

This week has been filled with lots of Halloween fun. On Monday we did lots of fun Halloween dances. On Tuesday we did Halloween Science activities. We placed orange and green sweets around the edges of a plate and used a water dropper to fill the middle with water. Some pupils were able to use the water dropper and then watch and the colour moved to the inside of the plate creating a pumpkin. All pupils enjoys watching the colour move. We also make pumpkin fizzers again some pupils were able to use the droppers and add vinegar to the experiment with gestural support.

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On Wednesday we made mummies. All pupils were able to hold the string and be supported physically by staff to wrap the wool around the person shape to make the mummy.  Some pupils were able to participate actively wrapping their wool independently with only spoken support.

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On Thursday we went on a wet ghost hunt in the garden. We all collected our jackets with little support and then walked to the garden. We then all looked for little ghosts that were hiding in the garden. Everyone was able to find one and bring them back to class.


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Today we dressed up and had a Halloween parade and showed the other infant classes our costumes.

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As part of our topic “A Bug’s Life” we have been out in the sensory garden exploring and looking for different bugs. But once we return to the classroom we are all confident individuals and are able to stand and wash our hands. Washing hands is very important at the moment – but even more important if you have been exploring the ground outside. All children are supported to wash their hands with soap and water. Some are able to push the dispenser and get their own soap, and some are supported with this. They are then encouraged to sing the handwashing song to ensure all germs are washed away.

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IDL – Numeracy

During numeracy this week we have lots of fun exploring little jumping frogs. We had to focus and develop fine motor skills to push down using our finger to make the frog jump forward. We then used bricks to measure how many bricks the frog could jump over. There were lots of smiles at the frog jumper across the table. All pupils were supported to push down on the frog to make it jump. Some were able to do this independently. Some pupils were able to count the bricks that the frog hand jumped over. We were all successful learners joining in and taking turns.

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IDL – Literacy

This week we used natural materials to create letters of our name and also letters we have been learning about in literacy sessions.  We collected natural materials from the sensory garden and then were able to fill the outlines of each letter with these materials ripping them into smaller parts.

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Some pupils were able to say what each of the letters were and give the action we have been learning.



This week we have been focusing on the letter “n”, doing lots of “n” activities. We had sensory fun with noodles on Wednesday afternoon feeling them in our hands and making lots of mess.

We also used our water tray outside filled it with warm water and used nets to catch the different coloured fish. We had lots of fun finding the colours asked.


Maths Week

The boys in the Bluebells were successful learners for “Maths Week” this week.  On Monday we had a shape hunt indoors, we were all confident individuals finding the different coloured shapes around the room. We then matched lots of shapes on our shape sheet.

On Friday we did lots of number activities including a lovely number tuff tray in our outdoor area. We had different numbers in bowls and had to use the tweezers to put the correct number of pom poms into the bowl. The boys were successful learners all trying to use the tweezers independently and with a little support from the staff.



On Thursday we added ingredients to a bag and placed inside another bag to make our own ice cream. The cold ice and salt when we shook the bag and it froze the ingredients to make the ice cream. We were all confident individuals shaking the bag to create the ice cream.  We even had a little try of the ice cream with our own spoons.




Macmillan – effective contributors

Today was our whole school Macmillan day. We decorated bunting to put up in the classroom and we also made a face for our gingerbread man.  All the children were confident in placing their eyes, nose and mouth on the biscuits. We also all helped to chose the sweeties to decorate our giant caterpillar.


Successful learners during literacy

The Bluebells have been very busy this week and last. Last we we recapped the sounds “s”, “a” and “t”. We made lovely starfish with bubble wrap that we painted and then dabbed on the paper to create the circle effect like the a starfish.

We made lovely turtles using lots of different shades and textures of green. We stuck the squares to a paper plate and added a head, legs and a little tail. The children were all very proud of the finished results which we will display in class.


Our first weeks in the Bluebells

Confident individuals / Successful learners

Its been a busy few weeks in the Bluebells, we have all settled in well and have enjoyed getting to know our new friends. We have been learning lots of songs during morning group and trying hard to learn some of the signs for them.

Our main focus has been on the first three letters of the Jolly Phonics Scheme, these are S A and T. We have enjoyed lots of fun activities relating to these. We really enjoyed making Tigers and playing in a Tent this week.

Here are some photographs of what we have been been making….


Look out for more of our hard work in the coming weeks as we like to keep busy in the Bluebells.



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