P7 Transition Visit to English Dept


Pupils from P7 will visit the English Dept at Grange Academy

as part of their transition.

Tue 22nd May.

Leaving school at 10.45 to walk to Grange and returning for lunch.

School uniform and suitable outdoor clothing.

Please give permission below for your child to attend.

If you are available to help on the day , please complete form below.


P5/6 & P6A Summer Trip




P5/6B and P6A summer trip to  Glasgow

travelling by train on Thursday 24th May.


            Leaving school at 8.45 am sharp to walk to train station.

                                         (Pupils should arrive in school for 8.40 please )

They will  board a city sightseeing tour bus and take in the sights of Glasgow!

Return to school for 3.15pm.


Packed lunches, school uniform (casual bottoms) suitable jacket.

Cost of trip – £10.00 – this has been added to ParentPay.


If you are available to help on the day please complete the form below.

(only those who are available to help should fill in details)




Primary 6/5 Assembly

We would like to invite parents/close family members to our Assembly on Friday 18th May at 9.50am. We have produced our own play called Only a Game. We look forward to seeing you!!


Mackenzie Halliday

Lucie Mcmillan

Primary 7

Of course not all the P7s chose to go to Arran. Those who stayed had a very relaxed week in and out of school, including making scones with Miss McBride in Grange Home Economics department with others who will be in their year; ten pin bowling, and a walk to The Howard Park.

Assembly Awards

Congratulations to this week’s assembly winners. Starwriter certificates were awarded to Blair Dyet, Emily Hyslop, Flo Martin, Olivia Lough, Matthew Hannah, Reece Banks and Josh Ferris. Maths awards were presented to Jack Bissett, Kerr Handy, Charlotte Dippie and Jack Armstrong. Kindness cards were given to Megan Haggerty and Alex Lambert for acts of kindness around the school. A gold card was presented to Carrie Robertson in P4 for super work in Bug Club. Well done to everyone!!

Primary 7

It was great to see the Primary 7 children back from Arran yesterday – rosy cheeks and smiles all round!

Huge thanks to Mr Smith , Mrs Bloomfield and especially Mr Johnston for taking the children on the residential this year.

Also, just a reminder that it can be easy to get a tick in Arran, so checking skin would be a wise precaution.

More photos of the children’s week to follow…

Wedding Photos

In the ECC, as part of the royal wedding celebrations we will be looking at weddings throughout the generations. We are looking for some wedding pictures of parents, grand parents or even great grandparents so we can compare at all the different styles and inspire the children to design their own and stimulate conversation.

Please label the pictures with the child’s name and the year of the wedding and who is in the picture.

Thank you for your cooperation.


★ ECC Star of the Week ★

We continued last weeks Star of the Week of zipping up jackets as a lot of children have been trying very hard. Well done to this weeks winners! 😀