Today is Purple Friday. We are having whole school activities. This morning all the primary classes came together in the hall to share their learning and activities completed about their LGBT book. All classes also shared their song/jingle about family. Some classes shared a video and some classes performed it live. The Sunflowers had made rainbow pizzas and shared this. The Daisies shared similarities and differences from their book Giraffe’s Can’t Dance. The Snowdrops performed their family jingle live with makaton signing. The Bluebells performed their song live. The Sungazers class has symbols to show the audience so we could participate too. The Stars showed a video of their song as some of their friends were on their outing. The Moonbeams had a board to share their learning and have used technology to complete their rainbow flag.
The secondary this morning completed the purple activities in the atrium. Some of the activities included sensory colour find with water beads and purple rice. This was a favourite. The Oak and Transition prepared a purple string art activity which looked amazing. The Sunflowers and Daisies made some purple lacing picture for their friends to enjoy.