All posts by Mrs Cotton

Book bug

Thank you to everyone who attended Tuesdays book bug session.

The next bookbug sessions will be held on Tuesday 18th December if you would like to attend please add your name to the relevant list on the communication board.

Younger siblings are welcome and tea and coffee will be provided after the session.

Thank you to everyone who attended todays bookbug sessions.

The next session will be held on Tuesday 4th December Morning  session 9-930am and afternoon session 1-1.30pm please add your name to the list on the communication board if you would like to attend.

Tea and Coffee will be available for anyone who would like to stay for a chat with other parents/carers.


Thank you to everyone who attended Bookbug on Tuesday. The next session will take place on Thursday 22nd November, please add your name to the list on the communication board if you would like to attend with your child. Younger siblings are also welcome to come along and join the fun.

A.M. session 9am- 9.30am

P.M. session 1pm-1.30pm

I would like to draw your attention to the recently updated communication Board. Here you will find the Top  Tip for November, the nursery Rhyme we are currently working on with the Makaton sign to accompany it and some general communication information.

If you have any questions with regards to this please speak to Mrs Cotton who is the communication champion or your child’s key worker.

Dates for your diary

As the next couple of months are very busy for everyone we thought you may like to save the following dates in your diary.

The ECC Nativity show will be held on Friday 14th December

A.M. show will be at 10am

P.M. show will be  at 2.15pm.

I’m sure this is a day you will not want to miss.

The ECC Christmas parties will be held on Thursday 20th  December these will take place during the usual session times and we hope to get a visit from Santa during this time .

Celebrating Success

At Gargieston ECC, we love to hear about all the little achievements the children have made.  We have therefore set up a new ‘celebrating success’ wall in the playroom to display these achievements. If your child has something they would like to share with us please speak to their key worker.  The children can bring in medals or certificates they have been awarded and we will photograph your child with these  or you can bring in a picture of your child achieving something to be added to the wall.


Bookbug Session

Mrs Cotton will soon be starting Bookbug sessions again. These will be held on the last Thursday of the month and on a first come first served basis. If you would like to attend these sessions with your child (siblings welcome) please sign up on the form provided on the communication board.

The first session will be on Thursday 25th October 2018

A.M. session will be from 9am-930am

P.M. Session will be from 1pm-1.30pm


Image result for bookbug

nursery rhyme and Makaton of the fortnight

Hickory Dickory Dock Makaton

Hickory Dickory Dock Nursery Rhyme sheet


Hickory Dickory Dock is the new nursery rhyme and Makaton sign we are working on, please try this at home as this will help improve your child’s communication skills.

Wedding Photos

In the ECC, as part of the royal wedding celebrations we will be looking at weddings throughout the generations. We are looking for some wedding pictures of parents, grand parents or even great grandparents so we can compare at all the different styles and inspire the children to design their own and stimulate conversation.

Please label the pictures with the child’s name and the year of the wedding and who is in the picture.

Thank you for your cooperation.


Donations Please

In the ECC we go through lots of liquid soap, hankies, wet wipes and kitchen roll.  We would greatly appreciate it if parents/carers could donate at least two of any of these items please.

To prevent us running out of storage, we ask that only Blue and Purple group parents donate just now and we will ask the other groups to donate over the year.

Thank you