All posts by Miss Bechelli

ECC Graduation Video

Well it’s here, it’s Graduation Day!!! can’t believe how quick it’s came around. Well done boys and girls, you’ve worked so so hard and I hope you’re looking forward to moving onto your next chapter in Primary 1.

The last of the videos of the week (it’s an emotional one). Hope you all have a fab well earned summer break!


Green Group Graduation Rap

Sorry, wee mistake on the green group rap video yesterday, here is the new one! 😀

Yellow Group Graduation Rap

And last but by no means least, here is the yellow groups rap video. Well done Yellow group, hope you enjoy!

Red Group Graduation Rap

Here is the Red Group with their Graduation rap. Well done red group, hope you enjoy! 😀

Purple Group Graduation Rap

Here is the purple groups graduation rap video. Well done purple group, hope you enjoy!

Orange Group Graduation Rap

Here is the Orange group’s rap video – well done guys, hope you enjoy!

Green Group Graduation rap

Here is the Green group with their rap video. Well done Green group, hope you enjoy!

Blue group Graduation Rap

The ECC boys and girls learned a rap for Graduation. Here is the first of our Graduation Rap videos… more on the way! Well done Blue group – hope you enjoy!

ECC Graduation Week

Here is the second video of our ECC Graduation week with the children’s hand print signs they made. Enjoy and well done boys and girls 😀

Yoga Pose of the Day

Good morning guys! We’ve made it to Friday on the second last week, can’t believe how quick the weeks have gone in! Today’s is our final yoga pose:

‘Lion Pose’.

Sit with knees apart, tuck your chin in then slowly lift and give me your biggest roar!!! You’ve all been such strong lions during these past weeks of lockdown and it’s been amazing to see all of you trying out the daily yoga poses, some of you haven’t even missed one!

Look forward to doing our yoga sessions together again soon. Have a great weekend everyone!  🦁🌈❤️