All posts by Mrs Brown

We have achieved our 8th ECO flag!

We have achieved our 8th ECO-Schools Scotland Green Flag Award!

We are delighted to receive such positive feedback including

“I really like that your children took part in your Environmental Review.”

“It is wonderful to see you learning to grow your own food.”

“I really like your emphasis on your children learning about people from different cultures and backgrounds and how they can help those in need.”

“You have done a great job involving your local community in your Eco-Schools activities.”

“I really like your Eco-Code, as it is so catchy!”

Click here to see some of our ECO-Schools evidence.

Welcome to our Goldfish!

We were interested in getting some fish for our playroom. We talked about what we would need to do to care for fish. We made a list of all the things we would need.

           “I have a fish at home. You have to feed it every day.”- Ralph

             “We need money to buy fish food.” -Conin

We bought 2 goldfish and voted to decide their names. We chose Rainbow and Goldie.

We made a feeding chart to make sure our goldfish are not over-fed.

We created a set of rules to help us take care of our fish.

We love to sit and just watch the goldfish in their tank.

Being Me!


In Glenwood, we celebrate what is special and unique about each and every person. We are all loved and included just for being who we are!

Our Being Me! tree

We had a special Being Me! celebration and invited all our families. We performed some of our favourite songs using Makaton signs. Our songs included our Rights song as we learn all about the rights of all children.

Together with our families we decorated wooden hearts to celebrate what is special and unique about us and to share some of things that are important to us.

My family
My pet cat   


My Eid present list
My Favourite character
My friends
My favourite cuddly toy
My interest in numbers
My love of rainbows
My family

Happy Diwali!

Happy Diwali to our families and friends celebrating this week.

Diwali is the five-day Festival of Lights, celebrated by millions of Hindus, Sikhs and Jains across the world.

Diwali is a festival of new beginnings and the triumph of good over evil and light over darkness, and for some also coincides with harvest and new year celebrations.

One of the ways people celebrate Diwali is by decorating their homes with colourful rangoli designs, lighting diyas or displaying lights around the house.

We have been learning about Diwali through stories, research and activities.

We painted colourful rangoli designs to decorate our nursery.



We created clay diya lights and painted these in bright colours.



Happy Diwali!

Children as decision makers

We noticed one of our books was torn so we repaired it with sticky tape. Lots of our books were looking tatty so Mrs Brown asked us what books we would like for the nursery.

“I like this kind.”(held up a flap book from the book corner) 

“I like dinosaur books.”

“I have a Yeti story in my house. I’d like that for nursery.”

“I like monster and dragon books. I am not scared by them!”

“I like this book.” (held up Room on the Broom by Julia Donaldson)

Adult- “I love Julia Donaldson books…. Do you think we need some more by that author?”

“Yes! We were looking for the Snail and the Whale in nursery but we couldn’t find it.”

“Yes, look at all those ones we could get.” (Looked at inside cover of the book to point to other titles by the same author)

“I like the Gruffalo and the Gingerbread man. I have them in my house.”

“I like the Worrysaurus.”

Here are some of the books we bought, just as requested by the children, along with some others to reflect our nursery values. We look forward to more books being delivered soon, including the ever popular Julia Donaldson titles and some traditional tales.

The yeti story
This book was torn and tatty so we replaced it.
Books with dinosaur characters
Lift the flap books
The Worrysaurus
More books supporting our emotions
Books with monsters
Books reflecting our diversity
Books promoting inclusion
Books to support emotional development

Our Potato Harvest

We harvested some of the potatoes we have been growing in our garden.

We boiled them to make some yummy mashed potato and used the leftovers to make potato scones for snack. So tasty!

Why not try our recipe at home-

450g floury potatoes, peeled and cooked
1/2tsp salt
50g butter

100g flour

1. Mash potatoes,add salt, butter and flour to give a stiff mixture.
2. Turn out onto floured surface, knead gently and roll out to a thickness of 1cm.
3. Cut into triangles and cook on a hot greased griddle for 4-5 minutes on each side.

I wonder what we will make next….


Digital Schools Award

We are delighted to  have recently achieved our Digital Schools Award.

Digital Schools Awards is a national awards scheme to promote, recognise and encourage a whole school approach to the use of digital technology in schools and ELC centres.

Some of the feedback we received included-

“….children are actively encouraged to learn independently as well as collaboratively using digital technologies.”

“Different digital resources are utilised very effectively … targeting and challenging the learning for the children.”

“Glenwood Family Centre clearly demonstrates that it has a strong digital presence throughout the school.”

“Both the website and Twitter are current, vibrant and lively and help to convey all the wonderful learning and teaching that is going on in there.”

“Digital technology is an integral part of every day for the children and this allows them to be inquisitive and to challenge themselves regularly.”

“It is apparent that Glenwood Family Centre has a clear vision of where their digital journey will take them in the future and the staff are all on board to make this happen.”

Experimenting with Botley
Mark making on the Promethean board
QR code books and online research
Photographs using ipads
Using the desktop computer for mouse control
Adding detail using the pen on the Promethean board


Please support your child to learn good hand washing habits. Children should be supported and encouraged to wash hands regularly throughout the day including before eating, after toileting, before leaving the house and after returning home.

In Glenwood, we support the children to wash their hands with soap and water before they enter the playrooms and before they leave at the end of their session. They wash hands before snack and lunch and after toileting. They wash hands after playing outdoors. We keep the use of hand gel to a minimum, only using this when no sinks are available, such as when entering or leaving the building at the main door or while in the woods.

For more details and a helpful video-

Chinese New Year

We marked the start of the Chinese New Year and the year of the Tiger with some wonderful celebrations.

It was fantastic to engage with some of our families to help us learn all about the Chinese New Year celebrations; A huge thank you to Gerald’s mum for sharing how this is celebrated in their home using Google Meet and also to Mrs Wilson’s daughter who shared her experiences having lived in Hong Kong for some time.

The children have been learning about some of the ways families may celebrate Chinese New Year and taking part in art experiences, Chinese mark making, dragon dancing and tasting Chinese food to name a few opportunities on offer.

The Human Body

The children in the Orchard room have been learning about the human body. The children had been talking about their bodies and taking turns to share their knowledge on the different parts of their bodies. We began by getting one of our peers to lie down on paper so we could draw around them. This would be the shape for our body. We then took turns to say what we had on our faces and draw it into our paper body.



“ Ears.”

“ We wear clothes on our bodies.”

From this activity we moved on to have a look at what was inside our bodies. We used a doll to explore this area.

“We have a heart.”

“What helps us to think?”

“Our brain.”

The children decided they would like to build a skeleton using our body jigsaw puzzle.

“We need a head.”


“The body is next.”

“ The hips go onto the body.”

We can’t wait to expand on this topic and do more activities about our body.


Recently, the children had the opportunity to learn about and celebrate Diwali. The children were able to choose from different experiences throughout the nursery. 

The children in the Orchard room got to create their own fireworks in the shaving foam and there was lots of discussion . 

“Oh look red, that is my favourite colour.”

“ I like how the colour is splashed all over.”

  “I love fireworks.”

In the Orchard room the children also go to try and make Chapatis. The children did very well following the recipe and listening to what we needed to do. The children were very patient in waiting for their turn.

“We need to pour until it says 100.”

“ I love baking.”

“These taste good ….. I love them.”

The children in the Willow room, participated in a variety of Diwali experiences as they learned about The Festival Of  Light. They listened to the story of Rama and Sita with great interest. The children were keen to ask and answer questions about the story. We discussed ways that we can be kind to each other and how our behaviour can affect others. The children were given time to discuss and share their own experiences.

“I can be kind by helping to tidy the playroom.”

“I can share with my friends.”

Some of the children designed Divas made from clay. The children demonstrated good concentration and followed the instructions well. 

They also had the opportunity to design Rangoli Patterns. 

“Wow look what I made!”

“ Can I take this home to show my mummy.”

Introducing lunches

As of Wednesday 11th August, Glenwood began providing a lunchtime meal to ALL children regardless of their provision.

This means children attending in the mornings will have a lunch before the end of their session, children attending in the afternoon will have a lunch when they arrive in the afternoon and children attending full days will be provided with a lunch instead of bringing a their own packed lunch.

We will continue to provide a small snack mid morning and mid afternoon in addition to this. All meals and snacks are developed in line with guidance to ensure they are well balanced and nutritious and the menus are available in advance. Note: After any holiday the 1st day back will always be the Monday menu and then the normal days will follow.


Our experience of providing snacks for children shows that children will often be encouraged by the social aspect of our meal/ snack times to try new foods in nursery which they may be reluctant to try at home so we hope the introduction of a lunch will be similarly successful.

For pupils wishing to access our vegetarian menu the lifestyles form must be completed.

If your child has food allergies/ intolerances, a medically prescribed meal request form must be completed.

Please contact the nursery for further advice regarding the required forms if you are unsure about anything.

If you do choose to provide a packed lunch for your child this should be a healthy lunch with an ice pack to keep the food cool. Sugary and salty snacks are not permitted.

Please note- we are a nut free zone so NO NUTS. We also have a person with significant allergies and so kiwi, grapefruit, pineapple and avocado are not permitted. (Please check the content of drinks etc for hidden ingredients)


Terrific Triangles

Working with Starcatchers, we developed a creative project on triangles. Children and parents brought lots of lovely triangles from home (thank you). 

Child: “The triangles are all different sizes.  Oh, Look at them, they are all my favourite. I made some at home, here they are.”

Then  …….

…we made more at Glenwood using lots of different materials to decorate.


…we cut slots into our triangles. We tried scissors and then saws.

…we found we could make 3D shapes by connecting them together and we could make lots of different shapes. 


…we took some outside and made a traffic jam with lots of cars.

…we were thinking about our community and neighbours and being ‘intergenerational’. So we made some into bunting and delivered it to our friends with a card. We wrote:

“We are thinking of you and hope our triangles make you happy”.

Parent: “I really liked the idea of the triangles and having something to work with my child at home and bring in. It made me feel more connected to the nursery at this time when we can’t come in”.