Morning everyone
well done to all of those who tried out yesterdays pose, loved seeing all the photos of you! Todays pose is:
‘Triangle Pose’.
Maybe you could give this pose a name of your own, what could it be called?
Morning everyone
well done to all of those who tried out yesterdays pose, loved seeing all the photos of you! Todays pose is:
Maybe you could give this pose a name of your own, what could it be called?
Hey everyone, missing my yoga sessions with the ECC kids! I thought we could share doing a pose of the day for you and your families to do at home (this includes Primary children and staff too) I’m going to post a yoga pose of the day every day for you to try at home, get everyone involved!
Would be fab to see photos of your pose on your individual blogs or your team pages. Todays pose is:
World Book Day will take place on Thursday 5th March.
We will be celebrating this in the ECC by having a pyjama day.
Children are invited to come in on this day wearing their pyjamas, slippers or dressing gown.
Children are also encouraged to bring in their favourite bedtime story from home with them on this day.
Please ensure books from home are clearly labelled with child’s name.
World book day will take place on Thursday 5th March. We will be celebrating this in the ECC by having a pyjama day. Children are invited to come in on this day wearing their pyjamas, slippers or dressing gown. Children are also encouraged to bring in their favourite bedtime story from home with them on this day. Please ensure stories from home are clearly labelled with child’s name.
The ECC will be continuing with our Intergenerational project this term with Springhill care home and Howard House care home. The rota is as follows:
AM Red Tuesday 14th January PM Yellow
AM Orange Tuesday 21st January PM Purple
AM Green Tuesday 28th January PM Blue
AM Yellow Tuesday 4th February PM Red
Inservice day on Tuesday 11th February
AM Purple Tuesday 18th February PM Orange
AM Blue Tuesday 25th February PM Green
AM Red Tuesday 3rd March PM Yellow
AM Orange Tuesday 10th March PM Purple
AM Green Tuesday 17th March PM Blue
AM Yellow Tuesday 24th March PM Red
AM Purple Tuesday 31st March PM Orange
Holiday Tuesday 7th April
Holiday Tuesday 14th April
All new start children will be involved in this project once children’s individual key workers feel they are ready for this. Please speak to your child’s keyworker or Mrs Hendrie if you have any concerns regarding this project.
Thanks to all who attended last weeks Make & Taste Session. Hope you all enjoyed making salad tortilla wraps!
This week we are having a Christmas special session as our last one – we will be making some Christmas themed snacks!
If you can come along this Thursday, pop your name on the list in the cloakroom (first come first served basis).
Thanks to all who came along to todays Make & Taste sessions. I hope you all enjoyed making Fruity Crumble Tumblers!
The sheet will be in the cloakroom tomorrow for next weeks Salad tortilla wraps (first come first served basis).
If you attended today, please bring along your booklet next week!
Thanks to all who attended our Make & Taste Sessions today. I hope you all enjoyed making our fruity pancakes!
Sheets will be up in cloakroom tomorrow for next weeks fruity crumble tumblers (First come first served basis).
If you attended today, please bring along your booklet next week!
We will be running Make & Taste Sessions starting Thursday the 7th of November for 4 weeks. In these sessions we encourage parents to come along with their child and have some fun making some healthy snacks together.
If you would like to come along, please add your name to the list in the cloakroom. This will be on a first come first served basis as numbers are limited to 10 spaces per session.
AM session: 9am-9.30am PM session: 1pm-1.30pm