All posts by Miss Bechelli

Yoga pose of the Day

Good morning everyone!

How crazy was the weather yesterday!? todays pose is a fitting one after the thunder yesterday:

‘Reclined Thunderbolt Pose’.

Sit on your knees then spread your knees apart and slowly lean backwards and rest your head on the floor and make sure your back is lifted. Have a great day everyone!

Yoga Pose of the Day

Good morning everyone! Half way through the week already 😀 Todays pose is:

‘Mountain Pose’

Stand with feet together and reach as tall as you can 🙂 easy one for today! Have a great day guys 😀

Yoga Pose of the Day

Good morning guys! Hope you’re all having a good week so far.

Todays pose is:

‘Big Toe Pose’.

Stand up nice and tall the bend over to touch your toes, keeping your legs as straight as you can! I could really feel the stretch in the thighs this morning!!

Yoga pose of the day

Good morning guys! hope you all had a good weekend 😀

As you know, it’s soon to be the summer break so this will be the last week of yoga poses before your wind down week next week. You’ve all done amazing with the poses so far! 😀 Todays pose is:

‘Half Lord of the Fishes Pose’

Love a twist pose! Once you’ve mastered it one side, why not try the other? Have a great Monday 😀

Yoga Pose of the Day

Good morning everyone and happy Friday!!! Another week by in a flash! Last yoga pose of the week:

‘Standing Half Bound Lotus Pose’.

Love that so many of you are still enjoying the yoga poses! makes my week! Hope you all have a fab weekend  😀

Yoga Pose of the Day

Good morning everyone! Todays pose is a twisty one:

‘Cow Face Pose’.

I’ve took a picture from behind also so you can see the placement of the hands. Have a great day, almost the weekend! 😀

Yoga Pose of the Day

Good morning guys! Half way through the week already, it’s been a quick one! 😀 After you done so well yesterday with Frog pose I thought you could try this one:

‘Half Frog Pose’.

Try and bend your arm as you hold onto your foot, that’s the tricky part! Have a good day 😀

Yoga Pose of the Day

Good morning guys! I can’t believe I haven’t done this pose yet, it’s a great one I’m sure you’ll love! It’s called:

‘Frog Pose’.

A real good hip stretch! Look forward to seeing how you get on 🙂 Have a great day everyone and keep working hard!


ECC Sports Week

Yoga Pose of the Day

Good morning everyone 😀 hope you all had a good weekend. Loved the celebration poses you came up with on Friday! Todays pose is:

‘Legs up the wall pose’.

Have a great Monday guys!  😀