
FAOL – whole school

The Sunflower class have settled well into p1. We all  attend assembly weekly.We can sit and listen to classes share information and news during their class assembly. Some of us have already received the star of the week certificate and were able to  stand up and be sung to receiving their star of the week award. They were even able to help stick their certificate on the wall for everyone to see.

We were all able to sit at the front of the assembly and be confident individuals during our class assembly. We were able to hold up the SHANARRI indicators at the correct time and share out learning with the primary classes.


FAOL – Outdoor Education – Parakite Exploration

The Sungazers Class have had great fun exploring the class parakite over the last couple of weeks.  Everyone has enjoyed taking a turn to get it to fly with some adult support.  We have talked about how we need a windy day to get it to fly more effectively and when there is no wind, we need to run fast with it in order for it to fly!  After the holiday we will be making and decorating our own kites to fly!

*confident individuals*  *successful learners* *effective contributors*



FAOL Science

The Sungazers Class have been growing cress over the last few weeks.  We have decorated our pots by using different designs.  In our first pot we used cotton wool to put our seeds on and in the second we used kitchen roll.  Everyday we checked our seeds to see how they were growing.  The cotton wool pots grew best.  We have loved watering our seeds and watching them grow over the last few weeks!


Focused Area of Learning – Outdoor Learning – Autumn Leaf Hunt


The Bluebells class loved going on an autumn leaf hunt in the Dean Park. They had to search for autumn coloured leaves. We were lucky enough to see some falling from the trees as it was quite a windy day. We gathered lots of coloured leaves and have brought them back to class to make an autumn art collage.


Focused Area of Learning – Enterprise – Macmillan Activities


The Bluebells class enjoyed decorating some green themed cupcakes ahead of Macmillan on Friday. We used green icing which we had to roll and cut into circles. We also got to be creative using the gel pens and used sprinkles and green smarties.


FAOL – Enterprise French Food Trolley

This term our theme was France. During our cookery sessions we made a variety of different French foods. The boys then chose what they wanted to make and a class to invite to our French morning. We made croissants, pain au chocolat and French toast. We even used our building skills to construct our very own Eiffel Tower from biscuits. It was very delicate work. The boys chose the Daisies to come and we opened the door connecting our classes and presented it was the Euro Tunnel. All pupils helped to make a poster. Some pupils took orders from our friends and gave them what they asked for.




Rebound with the Daisy’s and swimming FAOL

Can I just apologise for not having the camera handy when we were needing to set up in the Atrium quickly as the Friend of Willowbank had there very successful and love thank you event set up in the PE-hall.

I was too busy organising myself but………….Amazing !  How confident the Daisy’s performed with the interruptions from adults and pupils coming through still concentrating on the task at hand. Those who were lucky enough to see us, all got a boost from our performances and left with a smile on their faces.

In Swimming the Daisy’s all come with positive anticipation. Helping with the changing and drying and getting dressed afterwards where they can. We worked on our front and back and under water for some. We tried woggles, floats and balls. We swam for objects like small balls and ducks. When feeling confident we have one boys Hayden who can swim for a while without armbands, and a girl Chloe who can very shortly float on her back without armbands. All pupils still stay under close supervision at all times when we do these challenges though. Again thank you staff and pupils to make it such a successful year and pleasure to work with you.




Rebound and PE with the Snow drops and Swimming/Hydro

Can I just say what a super year it has been working with the pupils and the staff. The progress is subtle but so profound and important. Strength in body’s but also development in communication eye contact and facial expression, simple hand gestures, Makaton signs, voice use. It all happens when we feel good. What a confidence boost !

In Rebound we have worked on flexibility for some, balance in sit, hands and knees, high kneeling and standing.

In PE we have worked on relays as seen at Sports Day. Sitting and standing walking on and over obstacles,  rolling; crawling through the tunnel, working with hoops and hoola as long as we can; using trampette; cylinders and the big ball.

In Swimming and Hydro again we have worked hard and had lots of fun and challenges with great results. All pupils looking forward to come to the Willowbank Pool and having big smiles and motivation to get in has been great to see. Again with the superb staff support it makes for a fantastic learning and working enviroment.



The Stars at Rebound , PE and Hydro FAOL

The girls at the Stars have all been learning to keep balance in sitting, hands and knees position, high kneeling and standing. When they show strength in the day to cope with a walking challenge on the trampoline we have done so too. gradually understanding of the different positions has become clearer and thy are concentrating to keep the position for longer with support. Well done girls.

In PE we have been preparing for Sports day as well as training on our general stamina with movements on the mat, walking around and over obstacles. Standing in lift pants. working our core. sitting down and standing up; skills and strength exercises to make it easier to get about in our day. I’m very proud of pupils and staff that work so well together making it hard work and fun at the same time. Well done everyone.

In hydro and swim we have seen hard work from pupils and staff alike. Smiley faces while performing our weekly workouts made fun with music, lights  and challenges. Well done by all.


FAOL- Outdoor Learning, Colour Sorting

The daisies have been exploring colour and collected lots of different coloured objects and materials when exploring the playground and classroom.

We were successful learners and sortied the objects we had found into groups by colour.


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