Prize Giving – Parent Forum – Wed 8th May

Prize Giving

 As we head into our final weeks of the session the staff is beginning to look towards our annual Prize Giving in June. However, this year we would like to ask for your opinion on Prize Giving – are we rewarding the children appropriately? Should more emphasis be put on effort? Should our values feature in the awards?

 If you would like to contribute to a discussion on Prize Giving and find out a little more about the process, we would like you to join us in a parent forum on Wednesday 8th May at either 9am or 2.30pm. 

Mrs Lawson.




4 thoughts on “Prize Giving – Parent Forum – Wed 8th May”

  1. Unfortunately I am unable to attend either forum as I am at work that day, but I am all for effort being recognised. I feel sometimes the children who have had to work hardest but may not be at the top of their class can go unrecognised.

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