Football Trials

School Football Team Trials will take place on

Wednesday 18th September at 3.30pm.


**Grange Academy Astro Turf **




School Photos

Tuesday 17th – all ECC individual children; all school family groups which include an ECC child (am or pm); individual photos will also be taken of the school aged children from these families as they are with the photographer anyway.

Wednesday 18th / Thursday 19th – all individual P1 to P7 pupils plus family groups which involve P1-7.

This will start from the top end of the school to allow for older children going to collect their younger sibling(s).



Aldi’s Kit for Schools Update

Thank you so much to all parents and friends of the school who have contributed stickers from Aldi for our Tokyo 2020 poster. We have 46 stickers on our poster already. Special thanks to Dex and Ada from P4 who helped put the first stickers on the chart.                    Shoppers who spend £30 at Aldi are given a Team GB sticker which can be brought in to school. When we have collected 300 stickers and filled our two posters, we can apply for sports kits for our school and be entered in to a £20,000 prize draw. Stickers should be placed in the bucket at the main office. Many thanks for your efforts so far.

★ Star of the Week ★

Well done to this weeks Star of the Week winners for having super listening ears in nursery 😀


The children in the ECC have been creating their own models today using grapes and cocktail sticks. Some of the creations included: Scarecrow, spider, mums and dads, snowmen, lollipops, houses and castles. Technologies 0.09a

Missing Trousers in the ECC

Yesterday ( PM) in the ECC a pair of wet jeans with the name Adam C on them have gone home in the wrong bag.  Please can you check your child’s bag and return to nursery. Thanks for your help.

ECC Care home update

Please note that due to an extra in service date being added to the calendar on Tuesday 24th September the visit to Springhill care home and Howard house care home will be cancelled for the Red and orange group Pre school children. Sorry for any inconvenience

ECC mud kitchen

Thank you for all of our Mud kitchen donation. Please keep them coming the ECC children are loving exploring this in our garden 🙂

★ Star of the Week ECC ★

Well done to last weeks Star of the Week winners for being super sitters in nursery! 😀