It is our intention to take all of the ECC children to Heads of Ayr Farm Park for our end of term trip. The cost of this trip will be £10 per child which should be paid to Mrs Hendrie in the ECC by Friday 17th May.
The morning session children will be attending the trip on Tuesday 21st May
The afternoon session children will be attending the trip on Thursday 30th May
Please note that there will be no afternoon session on Tuesday 21st May and no morning session on Thursday 30th May as all staff will be on the trip.
The bus will leave the ECC at 9.15am and return for 3.00pm
If you would like to come along as a parent helper on this day please speak to Mrs Hendrie.
Please provide a packed lunch for your child with their name clearly displayed and which is easily disposable.
Please ensure that children are dressed appropriately for the weather conditions and wearing their ECC uniforms.