Thursday 1st April
Good morning everyone,
Last day of home learning before the Easter holiday. We hope you can join us for our Vscene call at 1:30 for a little party for Miss McCann’s last day with us. You can wear party clothes or something silly! The details to join the call are on the school app.
Today’s tasks include: reading, fractions and science.
Reading: Reading Video Lesson
Reading Activities
Beginning, Middle, End
Fractions: Fractions Video Lesson
Fractions Green Challenge
Fractions Amber Challenge
Fractions Red Challenge
Science: Science Video Lesson
Click on the link and complete the quiz.
If the link doesn’t work, all the questions are on this powerpoint: The Human Body Quiz
Well done for all your hard work over the last few days Primary 2. I can’t wait to see you all after the Easter holiday, back in school. Have a lovely holiday and stay safe!
Miss Connelly.
Wednesday 31st March
Good morning primary 2,
Halfway through the week already. It’s been great to see some of your work from the last few days. Please keep sending this to me. I have included today’s lessons and tasks below. I have also included the template for the Easter egg competition. If you want to enter the competition please send these to me by tonight so I can send them to P6/7 for them to choose our class winners. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Literacy- Spelling
Stage 2 Spelling Lesson
Stage 3 Spelling Lesson
Maths and Numeracy: Fractions
Fractions Lesson
Fractions Green Challenge
Fractions Amber Challenge
Fractions Red Challenge
Health and Wellbeing: I am unique.
Self Portrait Lesson
Skills Progression: Construction and Woodwork.
Design your own Easter egg competition.
Tuesday 30th March
Good morning primary 2,
I hope your first day of home learning went well. Today you have lots of learning with Miss McCann. Below are your video lessons which explain your learning then the tasks to complete afterwards. We would love to see some of the things you are doing at home. Please send these to
Literacy – Writing.
Acrostic Poem Lesson
Maths and Numeracy- Fractions.
Equivalent Fractions Lesson
Equivalence Task
French Lesson
Animal Topic
News Report Lesson
News Report (Example) News Report (Green Challenge) News Report (Red Challenge)
Miss Connelly.
Monday 29th March
Good morning primary 2 parents and pupils,
I hope everyone is safe and well. A short week of online learning before the Easter holidays! Each day we will upload video lessons and follow up activities for the children to complete. On Thursday we have scheduled a Vscene call – it would be great to see you all!
Today’s lessons and activities
Stage 2 Phonics Lesson
Stage 3 Phonics Lesson
Numeracy: Time tables practise
P2 Times Table Lesson
P3 Times Tables Lesson
Two times table activities
Multiplication Wheels
IDL: Animals: Animals Lesson
Easter Activities:
Below is a suggested timetable for the week.
Home Learning 29th March
As always do what you can, when you can. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch:
Thanks everyone!
Thursday 18th February
Join us on tomorrow morning for our last video call. Let’s celebrate with a Back to School party 🥳 Details for Vscene to follow. Wear your party clothes if you want to!
Good Morning Primary 2 pupils and parents. I hope you have had a lovely long weekend. I have uploaded an overview grid with some revision activities for the next 2 days. Enjoy your last few days of online learning. We can’t wait to welcome you all back to school on Monday!
Overview 18th February
If the links don’t work on the PDF – I have uploaded them below:
Fact Families 1
Dice Game
Times Table Games
A HUGE thank you to everyone who completed the outdoor survey. Below is a word art image of your responses to “If you could choose one thing to add to the outdoor area, what would it be?”
The outdoor garden, den and seating area were the most popular ideas along with scooters.
Friday 12th February
Good Morning Everyone! This morning we have Feedback Friday on Vscene. I hope to see you all there to celebrate this week’s successful learning. I hope you enjoyed Wild Wednesday this week!
Today’s lessons and activities can be found on our virtual classroom. Please continue to send me your fantastic work. If anybody has any photos, art work or messages to send the NHS to say thank you, please send these over today.
Today is Chinese New Year. I thought you would enjoy taking part in this Chinese Dance Tutorial. You will need to make your own Chinese hat for your prop. Click on the link’s below to access the tutorial.
Part 1 Tutorial
Part 2 Tutorial
Part 3 Tutorial
Full Dance
Thank you everyone for all your amazing work this week. I have loved seeing all the photos of what you have been doing at home. A huge thank you to parents and carers for your continued support- we couldn’t do it without you! I hope you all have a lovely, well deserved, long weekend. I will speak to you all again on Thursday.
Miss Connelly
Thursday 11th February
Good Morning Everyone! I hope you all enjoyed Wild Wednesday yesterday. It was amazing to see so many of you on the video call taking part in the workout.
Please continue to use the virtual classroom for this week’s tasks and keep sending me your super work! I hope I can add some of this work to our WOW work wall on the virtual classroom.
We have been super lucky to receive a video from the NHS and Jason Leitch especially for p1,2, & 3 at Patna. You can watch these in the science room of the virtual classroom. We would love if we could send a little thank you back for doing this for us. This could be a letter, piece of art work, poster, photo, poem, video or anything else you can think of. This will also be shared with the local GP nurses and doctors who are working so hard giving out the vaccine.
Patna Community Trail
We have created a community trail around Patna and it would be great to see you all take part!
The trail has lots of fun activities to try as well as seeing what all the children at Patna have been doing for Children’s Mental Health Week.
All you need is a smart phone/tablet which connects to the internet (your school iPad won’t work as it doesn’t have internet outside.)
If you take part, try and take some photos and share them with us!
Have fun!
Tuesday 9th February
Good Morning Everyone!
Today is Internet Safety Day– Why don’t you check out the ICT suite in the virtual classroom and find out more about how to stay safe online?

Think about the features of a poster. Does it have a catchy slogan? Is the text eye catching? Have you used a mix of text and pictures? Please post these in this channel. We can’t wait to see them!
Just a reminder that all of today’s lessons are on our virtual classroom as well as other activities. There is a link below with a video explaining where to find the lessons. All maths tasks have been uploaded on yesterday’s post.
Virtual Classroom Guide
Please continue to send me your fantastic work and don’t hesitate to contact with any questions.
Infant Outdoor Area
As you will remember Primary 2, on Friday we asked you for some ideas for our outdoor area. You had some super ideas on the Vscene call and I can’t wait to read your letters today! Can you complete this short survey, rating these ideas out of 5 please? Think really carefully about your answers.
Thank you!
Monday 8th February 2021
Good morning primary 2 pupils and parents. This week we are going to be using our virtual classroom for literacy and numeracy as well as the other areas of the school. On this link, you will be able to access all of this week’s learning. Below is a literacy and numeracy grid which suggests ways in which you can spread these activities out throughout the week. I have also attached a little guide to show you how to navigate your way around the virtual classroom. I hope this will be helpful for parents and engaging for our learners. I would appreciate any feedback on this method of online learning this week as I am eager to make this process as smooth as possible for our families. I have also attached this week’s activities for numeracy below.
On the overview grid, are suggested activities for each day. However there are addition activities and ideas on the virtual classroom which you can complete if you would like to.
Overview Grid 8th Feb
Maths and Numeracy Activities
Task 1 Task 2 Task 3
Task 1
Task 1 Task 2 Task 3
Task 1 Task 2 Task 3
Task 1 Task 2 Task 3
Please click on the Virtual Classroom Guide:
Virtual Classroom Guide
Hello Everyone!
I know some people have been struggling to access today’s numeracy task. Hopefully this link will work.
P23 lunch options data handling
Friday 5th February!
Hello Everyone. The end of another fantastic week! Well done for all of your super work. I have loved seeing all of your photos and videos this week and glad you have enjoyed having less screen time.
Today’s Health and Wellbeing Task: Listen/Read Worrysaurus and choose some activities from the grid to complete. We always share our worries in class as it helps to make them go away just like in our book in class ‘The Huge Bag of Worries.’
I hope to see you all at 10am this morning for Feedback Friday. Come along and find out who our star learners are, have a sneak peak at next week’s virtual classroom and share your news. We can’t wait to see you! I have attached a photo from our Wild Wednesday video call. It was so much fun!
Keep sending me your super work Primary 2. Don’t forget to share what you have been doing for our Headteacher’s Challenge- reducing our screen time.
Thursday 4th February
Good Morning Everyone!
Thank you for continuing to work so hard from home. I have loved seeing photos and videos of all of your super work- keep them coming! Please check this week’s literacy and numeracy grids for today’s activities. You could also complete an outdoor activity or an activity from our virtual classroom. Again, this week we are trying to reduce screen time so please send in any photos/videos sharing the different ways you are doing this.
Since the weather isn’t great for many outdoor activities you might want to listen to the story below and complete some of the activities in the grid!
Have a great day everyone!
A lovely message for you all from Mrs Yorston!
Wednesday 3rd February
I can’t wait to see everyone this morning for our ‘Wild Wednesday’ video call. I am looking forward to our scavenger hunt! For today’s literacy task I have added stage 2 and stage 3 spelling words below. Please choose a few of these that you would like to practice!
Keep up the fantastic work. Remember we are trying to reduce our screen time this week. Keep sending me your photos/videos of the activities you have been doing.
Stage 2 Spelling Words Stage 3 Spelling Words
Tuesday 2nd February
Good Morning Primary 2
Joined Phonemes
Please choose which challenge you are going to do for your phonics pong today. Remember to write as many words as possible. You could even write some super sentences at the end!
sh, ch, th, ng, wh, ph, ee, oo, ck, ai, oy
ay, ea (leaf), ow (snow), ue, aw, oi, au, ew, ow (ow), ou, ie, y
i-e, a-e, o-e, u-e, e-e, ss, ll, ff, kn, mb
tch, wr, ea(bread), wa, th (then), ie, ve, g, ch (chorus), se (cheese), c (city), ea (break), ou (would).
We are looking forward to seeing you all on Vscene at 10am tomorrow for Wild Wednesday! Remember you can dress up if you would like to!
Monday 1st February
Good Morning everyone, a start to a new week of learning. I’d like to thank all of you for your hard work and parents for your continued support – we couldn’t do it without you! This week is Children’s Mental Health Week. Mrs McPhail’s challenge is to reduce screen time. In the grid’s below there are a variety of activities which can be completed through outdoor learning and games. We are looking forward to seeing you all in our live Vscene video calls on Wednesday and Friday. Please continue to send me your fantastic work and don’t hesitate to contact me through email:
Thanks everyone!
Link: Outdoor Learning Ideas
Here is our weekly overview grid for literacy and numeracy. This week to promote Children’s Mental Health week we are encouraging our pupils to reduce screen time. Many of these activities include active learning and outdoor learning instead of iPad activities and worksheets.
Link: Overview Learning Grid Week 4
Topic: Continue to explore our virtual classroom this week and complete the Mythological Creatures activities. We will give you a sneak peak of our new virtual classroom during our ‘Feedback Friday’ video call.
Friday 29th January
Good Morning everyone and happy Friday! 🥳 Please complete literacy and numeracy tasks from the overview grid. You can also explore our virtual classroom and complete some of the activities. Keep sending me emails with your fantastic work! 🤩
I have left some spelling word packs and numeracy activity booklets at the school. Feel free to pick these up on your daily walk today!
I can’t wait to see you all on Vscene at 10am. The details for this week are on the app and I have emailed them to parents/carers.
Try to finish a little early today and have some free choice time just like we do on a Friday in school. Have a great day everyone! 🤩
Thursday 28th January
Numeracy– We are learning to divide by 5.
Lesson: Dividing by 5
Suggested Activities:
BBC Bitesize: Subtraction for Division
Practical Activity Division Worksheets Challenge Cards
Head to our virtual classroom to learn about mythological creatures! Well done to everyone who joined us on Vscene yesterday- you were fantastic at playing the game and answering our clues. Remember… click the big red button in the classroom if you dare. If you feel like some outdoor learning head outside to the outdoor area. See you in the classroom!
Wednesday 27th January
Follow the link on the School App to join in with today’s live session. We will be playing some games and revealing our new topic. Hope to see you all at 10am. Keep up the amazing work!
For our numeracy today we are learning to divide by 2.
Tuesday 26th January
Here is a little video with some of our Scottish activities from last week. Well done everyone for your super work!
In our literacy today we are learning about the split diagrpha o-e and joined phoneme ou.
Stage 2 Split Diagraph ‘o-e.’
Stage 3 Joined Phoneme ‘ou.’
Monday 25th January- Robert Burns Day
If anyone has any Scottish activities from last week please send me these today if possible.
Good Morning everyone! I hope you all have had a lovely weekend and are ready for more learning this week. I have uploaded this week’s overview learning grid below. I am looking forward to catching up with parent/carers during our ‘check in’ phone calls in the next few days! I have attached the week’s numeracy suggested activities below as well as other activities in the overview. Videos to follow! Please send over any work completed to I would love to see it! Have a great week and don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions/queries.
Miss Connelly
Click on the link to access this week’s learning grids.
Week 3 Overview Grid
Numeracy Suggested Activities for the wk beginning 25.01.21
Monday 25th Suggested Activities
Practical Activity Sharing Worksheets Sharing Challenge Cards- Sharing
Tuesday 26th Suggested Activities
Practical Activity Grouping Worksheets Grouping Challenge Cards Grouping
Wednesday 27th Suggested Activities
Space Race divide by 2 Space Race Divide by 4 Space Race Divide by 6
Thursday 28th Suggested Activities topics/znj7hyc/articles/zv86382
Friday 22nd January
Numeracy- Today we are learning to use and recall the facts of the 10 times table.
Suggested Activities: 10x Table Activity 10 times table worksheets 10 times table challenge cards 8x Table Activity
Literacy: We are learning to recognise and use verbs.
Suggested Activity: Verbs Sorting
Scottish Activities: Please send any photos or videos of the Scottish activities you complete. We are looking for little videos of you singing the song or even just jumping in the puddles in your wellies!
I hope to see you all on Vscene at 10am. Fingers crossed everything goes well this time! Miss McGhee, Miss Richmond and I can’t wait to see you!
Happy Friday everyone!!!
Miss Connelly
Thursday 21st January
Numeracy- Today we are learning to recall the five times table.
Suggested Activities: 4 Times Table Activity5x Table Activity6 times table activity
Literacy: Today we are learning to identify the features of a text.
Suggested Activities: Text Features Scavanger Hunt Non-Fiction or Fiction
Scottish Activities:
Please use our virtual classroom to access some of our Scottish activities. Our Scottish song we would like you to learn is at the water tray. Please send us any photos/videos of the tasks you complete. We would love some videos of you singing the song at home or even jumping in some puddles in your wellies!
** I’m so sorry Primary 2 pupils and parents that we had technical issues with Vscene this morning. I cannot apologise enough to everyone who tried to join in this morning- it’s disappointing for pupils, parents and teachers! We are going to try our best to set up a new link for Friday- I thank you for your patience and perseverance and hope you can try to join us again on Friday at 10am. More info to follow on school app as we try our best to resolve this!**
Wednesday 20th January
In numeracy today we are looking at the 2 times table. Our practice of doubles today will help us with this!
Suggested Activities: 2x Table Activity2x Table Worksheets3x Table Activity
Tuesday 19th January
For our numeracy today we are focussing on doubles. This will help us with our 2, 4 and 8 times tables.
Suggested Tasks: Dice Doubles Game Make doubles practical activity
Literacy- Phonics
Stage 2- y phoneme lesson
Magnetic Board Video
Stage 3- ea phoneme lesson
Magnetic Board Video
18.01.21 Literacy- Writing a Letter
Here is an example of a letter for our literacy task today.
Miss Connelly’s letter
Please watch this video which explains today’s numeracy task. I have uploaded the suggested activities below.
Suggested Activities:
Array WorksheetsArray RepresentationsArray Jigsaw
Please email any completed work to – I can’t wait to see all of the fantastic things you do!
Monday 18th January 2021
Good Morning everyone! I hope you have had a lovely weekend. I am looking forward to catching up with parents and carers during ‘check in’ phone calls today. Below I have attached this week’s learning grids for literacy and numeracy. I have also attached some of the links to the suggested activities. For our numeracy activities the level of difficulty depends on the number of stars at the top of the task- just the same as in class. This week we are introducing new learning. Video lessons will be uploaded daily and we will have our first live session on Vscene this week!
Miss Connelly
Overview Learning Grid 18.01.21
15.01.21 Revision of Nouns
Happy Friday everyone! You have all worked so hard this week, I am so impressed. Today I would like you to go on a noun hunt! Here is a little video to remind you of what a noun is.
Have a great weekend!
Miss Connelly.
14.01.21 Multiplication and Division
Hello everyone! I have uploaded a small video to explain some of the ways we do multiplication in class for you to use today and tomorrow!
Miss Connelly
Resource Packs
Hello everyone 👋
I have made some resource packs which can be collected on Thursday and Friday 9-3pm. Please help yourself 🌟
Miss Connelly😊
Online Learning Grids.
Week 1: 11.01.21
Click here to access this week’s learning grids.
Overview Learning Grid 11.01.21
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me via email ( or use the contact form box below. We would love to hear from you!