All posts by Miss Gray


ECC Home Learning

You have all been doing lots of great work at home therefore we found it really hard to choose one star of the week therefore every Friday we will be sharing some great examples of home learning🌟

Have a lovely weekend😃

ECC Graduation Week

Here is the third video of the ECC Graduation Week, I hope you all enjoy😃🎓

ECC – Pre-school Graduation Week

This week would of been our pre schoolers last week at Gargieston ECC. Everyday this week we are going to post a different slideshow to celebrate the graduation of all of our wonderful boys and girls moving on from Gargieston ECC. Please have a look on the blog each day to join in the celebration with us.

Here is the first of our graduation videos.

ECC stars of the week

ECC stars of the week

ECC stars of the week

ECC Stars of the week

ECC Stars of the week

ECC Star of the week