All posts by Mrs Cotton

Play at home workshop

We are now offering play at home sessions to parents of ECC children. The first session is based on play dough, so if you would like to attend this workshop with your child, learn to make play dough and get some ideas of the benefits it has for your child please add your name to the list on the communication board in the cloak room.

The first session will be on Thursday 25th April at 9am and 1pm

Book Bug Session

Our next book bug sessions will be held on Tuesday 23rd April 2019, if you would like to attend this with your child  please add your name to the list on the communication board in the cloak room.

Communication Board Update

The updates for this months communication boards are:

Top Tip of the month for March – join your child in play.

Rhyme of the month – Incy wincy spider. Please practise this at home with your child and give the Makaton signs a try.



Communication board update

Please have at  the updates on the communication board

This months Top Tip is getting down to your child’s level this has many benefits including making your child feel valued, building positive relationship, allowing you both to make good eye contact with each other and role modelling appropriate behaviour as this is the best way to obtain desired behaviour from your child.

Please  also note that the SALT help line is now available on a Monday morning from 8.30am to 10.30am as well as the usual Thursday from 2pm-4pm if you would like some advice about your child’s speech or communication skills.

Bookbug Session

Thank you to everyone who attended our recent Bookbug session.

Our next session will take place on Thursday 21st February 2019, if you would like to attend please add your name to the list on the communication board.

Morning session will be 9am – 9.30am

Afternoon session will be 1pm-1.30pm

We will provide tea /coffee after the session for anyone who wishes to stay.


SLT Helpline

The SLT helpline will be available from Monday 4th February till Monday 25th march from 8.30am-10.10am, this is for a trial period only.

The help line is still available on a Thursday from 2pm-4-pm.

This helpline is for parents who may have concerns about  their child’s speech, language or communication skills and would like some advice.

Details are also available on the communication board in the ECC

Book Bug Sessions

A massive thank you to everyone who attended this weeks Book bug sessions.

The next sessions will take place on Tuesday 29th January

A.M. session 9 a.m. – 9.30 a.m.

P.M. session 1 p.m.- 1.30 p.m.

Please add your name to the list on the communication board if you would like to attend one of these sessions.

ECC – Communication Board

Our nursery rhyme of the month for January is Jack and Jill. Please take a little time to sing this with your child and practise the Makaton signs too.  The staff track and record the progress of the nursery rhyme so it is important to practise when you can.

Also included in this blog post are some useful information posters to help promote your child’s communication skills and the top tip for January from the SALT team. These are also displayed on the communication board in the cloakroom of the nursery.

Should you have any concerns regarding your child’s speech and language development please speak to their key worker, Mrs Cotton (the communication champion) or you can contact the SALT directly on the hot line. You will find their number on our communication board.

Book bug Session


Our next nursery book bug session will take place on Thursday 17th January 2019. If you would like to attend this session please add your name to the list on the communication board.

Tea and Coffee will be provided for adults after the session is finished.


getting wee people chatting

I would like to draw your attention to the speech and language facebook page (gettingweepeoplechatting) who are running a competition to win a huge teddy as well as other prizes. All you have to do is watch a short film and comment on the post. Good Luck