★ ECC Star of the Week ★

This week we were focusing on being a ‘Super sitter’. Well done to all of this weeks winners 😀

P4-7 Electives

Yesterday afternoon, our pupils enjoyed their elective session as part of our Reach for the Stars initiative. What a fabulous variety of activities the P4-7’s had to choose from- sewing, construction, parachute games, mindfulness colouring, computer games, K’Nex, drama, art, technology and even guitar!! Look out next Wednesday for photos from the P1-3 electives.

Swimming Lessons for P5

Primary 5 swimming lessons

Tue 25th September – Tue 6th November

Please look out for letters in school bags

to give permission and complete medical information

for us to provide to the Galleon.



Parent Forum


Over the course of the year, we will be hosting Parent Forums in school where we will discuss aspects of the curriculum and areas for school improvement. 

These Parent Forums will be informal opportunities for you to share your views and all parents are welcome to attend. 

Our first Parent Forum will be on Thursday 13th September at 2pm. 

The focus for this meeting will be the draft School Improvement Plan for session 2018/19. 


GFG Treasure Hunt

Image result for treasure hunt clipart

It is not long until the Treasure Hunt this Sunday.  We are looking for baking on the day.  Or if you can’t manage along on Sunday you can hand any cakes/baking into the school on Friday and we will collect.

Thank you for your continued support towards Gargieston ECC and Primary.

Image result for cake baking clipart

Family Friendly Treasure Hunt

Come along to a Family Treasure Hunt.

Start – St Andrews & St Marnocks Church Hall.

Date – 16/09/18

Time – staggered start  arrive anytime between 1.30/3pm

Cost – £10 per family (includes tea/coffee/juice & homebaking)

Any donations of home baking welcomed on the day.

The GFG are looking for some P7 helpers for Sunday, if your child is able to help,  please complete the form below.

Thank you.

Image result for treasure hunt


P6 and P7 football trials – second round

School Football Trials

Tuesday 18th September

3.30 – 4.30 pm

P 6 and P7 boys and girls

Pupils should make their own way there and have clear arrangements for collection.

** Meet at Grange Astro **


We are collecting the Sun newspaper free books for schools vouchers. 

Pupils should give the vouchers to class teachers.




Tai Kwon Do Club

Tai kwon Do Club


P4 and P5

Starts Tuesday 18th September – 9 Oct


4 week block


Please give permission below for your child to attend.

Only pupils that have given permission online should attend.


P4-7 Superstars

Well done to this week’s P4-7 Superstars- Freya, Callum and Keira.  Well done also to Noah whose photo was missed last week.