Parent Council Meeting

The next meeting of the Parent Council and Gargieston Fundraising Group will be held on Monday 14th June at 7pm via WebEx. Due to current COVID restrictions the meeting will be held virtually.


A warm welcome is extended to all parents and carers. The meetings can be joined by dialling in from your phone, or via video call from a smartphone, tablet or laptop.


For joining details please email by Friday 11th June, an invite will be sent to your email address by Sunday 13th June.


If you are a current member of our Parent Council an invite will be sent automatically.


Best wishes


Julie Jaconelli (Gargieston Parent Council Chair)

School Photographer

Just a reminder that tomorrow is the last day galleries will be available for viewing and ordering class photographs. Details have been emailed out to you.

Many thanks.

School Sports Day

Pupils should come to school in their sports clothes .

If possible , can pupils wear a t shirt or top in their house colour.


Tuesday 8th June

P5/6 sports  – 11-12 noon

P1/2 sports – 1.40 – 3pm


Wednesday 9th June

P3/4 sports – 11-12.30pm

ECC Sports day

REMINDER: It is the ECC sports day on Monday 7th June!

Children are encouraged to dress in their group colour for their races. Please ensure that your child has sun cream applied and a hat to wear as it has to be another lovely day 🙂

Sorry no parents are invited to this event

Parent Information Video

Good afternoon,

Please find attached a video explaining what the School Improvement Group for Pedagogy and Feedback have implemented this year.

You will see examples of this within your child’s Snapshot jotter.


Mr Hay