights, celebrated by millions of Hindus, Sikhs and Jains across the world.

Diwali is a festival of new beginnings and the triumph of good over evil and light over darkness, and for some also coincides with harvest and new year celebrations.

One of the ways people celebrate Diwali is by decorating their homes with colourful rangoli designs, lighting diyas or displaying lights around the house.

We have been learning about Diwali through stories, research and activities.

We painted colourful rangoli designs to decorate our nursery.



We created clay diya lights and painted these in bright colours.



Happy Diwali!


Please support your child to learn good hand washing habits. Children should be supported and encouraged to wash hands regularly throughout the day including before eating, after toileting, before leaving the house and after returning home.

In Glenwood, we support the children to wash their hands with soap and water before they enter the playrooms and before they leave at the end of their session. They wash hands before snack and lunch and after toileting. They wash hands after playing outdoors. We keep the use of hand gel to a minimum, only using this when no sinks are available, such as when entering or leaving the building at the main door or while in the woods.

For more details and a helpful video-

Summer Activities 2022

We have had a summer full of interesting and exciting experiences – here are just some of them that we shared on Twitter.

The children learned about our local community and services – with visits from the police and fire service and trips to the synagogue, library, park and shops.

They enjoyed harvesting and preparing fruit and vegetables from our garden…

Here is a snapshot of some of the other experiences on offer!

Marine Litter

The children have been learning about making life and the impact rubbish can have on animals living in the water! Let’s dive in and take a closer look at what they learned..

  • There are 700 types of animals affected by plastic pollution:

“700 is like the whole sea! We need to save them before they get extinct like the dinosaurs” 

“If we save one fish from every type then we can save them all next year and all the years after that” 

  • 10% of all dead animals and fish get caught in plastic bottles, bags and nets:

“If a fish or a birdie gets stuck in a net then it can’t move and be safe” 

“Nets stop swimming” 

“Babies and children like me can suffocate with plastic bags and so can fish and birds!” 

  • 20% of fish are known to have plastic in their stomachs:

“If they eat it and don’t mean to they get sick and sad” 

“Some fish accidentally eat plastic bottle tops and straws because they think they are food” 

We asked our nursery friends some questions about what rubbish they see on their way into nursery. After seeing the results we used recyclable materials to create a ‘3D’ poster of ways rubbish affects the sea life.



“We made a rainbow fish with masking tape, bottle tops and wooden sticks to show all the rubbish pollution”

“The nets are making the fish sad because they get trapped in them all of the time and they can’t get out” 

“Nets get fish trapped” 

“Plastic bottle tops make the fish sick because they think that they are food to eat” 

What can we do to help? Here are the children’s ideas…

“We can make paper straws by rolling up paper and then we can recycle them” 

“We can keep the grounds clear by not littering” 

“We can go on a litter pick with our mums and dads and we can do them in nursery too” 

“We need to work together with team work to help the oceans get free from plastic” 

“We can have a plastic bottle bag to collect the, all at the door and use them for junk modelling” 

#source2sea    #KeepScotlandBeautiful   #LfS



Patterns are all around us, and there are lots of great fun ways to develop children’s awareness of patterns to help them build important early maths skills and apply rules.

You can notice patterns:

On clothing, wellington boots and the soles of your shoes 

On animals – “Tigers have stripes and leopards have spots.”

Go on a pattern hunt in your own and the wider environment 

“I can see a pattern on the tyres.”

You can hear them:

Make a sound pattern with instruments e.g. BANG, tap, tap, BANG, tap, tap.

Sing songs where the lines are repeated where there is a number pattern going up or down.

You can make them:

Provide opportunities for children to copy patterns and create their own as they play.

“I’ve drawn lots of stripy dogs and cats.”

Using loose parts!

Moving your body to make an action pattern e.g. hop, hop, clap!

Beatrix Potter

The children had been interested in books. Mrs Rodger had come back from her Honeymoon with lots of information on Beatrix Potter and her beautifully illustrated books. The children were very interested in learning about what an author is and meeting the different characters that Beatrix Potter created. The children loved watching the traditional story of Peter Rabbit as they were familiar with the more up to date version which is on our televisions at the moment. 

“I love Peter Rabbit, I watch it at home.”

The children got to see a video of where Beatrix Potter lived on Hill top Farm.

“Where is that?”  “I want to go there.”

The children created a frame for the picture of Beatrix Potter so that we could display it in our writing area. They also got to make rabbit ear hats which they had to cut out of paper plates. Cutting out shapes helps the children’s fine motor skills which in turn help them with their writing skills.

“This makes her look nice.”

“I can cut it look.”

“Is this the right way.”

This learning experience went on for a matter of weeks. The children still talk about it today and we still revisit the stories of the Mischievous characters that Beatrix Potter created. This was a lovely learning experience to share with the children.

Woodland Adventures

We are excited to be beginning our Woodland Adventures in Eastwood Park again soon!

We have made changes to how we will be running these this session to better accommodate the  varying patterns of attendance of our children. Each room will have a block of four weeks, with sessions on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings, and also a Wednesday afternoon.

Our first visits this session will begin during the week beginning 13th September:

  • Block 1: Meadow Room
  • Block 2: Orchard Room (from w/b 18th October)
  • Block 3: Willow Room (from w/b 15th November)

Our Woodland Adventures Handbook will tell you all about them:

Woodland Adventures Handbook 

All children will need a completed permission form to participate, including children who were at Glenwood before the summer. Please return forms as soon as possible to enable your child to access Woodland Adventures fully.

Information on additional safety measures that have been put in place due to the current Covid19 situation can be found here:

COVID19 update 2021

If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch and we will be happy to answer them.

Introducing lunches

As of Wednesday 11th August, Glenwood began providing a lunchtime meal to ALL children regardless of their provision.

This means children attending in the mornings will have a lunch before the end of their session, children attending in the afternoon will have a lunch when they arrive in the afternoon and children attending full days will be provided with a lunch instead of bringing a their own packed lunch.

We will continue to provide a small snack mid morning and mid afternoon in addition to this. All meals and snacks are developed in line with guidance to ensure they are well balanced and nutritious and the menus are available in advance. Note: After any holiday the 1st day back will always be the Monday menu and then the normal days will follow.


Our experience of providing snacks for children shows that children will often be encouraged by the social aspect of our meal/ snack times to try new foods in nursery which they may be reluctant to try at home so we hope the introduction of a lunch will be similarly successful.

For pupils wishing to access our vegetarian menu the lifestyles form must be completed.

If your child has food allergies/ intolerances, a medically prescribed meal request form must be completed.

Please contact the nursery for further advice regarding the required forms if you are unsure about anything.

If you do choose to provide a packed lunch for your child this should be a healthy lunch with an ice pack to keep the food cool. Sugary and salty snacks are not permitted.

Please note- we are a nut free zone so NO NUTS. We also have a person with significant allergies and so kiwi, grapefruit, pineapple and avocado are not permitted. (Please check the content of drinks etc for hidden ingredients)



At Glenwood our children enjoy daily opportunities to engage in woodwork.  

This involves experimenting and tinkering with the possibilities of the materials and tools, which helps to build our children’s confidence and develop their creativity and imagination. 

“I want to use the hammer.”

Observations of the children show high levels of engagement and perseverance with challenging tasks.

“The saw is a bit tricky.”

Design is part of the woodwork process, defining the task and planning how to proceed.

“I’m making a helicopter car. I need 4 wheels so it can drive and a window at the front. The helicopter blades are going to sit on top so it can lift off into the sky.”





The importance of woodwork cannot be underestimated!






Look at all the skills our children are learning – 

  • Hand eye coordination
  • Fine motor development
  • Problem-solving
  • Creative thinking
  • Imagination
  • Independence
  • Respect
  • Understanding of the world around them
  • Language development

The foundations for STEM!










Technology Toys

We have had great fun learning how to use a variety of our digital toys.

We have been developing our use of directional language using our Code-a-pillars and Sphero.

“When you put the body bits on it goes left and right.” 

“I made it go forwards then turn around.” 

“The green one goes forward.”


We use an App on the iPad to make Sphero…

It took great teamwork and problem solving skills to build an obstacle course and pathways for the Wonder Bug. We had to work together to find the best way to help Wonder Bug travel from one end of the room to the other.

“We need a ramp for it to go up.”

“It will need to balance on top.” 

“If we add a corner, it will need to turn the corner.” 


World Book Day 2021

This year we couldn’t invite parents in to nursery to read stories so we invited them to read to us remotely! Some were able to join us live for a Google Meet and some shared videos of themselves reading with us. A huge “Thank you!” to all our storytellers.

Zachary’s mum read a story about dinosaurs.
Sorley’s grandad read a story about pirates.
We heard a Supertato story from Sam’s mum.
…and a Kipper story with a very bright torch.
Luke’s mum told us the story of The Tiger Who Came to Tea – which was written before Mrs Husbands was born!
Evie’s mum read another of our favourite stories Whatever Next
There was a tired unicorn in Lacey’s mum’s story.
Everyone joined in shouting “There’s a shark in the park!” with Alistair’s dad.
Mrs Brown used puppets to tell the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

All the children will receive a World Book Day voucher to spend – find out more in this fun song… how many stories to you recognise?

You might like to listen to Lydia Monks read What the Ladybird Heard in a video she recorded for World Book Day.

Sharing books and stories together is a valuable learning experience for your child. This document gives some advice on ways to get the most out of reading together.

Chocolate Playdough for Fairtrade Fortnight

We made some chocolate playdough in nursery today. It smelt delicious – but we knew we couldn’t eat it! Here is how we made it…

Our ingredients

First we measured our ingredients and put them in the bowl: 2 cups plain flour, 1 cup salt, half a cup of cocoa powder, 2 tablespoons oil, 4 teaspoons cream of tartar and 2 cups water.

Then we stirred it until it was smooth – “It looks like chocolate icing!”

We cooked ours in the microwave – stir every minute until it is cooked.

Fairtrade Fortnight began on 22nd February and our cocoa powder had a Fairtrade logo on it. Fairtrade means the farmers get paid a ‘fair price’ for the crop. Can you find any logos on anything in your house?

A bunch of bananas is called a hand.

Find out more about Fairtrade bananas with Pablo Super Banana in this video:


Why not try this quiz with your family on the Fairtrade website? How much do you know about Chocolate?

Remote Learning: Eco Schools

Responsible Robbie

As a nursery community, we are on a continuous journey to empower our children to improve their environmental awareness.  

There are lots of wonderful ideas that you can do as a family to learn more about the natural world and care for the environment, which supports STEM and literacy learning, as well as your child’s health and wellbeing.


Introduce your children to the concept of sorting household rubbish for recycling into categories such as plastic, paper, metal and glass.  This is a fantastic opportunity to learn about different types of materials used for packaging, how they are made and how they can be reused.  

National Geographic have a great online game to do a recycle round-up and clean up the park:


Instead of throwing things away, encourage your child to think of great ways to reuse items.  Egg cartons work really well for growing herbs, glass jars are perfect for storing loose parts for play, and tin cans make really good pen and pencil holders.


Composting helps to teach our children about reducing the waste that heads to landfills by converting it into nutrient-rich soil.

There are lots of free and easy ways for your family to start composting.  

Use a recycled plastic drinks bottle – 

Recycle some wooden pallets –

You could also simply create a compost trench in your garden or use an old bin or container –

So what should you put in?

Greens – these are things that rot quickly, and provide important nitrogen and moisture

  • Tea bags
  • Grass cuttings
  • Vegetable peelings, salad leaves and fruit scraps
  • Coffee grounds
  • Old flowers and nettles

Browns – these are things that rot more slowly.  They provide carbon and fibre and also allow air pockets to form

  • Cardboard
  • Egg boxes
  • Paper
  • Leaves
  • Twigs and branches
  • Sawdust
  • Egg shells


Visit a local park and spend some time cleaning up the litter.  You will not only be protecting the wildlife and caring for the world around you but you will also be helping your community.  It will hopefully inspire others to join in too.  Count how many bits of rubbish you find – you will be amazed!  Don’t forget to wear protective gloves and take a rubbish bag.     


You don’t have to go far to encounter some amazing living things.  Going on a back garden safari in your own garden or to a local park or woods will be a real voyage of discovery.  It is such a fun way to explore and learn about local plants, animals and minibeasts.  You can simply sit and watch, take photos or a video, do a scavenger checklist or record what you found by drawing a picture.

There is lots of information on the WWF to help you get started –


Getting your child involved in growing fruit and vegetables is a great way for them to learn where their food comes from and make healthy eating choices.  Children can see first hand the growing cycle and develop an awareness of the seasonal nature of food.

Try growing indoors whilst the weather is still cold.  Tomatoes, carrots, peppers and beans work well on a nice sunny windowsill using a recycled container that allows drainage.

Spring is coming soon and the perfect time to start growing outdoors if you have the opportunity.  You can plant in tubs, make a raised bed or create a garden growing patch.  

Fruits and vegetables that are easy to grow and mature quickly are strawberries, lettuce, peas, radishes, and courgettes.

We would love if you could share your learning from home with us so we can use it as part of our action plan, either via Google Classroom or Twitter @GlenwoodFC #Glenwoodlearningfromhome  

Remote Learning: Pancakes

Healthy Henry

Healthy Henry likes to eat healthy food but he says it’s OK to have a treat sometimes.

As it’s Shrove Tuesday or Pancake Day, Miss Pearson would like to share her pancake recipe with you.

Miss Pearson’s Pancakes

First of all you will have to wash your hands with soap and water to make sure they are clean and dry them well. If you have an apron you can wear this as well to keep your clothes clean .

You will need:

  • mixing bowl 
  • wooden spoon 
  • tablespoon
  • mug 
  • frying pan
  • spatula 



  • 1 level mug of  self raising flour 
  • 1 level tablespoon of caster sugar 
  • 1 egg 
  • 1 cup of milk for mixing 
  • Oil for your pan 


1. Put the flour and sugar into the bowl.
2. Add the egg and mix well.
3. Then gradually add the milk to make a runny consistency – you might not use all the milk.
  1. Mix until smooth.

Now we can start making our pancakes. 

First of all you will need to ask an adult to help you with this part as we are going to use the cooker and we have to be very careful  so we don’t get burnt . 

We need the frying pan to be hot. 

So put a little drop of oil in the pan and wait until it is hot.

Put a spoonful of your mixture into the pan and wait for the bubbles and then turn and cook the other side.

Turn the pancakes over when you see the bubbles.

I made 12 pancakes out of my mixture you could make big pancakes or small pancakes it is up to you.

Here are some ideas for toppings:

  • Jam 
  • Banana 
  • Butter 
  • Chocolate spread  (but just a little) 


Miss Pearson hopes you have as much fun making them as she did.

What toppings will you choose?

Cooking together provides us with lots of opportunities to practise our maths skills – measuring out our ingredients, talking about colours, shapes and sizes, using a timer – as well as helping develop fine motor skills – chopping, mixing, spreading – and literacy skills as we read a recipe.

Here are some other ideas for simple cooking activities:

  • sandwiches
  • fruit salad or fruit kebabs
  • pitta bread pizzas
  • vegetable soup

Let us know what you like to cook together and show us your pancakes on Twitter @GlenwoodFC  #Glenwoodlearningathome 

Remote Learning: Chinese New Year

Today marks the start of the Chinese New Year. This year is the year of the Ox. The Ox represents strength and confidence in others, something those of us at Glenwood have shown in recent months.

Chinese New Year has been celebrated in China and other Asian cultures for thousands of years. It is also celebrated as part of the Spring festival which allows this holiday to mark the end of the coldest days and allows the people to welcome in the Spring season with planting and new beginnings.  

Fireworks are a big tradition to mark the celebrations of Chinese New Year with firecrackers used to scare off bad luck with these being set off at midnight. The following day firecrackers are used again to welcome in the new year with good luck.

Red and gold envelopes which contain money are given during the festival to children from their relatives. The envelopes are a  symbolism of good luck and wishes, but it is the red paper which is significant and not the money inside as this represents happiness and blessings to the children receiving them. 

There are 12 different Zodiac Signs which the years are named after:  rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog and pig.

Find out more about Chinese New Year celebrations and how the years got their names here Chinese and Lunar New Year – CBeebies – BBC

Here are some ideas to try at home with your families:

Miss Chrystal’s Chinese Vegetable Stir Fry


  • Garlic
  • Peppers
  • Onion
  • Baby sweet corn 
  • Carrots
  • Spring onion
  • Crushed ginger
  • Sunflower oil 
  • Soy sauce 
  • Optional Stir fry sauce
  • Noodles
First chop your vegetables.
Heat up the oil in a wok or frying pan, add your vegetables.

Remember to keep stirring!

Add the soy sauce and any other sauces.
Serve over noodles.

Enjoy your tasty stir fry – I wonder if you can use chopsticks?

Creating our own firework paintings

 You will need:  cardboard tubes,  scissors, (paper) plates, different colours of paint, paper  

Cut up the cardboard tubes to give a fringe – why not try different lengths.  

You can use as many different colours of paint as you wish.  Pour your paint onto the plates.

Press the cardboard tube down into the paint and then print your firework onto the paper.

Repeat this process by using all of your colours. 

Find more ideas for firework crafts here Firework Crafts – Easy Firework Crafts and Activity Ideas – Science Experiments for Kids (

Chinese Lanterns  

Can you create your own Chinese lanterns using A4 sheets of paper, glue or sticky tape and scissors. 

 You can decorate your lanterns using whatever you like. You might like to draw the animals of the zodiac in them using colouring pens or pencils.

Chinese New Year Dancing

The Lion Dance is an important part of the celebrations – find out more and why not have a go!  

Chinese Lion Dance | An introduction (Hello China #39) – YouTube 

Don’t forget to let us know how you get on by sharing with us on Google Classroom or Twitter @GlenwoodFC  #Glenwoodlearningathome 

Remote Learning: Useful Websites

We have created a Sway with a selection of websites that might be helpful to you at home.

We have included a selection of  sites – some online activities and games for your child, some with ideas of activities for you to try together and also some sites offering support and advice for parents and carers.

We hope you find this useful.

Go to this Sway


Remote Learning: Time to Rhyme

Rhyming words are words that have the same ending sound: bat & cat, frog & log, car & star… Learning to recognise rhyme is an important step in learning to read.

Nursery Rhymes – Sharing songs and nursery rhymes with young children is the first step towards this and also helps create a bond with their carers.

Find out more:

The Scottish Book Trust has a Bookbug App for you to share stories, songs and rhymes together. Find out more here.

The CBeebies website also has lots of nursery rhymes to share. Click here.

Once your child understands rhyme you could make up some silly ones together… why not try Humpty Dumpty?

Humpty Dumpty sat in a tree, he fell down and hurt his …

Humpty Dumpty sat on a bed, he fell down and broke his…

Or Twinkle, Twinkle?

Twinkle, Twinkle little mouse, hiding in your little…

Twinkle, Twinkle little moon, I’d like to eat you with a …

Rhyming Stories – Lots of children’s stories are written in rhyme. As you read with your child, try missing out the last word to let them fill it in.

Here are just a few authors who write rhyming stories:

  • Lynley Dodd – Hairy Maclary from Donaldson’s Dairy
  • Jez Alborough – Fix It Duck, Some Dogs Do
  • Kes Gray – Oi Frog, Oi Dog, Oi Cat, How Many Legs?
  • Nick Sharratt – Chocolate Mousse for Greedy Goose, Don’t Put Your Finger in the Jelly, Nelly!, Octopus Socktopus
  • Giles Andreae – Commotion in the Ocean, Mad About Minibeasts
  • Clare Freedman – Aliens Love Underpants
  • Dr Seuss – The Cat in the Hat, Green Eggs and Ham

One of our favourite authors is Julia Donaldson and some of her rhyming stories have been made into animations. Why not watch some together? Zog and the Flying Doctors 

Rhyme Games 

Create a rhyming basket – Collect together pairs of rhyming objects – they could be toys or household items. Take out an object… can you find it’s rhyming partner?

Go on a rhyming treasure hunt – Collect together some objects again but this time challenge your child to find a rhyme around your house or garden. You might put in a star (to rhyme with car), a parrot (rhymes with carrot), a bee (to match with knee or tree), a cat (rhymes with mat or hat) or a bear (to rhyme with pear). I’m sure you will think of many more!

Play I-Spy – On a walk or in the house, you could play a rhyming version of I-spy…

I spy with my little eye, something that rhymes with bee.

I spy with my little eye, something that rhymes with bog.

It’s OK if your child makes up nonsense words – that means that they have understood the concept of rhyme.

Why not play this rhyming game on the computer with Grover from Sesame Street?

Share you rhyming fun on Google Classroom or Twitter @GlenwoodFC   #Glenwoodlearningathome

Remote Learning: Everyday Counting

Achieving Andrew

Children learn about numbers by hearing number sequences over and over and learning the number names. Through play and everyday activities is a natural way that children will learn.

There are lots of things you can do at home with your children to learn number sequence.


  • When you bring the shopping home can you count how many apples/bananas/blueberries you bought?
  • If you have stairs. How many do you have?
  • How many small/big steps is it from your front door to the gate?
  • A scavenger hunt. Can you find 8 leaves, 5 stones, 4 sticks.

Number songs are another great way to learn number sequences. Here are some Glenwood favourites (click on them to watch a Youtube video):

Playing board  and card games is another way to develop number recognition and practise counting.

  • Snakes and Ladders
  • Kids Monopoly
  • Snap (using playing cards)
  • Bingo
Play Splat! – say a number and ‘splat’ the correct card.

Another favourite game we play in Glenwood is Number Splat. This is a great way to develop number recognition. All you need is numbers 0-10 or 0-20 written on pieces of paper and a spatula or wooden spoon. Ask your child to splat different numbers in a random order. Why not have a competition?

Share with us on Google Classroom or Twitter how you have been practising your counting and number recognition. @GlenwoodFC #Glenwoodlearningathome