The Stars Class created colourful rockets at art then used a balloon to make a rocket which shot across the classroom. It moved really fast and was very noisy.
The Stars Class created colourful rockets at art then used a balloon to make a rocket which shot across the classroom. It moved really fast and was very noisy.
We have been enjoying the sunshine both in the playground and on our social outings. We have been looking at our shadows making them look different by moving our bodies.
The Stars Class have enjoyed a fantastic week where we saw not only Harris McCoo but Singing Hands too. What a treat! We’ve worked hard too and made an Autumn sensory bottle, added to our Nanny McPhee wall display and made yucky ‘worm’ sandwiches at HE which actually were very tasty!
This week we carried out a few different experiments. Float or Sink was one of the questions? We were very confident in most of out predictions!! And then we made telephones out string and plastic cups -no big phone bills for us!!!
On Monday the Pine class looked at hot versus cold and we made some ice cream – yummy!!!