
FAOL – ECO – Reducing Inequalities – Celebrating Differences

The Stars Class have been looking at what makes us different. We compared hair colour, interests, favourite foods, pets and eye colour. We made a pictogram to show our eye colour differences.



Trophy Winner!

A massive congratulations to Patrick who has been selected as one of the two Scottish Engineering Leaders Award Secondary 3 winners for his age group. Patrick will receive a trophy recognising that fact at an Award Ceremony at the University of Strathclyde. Patrick was a Responsible Citizen, designing a revolving garden which allowed wheelchair users to access flowervegetable beds. We are all so proud of Patrick – well done!



Spring Clean

The Transition boys were put to good use on Friday afternoon. The boys have been so busy with their SQA classes that they haven’t completed classroom chores for a while. The boys were Responsible Citizens and took the opportunity to give the room a good spring clean!


Planting in the Garden

The Stars class were busy this week planting potatoes and onions. We must keep them well watered to grow. This week’s outing group visited Pets at Home where we saw clown fish just like those that live on the Great Barrier Reef.



Earth Day

The Stars class recycled batteries at Tesco’s and were ‘energy detectives’ where we checked that empty classes had remembered to turn off their lights, taps and computers. We built a dark den and read a book by torchlight. Snack time was held in the dark too. This showed us the importance of conserving energy and how difficult it would be without electricity.



Community Travel

The Transition boys were Responsible Citizens on their community travel trip into town. They teamed up with their friends from the Oak class to choose their own snack at the shops.


Looking after our Earth

As part of Earth day we have taken part in activities all week that have been linked to looking after our Earth.

We used no electricity when taking part in our cooking lesson, we walked into town rather than using transport and we tidied up our garden patch.

We all were effective contributors when making our no bake truffles, we all had an important role to play in the process.

We worked hard on learning how to tell the time working on our ILP targets.

We walked into town with the Transition class, we went to the shops to buy colourful items for our garden patch to help brighten it up.  We are yet to be successful in growing any plants, so we are brighten up it up in other ways.



Bushcraft in the Sun

On Thursday afternoon the Transition boys took part in outdoor learning and had a short session on bushcraft. They all had a turn at lighting fires with a flint and steel with their own tinder. They helped erect a hammock and took turns in using it. The boys were all Responsible Citizens when we lit the main fire. We even managed to cook popcorn over the fire!


Spring has Sprung, The Grass is ris

The Transition class were fortunate to get a visit from some Spring Lambs this week. The boys were all Responsible Citizens. They were calm around the lambs and took care not to frighten them.  I think the boys would have gladly kept one as a class pet!


Sensory Time!

The Transition boys engaged in sensory time this week. They helped set up the room and showed respect for each other which allowed everyone to take part in an activity of their choice with space and calmness. The boys were all Responsible Citizens.

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