Bank holiday number search ECC

To help develop your child’s numeracy skills can you have a search with your child around the home to see how many different numbers you can find. Please upload photos to your child’s blog. Happy searching.

3 thoughts on “Bank holiday number search ECC”

  1. I do not have access to my child’s blog.
    Pls can you advise how we can do this? I was told when she started primary 1 we did not have there own blog.

    Pls advise how to do this and I will be happy to upload pics.

    1. Apologies for the confusion – the number search homework was for the ECC children.
      The children in P1 have not used their personal blogs/eportfolios this session.
      These will be reintroduced in session 2019/20 and you will receive information and guidance on how to access their blog.
      Thank you

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