Summer BBQ

Wednesday 27th June


 Hot dog in a bun

Chicken burger in a bun

Veggie burger in a bun

A drink and an ice lolly

Price – £2.50


If your child would like to attend the BBQ, please enter details below , this will give the catering staff an idea of numbers.


6 thoughts on “SUMMER BBQ FUN !”

  1. Is this an option open to all primary classes?
    If so, will the cost only apply to P4-7, as P1-3 are entitled to free school meals, or will normal school meals be available to P1-3 on that day in addition to this option?
    Thank you

    1. Yes this is for everyone. It covers the free P1-3 meals and the paying P4-7 meals too.
      There won’t be the usual choice on top of this. It will be: hot dogs, chicken burgers, vegetarian burgers plus an ice-lolly and a drink.
      Hope this helps.

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