**Girls Football**
Starting back Tuesday 22 January 2019.
Letters have been issued to girls that came along last term. Tear off slips should be returned to the office.
New members welcome – please pick up a letter at the office!
This club will be running right up until the summer break.
**Netball Club – P6 and P7**
Staring back Friday 25 January . Friday 1 February, NOT 8th or 15th February.
Friday 1st , 8th , 15th and 22nd March.
Children should wear gym kit and bring a bottle of water.
New members should collect a form from Mrs Lawson.
** Basketball Club**
Active Schools and Ayrshire College students would like to offer P4 pupils the opportunity to take part in a Basketball after school club.
The club will run on a Wednesday from 3.15pm-4.15pm, and will run on the following dates, 30thJanuary, 6th, 20th & 27th February.
Children should wear gym kit and bring a bottle of water.
Club is capped at 20 places. Letters can be collected and returned to office.
Will this be extended to younger pupils. Have a P2 who would love to take part.
Unfortunately, we are restricted by numbers and therefore target specific year groups for after school sports clubs. However, we have plans to offer sports clubs for our younger children in Term 3.
We are a little late in asking but are there any spaces still available ? Thanks
Please contact the office about the club your child is interested in and they will advise you if there are any spaces still available.