Mary’s Meals Backpack Appeal Please Help


On Monday we had a special visit from a woman called Sheila Smith. She was a volunteer for a Scottish charity called Mary’s Meals who provide a hot meal for school children in various countries in the world such as Malawi.                                                                                                                                                  Mary’s Meals also started the Backpack Appeal to provide school children in Malawi with the equipment they need for school using recycled schoolbags and nearly new stationery. Sheila went to Malawi as part of the Backpack Appeal and watched the children’s excitement as they were given their backpacks filled the resources they need for school and other items to keep them clean e.g. toothbrush, toothpaste, a small towel and also a tennis ball to play with. At home, we all have stationery items, schoolbags and clothes that we no longer use. We would love to support this charity as part of our Rights Respecting Schools team. Me, (Morgan), Keira, Zara and Orla approached Mrs. McLaughland. As P7 we would love to take a lead is this project. We would ask all Gargieston families to please get involved in helping us by bringing their filled, recycled school bags to school.

The list shown gives you all the nearly new items we would ask you to include in the bag. The other photograph with me and Keira shows a recycled bag, skirt and T-shirt which a girl my age in Malawi would love to have.

Please help us with our appeal,                                                                                                      From Morgan, Keira, Orla and Zara from P7

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