Rights Respecting Schools

At Gargieston Primary, we are on a journey to become a Rights Respecting School. This Award is given to schools by UNICEF, the world’s leading organisation working for children and their rights. In 1989, governments worldwide promised children the same Rights by adopting the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). Scotland is the first devolved nation to make children’s Rights law. This will come  into law in November ’21. A copy of the UNCRC is attached for below for you to read.                                                  Three years ago at Gargieston, we achieved our Silver Award however, due to school closures and disruption over the last 18 months, our work had been put on hold. Now, this session, our plan is to move forward towards achieving our Gold Award, through continuing to embed children’s Rights across the whole school community.  Over the last couple of weeks every class has created their own Class Charter putting children’s rights at the heart of learning. Photos of some class charters will follow soon.                                                                                                                                                                                   We have been revisiting some of the Rights in assemblies. So far we have looked at Articles 1,2,3,6,12,14,24,28,29 and 31. Please read over and discuss some of these Rights with your child. In that way you will be supporting us and helping us to move towards our Gold Rights Respecting Schools Award. Thank you.

Here is the UNCRC:-

UNICEF Child_friendly_Rights

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