What a whopper!

This morning, Robin noticed that in the vegetable patch at the back of the school, there was a huge marrow growing.  He suggested we should lift it before it went rotten.  Mrs Baillie and Robin harvested the bumper crop, before it was proudly shown to all the pupils by Robin.  The older class then had to try and guess the weight of the marrow – with Lewis coming the closest.  It was 2.2kg!

I wonder what the boys and girls will do with it…….watch this space….

The ground force gang – Portpatrick parent edition!

In the course of 2 days a small team of 6 parents have formed a socially distant garden gang and totally transformed the overgrown nature area which was greatly  in need of some tidying up.

On Saturday 13th June the Karen and Steve, Kim and Marc and Kirstyn and John worked all day to remove the vegetation.  It resembled more like a rainforest than nature area to start with.  Armed with chainsaws and strimmers they got to work.  John Connor then had the power of persuasion to get William Halliday from Galloway treecare to head out to Portpatrick and donate his services to chip all the branches that had been cleared.  The wood chips generated will be recycled and used for paths inside the nature area .  Huge thanks must go to him for being so generous with his time and machinery.

Today, the garden gang were back in action.  Putting in another full day they managed to secure the services of a mini digger from Jewsons to clear the site of old roots .  The lifeboat crew helped supply some fuel for the digger and the big boys certainly enjoyed playing with the big toys!  Again, many thanks must go to Jewsons and the RNLI for their support of the school.

Tomorrow the team will be back, and starting to lay the paths.

What a top team, and what a top community spirit, all working together to benefit the boys and girls of Portpatrick Primary.  

Thank you, thank you,

thank you!

Lockdown life video

Our wee team have very been creative during lockdown and all came together to create our special video.  Everyone was given a special word to create a piece of word art at home.  No-one knew what it would say when it all came together.  Once put together we have a fabulous poem and message to all.

Have a watch and you will see our creative, happy children in the glorious setting of their homes .

We are so proud of each and every person for the part they play in our family of schools.

Click here to see us in action 🙂

Curling’s cool bonspiel

Findlay Thorburn joined up with p7 pupils from Kirkcolm to form a partnership curling team to take part in the inter school end of season tournament on Monday 6th March. 

Findlay has been going along to the after school sessions at the North West Castle with Scott from Kirkcolm.  Findlay was skipping the team of four.

In the first game they drew with Rephad and then went on to be beaten by Sheuchan.  Findlay played a great last stone in the final end to claw back a one.

It was  a great experience for them all and allowed the Primary 7 pupils to get to know each other a bit more, prior to moving on to Stranraer Academy.


STEM nation award submission

Miss Whorlow has been working very hard on developing STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Maths) across our 3 schools. 

Here she has showcased some of the STEM activities which have taken place at Portpatrick recently

STEM at Port

Miss Whorlow had spent a great deal of time putting together a submission which shows off all the STEM work in our 3 schools.  We hope that this will be verified by Education Scotland as one of the pilot schools in the STEM nation awards.  The power point is all hyper linked.  If you click on it, it leads onto further examples and documents of all the amazing work.

STEM Nation Award

Thanks you Miss Whorlow for all of your hard work in driving this forward for us!

Digital Schools Scotland award!

I am delighted to say that following a process which we have been undertaking over the last 2 years, as part of our School improvement plan, our partnership of trio schools has achieved National recognition in the Digital Skills Scotland awards.

Yesterday I received official confirmation that we have been validated and awarded this, following a lengthy submission of evidence and visit of an assessor. 

Dear Ms Sheila Baillie

Following your Digital Schools Award Scotland validation visit by Alan Yeoman, I am delighted to inform you that North Rhins Partnership Schools – Leswalt Primary / Port Patrick Primary and Kirkcolm Primary have been successful in their application to become Digital Schools in Scotland.

On behalf of all the partners involved in the Digital Schools Award Scotland I would like to congratulate the schools on achieving this award.

I enclose the validation report which summarises the validator’s view of the extent to which the schools addressed the award criteria.   The Digital School Award is recognised by Education Scotland.

We are confident that North Rhins Partnership will be a pioneer among schools where digitally enhanced teaching and learning is helping our children and young people prepare for living and working in the 21st Century.

Kind regards

Aoife O’Connor
Programme Coordinator
Digital Schools Award Scotland

This award is recognised by Education Scotland.  Only one other school in the whole of Dumfries and Galloway has this award currently.
Thank you must go to all staff and pupils for their hard work and willingness in this work – they are indeed a “pioneer among schools”. 
Our team may be small – but is mighty!

Curling’s Cool

P7 had a grand time this morning as they were given the chance to layer up and head out to the North West Castle for a morning of curling. They got an opportunity to glide around, sweep the ice and slide the stones along and then got straight down to business for a mini session of games!

Finally all the boys and girls mixed up for a final game and although our Portpatrick pair gave a noble performance, it was Leswalt that took the title.

The P7’s had a great time – many thanks must go to Mrs Thorburn for transporting them and supervising them this morning.

RSNO in the Rhins

Primary 7 enjoyed their first day at Stranraer Academy in the company of all the other Primary 7 pupils from the cluster.  The day had an enjoyable focus of Music, with members of the Royal Scottish National Orchestra travelling down to Stranraer to conduct a workshop with all the pupils.

Our pupils were singing, dancing, playing games, composing and learning about the orchestra and their music in a fun filled day.  After lunch they were joined by older pupils from the Academy who came along to listen to the final performance from the musicians.

All returned to Primary, more familiar with Stranraer Academy and informed and entertained by the orchestra.

Dumfries and Galloway Badminton champion!

Congratulations must go to our own Rhian Palmer who at the weekend was crowned the Dumfries and Galloway Primary girls badminton champion – for a remarkable 2nd year in a row!

Rhian travelled to Dumfries to compete against all of the regional finalists and was victorious in all of her matches.  She dropped very few points in the whole event.  Rhian will now go on to the Scottish Finals in Perth, in May.

What an achievement – well done Rhian!

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