ECC home learning

From today all ECC home learning will be posted on children’s individual blogs. Please look out for activities being provided daily by your child’s key worker and engage with these as much as possible. We would love to see photographs posted onto children’s blogs of them completing these tasks. Remember the main thing is to have fun during these activities. We look forward to seeing all your photo’s 🙂

5 thoughts on “ECC home learning”

  1. Hello, I’m not sure how to get into Noah’s blog. Can anyone help me?
    Noah Lawless – Blue PM

    Nicola Wren-Lawless

  2. Hi mrs Hendrie, we managed on Ella’s blog yesterday after many tries. Have not been successful today. Tried several times during the day. I can get onto Ella’s site but cant get any further. Am I doing it wrong ? Can you talk me through what to do from there. The page has Ella’s details on right side. On left my site, new picture of house, 3 houses etc just to give you an idea where I am. Thanks Jane.
    I love you Mrs Hendrie from Ella 💕💞💕💞💕💞💕💞💕💞💕

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