Tag Archives: poetry

Carol Ann Duffy – War Photographer Questions

37. Look at lines 1—6. Analyse how imagery is used to create a serious atmosphere. (2)

There is a massive simile in these lines when it says ‘as though this were a church and he/ a priest”. Here the war photographer is being compared to a priest and his dark room is a church. This suggests that the work he is doing there is very hard work and involves a lot of thinking. The work is slow and takes patience, much like a priest who must spend his time meditating about Christ and tell the people about God.

There is a metaphor that describes the photo reels as ‘spools of suffering’. All the photos are of dead people or war or horrible events that have happened because of war. This creates the serious atmosphere because it shows the materials he is dealing with and what he must share with the world.

There is a metaphor when it says ‘spools of suffering set out in ordered rows’. The orderliness of the film camera reels are being compared to the gravestones in a graveyard. This is supposed to make us think of death and the needless suffering involved in war. This makes the poem serious as it shows that Duffy is talking about the impact of war.

There is an image created when the dark room is described as ‘red’. The word choice here has a double job. It literally describes the dark room as they use red lights so as not to affect the photos during development. It also has connotations though of blood and suffering and the wars that the photographer has photographed. Again, setting the serious tone of the poem as we think about dying.

38. Look at lines 7—12. Analyse how Duffy conveys the photographer’s perception of the difference between life in Britain and life in the war zones abroad. (4)

Duffy makes life in Britain sounds safe. This is done when Duffy says ‘Rural England’. The words are capitalised making it seem like its own little kingdom and sounds strong. The rural bit makes it seem like it’s in the middle of nowhere and it is far away from all the people. It sounds idyllic. We associate rural with farming life which is organic and natural and peaceful.

In contrast the war zones are made to sound scary and terrifying. This is done when it says ‘running children in a nightmare heat’ to describe the napalm attack. The word choice of ‘nightmare’ shows that this was a dangerous and frightening experience. The ‘heat’ shows how uncomfortable the physical experience of the bomb was. The ‘running children’ shows people moving away quickly in fear of the bomb.

39. Look at lines 13—18. Analyse the use of poetic technique to convey the distressing nature of the photographer’s memories. (2)

There is a short sentence to begin the verse – ‘something is happening’. The shortness of it suggests that he has no control over what is going on, it suggests his memories just come to him unbidden. This suggests his distress at these memories as he doesn’t know what memory is going to hit him.

The use of the word ‘twist’ to describe his memory of a dying stranger’s face shows the photographer’s distress as it suggests the memory moves in an uncomfortable way. ‘twisting’ is something we’d associate with a worm or snake and these things are seen as disgusting, we would push them away, much like he’d push the memory away if he could.

The use of the phrase ‘half-formed ghost’ shows discomfort at the memories. They are ghosts, which can show they are of people now dead, or also of times that he doesn’t wish to remember, times he has laid to rest so to speak. They are ‘half-formed’ as they come from his past but could also be half-formed as he tries to suppress them

40. Look at lines 19—24. Analyse how the use of poetic technique highlights the British public’s indifference to the suffering shown in the newspapers they read. (2)

The public’s indifference to the suffering in the photos is shown in the contrasting numbers. The photographer has ‘a hundred agonies’ – a hundred photos of suffering – to show but these are whittled down to ‘five or six’ by the newspaper. This shows that the editors are just looking for an illustration, something that will look fleetingly good with the article, or just to fill up paper space.

The contrast between the atrocities of the photos and the indifference of the public is given in their response to seeing the photos. We are told their eyes ‘prick with tears between bath and pre-lunch beers’. There is a suggestion here that they cry in reaction to the photos as they get teary eyes. However, this is just a stock reaction to seeing something sad. They really don’t care, and this is shown as they’ve still spent time have a leisurely morning bathing and then going for a nice lunch. If they really cared about the images they would get up and do something real in response instead they just get on with their own self-obsessed life.

41. Referring closely to this poem and to at least one other poem by Duffy, discuss how she explores the link between the past and the present. (10)

Duffy likes to create links between past and present in her poems. In War Photographer she creates a link between past and present as the photographer is working on developing his photos whilst reflecting back to when he actually shot them in the war-torn zones of the world. Duffy also looks at the link between past and present in Originally. Here she thinks about how she identifies herself today after moving from Scotland to England as a child and having to reintegrate herself in a new area.
In War Photographer we get a sense of the link between past and present when the photographer is working in his room and keeps remembering things from his past. We are told he keeps seeing ‘half-formed ghosts’. This is effective as it tells us the word choice ghost tells us that the people he is remembering are dead now. The idea that they are half-formed also shows that they are memories, he isn’t hallucinating, just remembering their image faintly. The idea that these memories are ghosts also shows that he is haunted by them. He cannot forget the horrible things he has seen whilst in the war-zones and he often wants to be able to do more. It shows the link between past and present as the photographer is constantly reminded of what he has seen.
In Originally, the speaker shows us she is linking back to the past by taking us straight into a memory. She begins saying “We came from our own country’. This is in past tense and shows she is talking about something that has already happened. As the theme of the poem is identity, her opening sentence also shows that Scotland and Scottishness is what she first identified with. She takes possession of it here, calling it her ‘own country’.
She then starts the second stanza with a statement saying, ‘All childhood is emigration.’ This shows us that the speaker is grown up now and talking from this adult perspective. Her word choice of ‘emigration’ to describe childhood shows us that she feels childhood and adulthood are clearly linked but she reflects that we change as people during these two times in our life. For her this was also a physical shift as she moved from one country to another, but she is also encapsulating the mental and emotional changes that would have happened in this time.
Finally, she then talks about the present by talking about how strangers react to hearing her talk. She says “Where do you come from?/Strangers ask. Originally?” The question is a normal question people ask each other when they first meet someone new. The ‘originally’ is placed on its own as it shows that people can still hear the Scottish lilt to her voice. It shows that she feels she is always seen as slightly other because her accent is mixed. This shows a link between past and present as it shows her childhood upbringing will always be physically present in her voice as her accent.

Scottish Set Text Revision

Below you will find two sets of questions. These can be applied to all the Jackie Kay poem’s in order to revise for the exam. That’s 12 pieces of extra Scottish Set Text revision! Please make sure you are doing it if you want to succeed!

1. From the first eight lines explain how the writer makes clear the speaker’s emotions from her use of language. (6)
2. Pick out four main points from lines 8 to 16. (4)
3. What mood does the poem end in? Pick out evidence to support your answer from the text. (2)
4. Kay’s poems often focus on family relationships. Referring to this poem and at least one other poem by Kay, show how she does this with her writing. (8)

1. What mood is set at the start of the poem in the first four lines? Pick out evidence to support your answer. (4)
2. From the last twelve lines explain how the writer makes clear the speaker’s emotions from her use of language. (6)
3. In your own words, pick out two main ideas from the poem. (2)
4. Time is often explored in Kay’s poems. Referring to this poem and at least one other poem by Kay, show how she does this in her writing. (8)

Poetry – Jackie Kay and the Eight Marker

To answer the 8 marker fully you must:
identify the commonality (the similarity). This will most likely be a theme, setting or characterisation used. Then tell me how you see it in the first poem (1 mark) Then tell me how you see it in the other poem(1 mark).
Referring to/quoting from the extract in front of you (1 mark) and analysing it (1 mark) in detail will get you the next two marks.
Quote (1 mark) and analyse (1 mark) from another Kay poem.
Quote (1 mark) and analyse (1 mark) from another Kay poem.

Here’s a sample to look at using questions on Divorce:

With close textual reference, show how the theme of family relationships is explored in this poem, and in at least one other poem by Jackie Kay.

The speaker thinks that other parents are lovely and angelic. We know this as she says ‘whose faces turn up to the light’. The word choice here of ‘light’ suggests that these parents are good and innocent and never get angry. The idea that they ‘turn’ their faces to the light also suggests that they chose to be happy. Secondly, there is a metaphor saying the parents ‘speak in the soft murmur of rivers’. This makes clear that the parents are nice as their voices are relaxing and calming and never loud like the sound of a gentle river.
55. In verse two, the tone becomes soft and gentle. There is a metaphor that does this when it says ‘sing in the colourful voices of rainbows’. Here the happiness of rainbows is being compared to the happiness of the parents voices singing which creates a kind and calm image.
Divorce and Keeping Orchids are two poems by Jackie Kay that share the theme of family relationships, specifically the relationship between a child and her parents. In Divorce the relationship is strained as a small child wants to leave her parents who she has fallen out with. In Keeping Orchids the child is an adult meeting her birth mother for the first time and she recounts the awkwardness of the meeting.
In divorce this idea is put most simply when the speaker uses word choice to say ‘I want a divorce’. The tone here is demanding, the shortness of the sentence makes it clear what the speaker wants and the plosive sounds reinforce the sharpness of her tone.
In Keeping Orchids the awkwardness of the strained relationship is clearly put across when the speaker talks about the orchids her birth mother gave her as having ‘closed buds’. These become a metaphor for the secrets her birth mother has kept from her during the meeting. There is still much she does not know about her genetic mother.
Another way the awkwardness is shown in Keeping Orchids is when it says the mother ‘folds and unfolds’ the bag. This shows she is feeling nervous as the repetition demonstrates the repeated movements and nervous energy of the mum as she fidgets around her daughter. They are both uncomfortable.

Poetry – My Grandmother’s Houses by Jackie Kay

Who is speaking?
What are they talking about?
Why do you think the grandmother keeps the newspapers in verse 2?
Are the presents put to use?
What does the girl spend lots of time doing in verse 2?
What is the letter about at the start of verse 3?
What is the pun in ‘chewing for ages’ in verse 3?
Are the parcels really in an ‘air raid shelter’?
Why does Jackie find the church air strange and think there are ghosts?
What technique is used in ‘flock of women’ and how is it effective?
Why are they described as missionaries?
What about the alliteration on ‘God grabs me in Glasgow with Gran’?
Why does she comment that the ‘hall is huge’?
What technique is used in ‘like octopus arms’ and how is it effective?
Why describe the piano as a ‘one-winged creature’?
Why mention the cemetery, coffins and the ambulances?

Next copy these annotations up:
My Grandmothers’s Houses Annotations

Scottish Set Text Jackie Kay Practice

1. Explain how the speaker’s sense of irritation is conveyed in lines 1-6. (4)
2. What is the speaker’s attitude to her parents (line 6-14)? (2)
3. How does the tone change in the second stanza and how is this achieved? (2)
4. Choose two examples of imagery from lines 16-23 and explain in detail how each adds to your understanding of the poem. (4)

1. Explain how the speaker’s sense of incompetence is conveyed in lines 1-6. (4)
2. What is the mother’s attitude towards being in hospital (line 9-20) and how is it suggested? (4)
3. What impression do we get of the mother at the end of the hospital visit and how is this given? (lines 25-8) (4)
4. How effective is the last line of the poem and why? (2)

Keeping Orchids
1. Explain how we get a sense of the speaker’s uneasiness in lines 1-12. (4)
2. What is the speaker’s attitude about herself (line 7-16) and how is it suggested? (4)
3. What impression do we get of the mother’s feelings about her own life (lines 19-28) (2)
4. What do you think the speaker is really saying in the last two lines? (2)

1. Explain how the speaker’s sense of frustration is conveyed in lines 1-6. (4)
2. What is the speaker’s attitude about herself (line 7-16) and how is it suggested? (4)
3. What impression do we get of the daughter’s feelings towards her mother and how is this portrayed (lines 25-8) (4)
4. Choose an image from lines 33-6 and explain how it is effective. (2)

Keeping Orchids
1.Many of the main ideas or concerns of the poem come across clearly in the early part of the poem. Read again the first six stanzas:
“The orchids my mother gave me… my mother’s hands are all I have.”
(a) Identify two ideas and/or concerns that are introduced in these lines.(2)
(b) Show how two examples of the poet’s use of language in this part of the poem help to clarify or illustrate her meaning. (4)
2. Show how any two examples of the poet’s use of language in the middle section of the poem effectively contribute to the main ideas or concerns of the poem. Read again the lines included in: “Her face is fading fast… a box of love letters.” (4)
3. How effective do you find the last three stanzas of the poem as a conclusion to the poem? Your answer might deal with ideas and/or language. (2)
4. With close textual reference, show how the ideas and/or language of this poem are similar OR different to another poem or poems by Jackie Kay that you have read. (8)