UNCRC Article 14

At last week’s assembly the children were looking at Article 14 of the UNCRC:-

Every child has the right to have their own ideas, thoughts, opinions and beliefs such as a religion.

To help present the assembly, Anaya Rana from P6B and Alisha Ahmad from P7A came along and spoke about their religion, Islam. Here are  some facts we learned from the girls:-     

  •  People who practice the religion of Islam are called Muslims.
  • There are about 1.6 billion Muslims in lots of different countries in the world.
  • Muslims believe there is one God called Allah.
  • Muslims believe the prophet, Muhammad started the religion of Islam.
  • The Mosque is the building where Muslims go to pray.
  • Friday is the Muslim holy day when they go to the Mosque to pray.
  • The Qur’an is the Muslim holy book and is written in Arabic.
  • In the same way as Christians celebrate religious festivals such as Christmas and Easter, there are religious festivals such as Ramadan in the religion of Islam.

Thank you so much to Alisha and Anaya for helping us learn about and understand their religion.  We could see the similarities with Christianity. This has helped us to better understand Article 14.

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