ECC Christmas news

The ECC are very excited to share our Christmas celebration plans with you

Christmas card craft day – Wednesday 2nd December

Socially distanced visit from Santa – Monday 7th December. Children are encouraged to wear Christmas jumpers on this day. Visits will take place in our grotto located in the ECC courtyard. Parents will not be invited to attend this event this year.

Virtual Robin Hood Panto – Wednesday 9th December. We will be having an ice lolly treat on this day.

Christmas party – Thursday 10th December. Please feel free to come to nursery in your party clothes and Christmas sparkles.

5 thoughts on “ECC Christmas news”

  1. This sounds wonderful! Thank you so much to the ECC staff for all the hard work you are putting in to these Christmas activities for our wee ones!

  2. Thank you for all your hard work
    and making sure that this Christmas is as special as it can be 🎅🏼 What a fantastic week they are all going to have .

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