British Science Week – Streamlining vessel designs

As part of British Science Week, Primary 5 to 7 pupils went outdoors to learn about vessel design by applying science  Building on developing the young workforce, the children first watched a video that showed the different vessels that are used both in deep sea and coastal waters for a range of different jobs in the subsea industry.

We decided to explore different bow shape designs to see if we could determine which style might be the most streamlined.  We set up an experiment where we created a section of sea by using guttering filled with water.  We then tied string to each of our ‘vessels’, each with a different shaped bow.

The children decided that the same person should gently pull each vessel along by the string.  They determined that this would be a fairer test as the same person was more likely to apply the same pulling force each time, keeping the conditions as close to the same as possible for each test.

We timed how long it took for each vessel to travel from one end of the guttering to the other.  The results were as follows:

  • Pointed bow = 14.02s
  • Rounded bow = 15.2s
  • Flat bow = 15.66s

The children concluded that the pointed bow was the most streamlined as it took less time to travel the distance.  They felt that this was because the shape reduced friction, offering low resistance through the water.


# Successful Learners

Portpatrick Success At Burns Competition

Last night saw the return of the eagerly awaited annual Burns recitation competition at the Ryan Centre organised by the Stranraer and District Burns Club.  Children, families and friends from all over the Stranraer area came together to watch the winners from each school recite their Scots poetry.

It was a very entertaining evening with so much talent and confidence on show.  There were two categories; P3 – 5 and P6 – 7.  Our North Rhins was well represented by the following pupils:

P3 – 5

  • Jack Howie: Kirkcolm Primary – The Auld Broon Troot
  • Ewan Clark: Leswalt Primary – Beasties
  • Cameron McNeill: Portpatrick Primary – The Auld Broon Troot

P6 – 7

  • Alexander Clark: Leswalt Primary – The Moosie’s Prayer
  • Luke Butler: Kirkcolm Primary – Address Tae A Haggis
  • Maya McNeill: Portpatrick Primary – Address Tae a Haggis

We are delighted to announce that Cameron McNeill won second place in the younger category and Maya McNeill also won second place in the older category.  Congratulations to both!  They each received a book of the complete works of Robert Burns.

Every child that recited had already been judged as winners in their respective schools.  They all gave a sterling performance and they well deserved the certificate they achieved for their participation this event.

Successful Participants






P3 – 5 Winners






P6 – 7 Winners






Cameron’s Performance:

Maya’s Performance:


The Free Press will be publishing an article with photographs of all the participants.  More photos will be posted on here hopefully later today.

Well done Everyone!

#Confident Individuals




Our Views on the Rights of the Child

As part of our journey towards Rights Respecting Schools Silver status, the children have been discussing all of the rights within the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).  They have discussed what rights they feel are most important and have explained their views.  Here is just a sample for you to see what responsible citizens we have!


RRS Silver Our Views On Rights video

If you would like to find out more about Rights Respecting Schools, here is a link to their website.

A Visit To See A Skiff Being Built

The pupils of Portpatrick Primary were lucky enough to visit a workshop to observe a skiff under construction in our village.  This lovely example of craftsmanship is being built solely by volunteers, and under the umbrella of projects of the Portpatrick Community Development Trust.  Some aims of the trust is the provision of recreational facilities and the advancement the arts, heritage and culture.

The trust started work on the skill in September 2021. The design of skiff is that of a St. Ayles. The children were delighted and fascinated to see such creativity close up.

Thank for PCDT for allowing us to visit.



Lockerbie Manor Day 3 – Up and At ‘Em!

The final day has dawned crisp and bright for another rotation of exciting activities.

There were a few sleepy heads this morning, but everyone soon shook of the zzzz’s and were raring to go.

Blaze treated everyone to a beautiful song to start the day – A Million Dreams from the Greatest Showman – so lovely!

The last day was crammed packed with more adventures.  A very weary, but happy bunch piled on the bus for the journey home.  A few zzz’s could soon be heard from the back of the bus. 😉

What a fantastic time was had by all!




Lockerbie Manor Launches – Day 1

What a fabulous start to our long awaited Lockerbie Manor residential trip!

The children arrived at school excited and eager for it all to begin. Everyone has settled in together so quickly and are having an absolute ball.

Day 1’s itinerary was:

  • Rifle shooting
  • Archery
  • Climbing
  • Obstacle
  • Abseiling

Check out the photographs to see the super active, fun-packed time your wee toots are having:

Setting Off:


Rifle Shooting


Having fun


Settling down for the night

Even more photos from yesterday:


And all that in just one day!


North Rhins Partnership Features in DG Learning For Sustainability Report

Dumfries and Galloway Council have just published their COP26 DG School Report on Learning for Sustainability which showcases learning activities that took place during COP26 across the region.  Our North Rhins Partnership is featured.  Why not have a read and see how our environmentally responsible children engaged with this event.

D&G COP26 Report Final


Scots Poetry Competition Results!

Following on from our Burns Supper celebration on the 25th of January, Mr Alec Ross arrived today to judge our annual poetry competition for the children.  He came dressed for the occasion in a dashing pair of tartan trews and many of the children also got into the spirit of the day with splashes of tartan and plaid being worn.






There were three categories to our event:

  • Poetry handwriting
  • Poetry recitation
  • Poetry artwork

It was very clear to see that all of the children have worked very hard to learn their poems and use expression and action to bring them alive in an entertaining performance.  The level of creativity in this year’s artwork was very high, with great imagination demonstrated by all.

It was quite a challenge to select winners from each primary as the standard was so high.  Here are this year’s results:

Portpatrick Primary Scots Celebration Competition Results – January 2022
Primary Poem Recitation Winner Artwork Winner Handwriting Winner
2 The Elephant 1.      Harry

2.      Arran

3.      Freya/Adam

1.       Arran

2.       Freya

3.       Harry

1.       Harry

2.       Adam

3.       Arran

3 Tae a Thistle 1.       Rebecca 1.       Rebecca 1.       Rebecca
4 Beasties 1.       Carter

2.       Louise

3.       Erin

1.       Erin

2.       Carter

3.       Louise

1.       Lacey

2.       Carter

3.       Erin

5 The Auld Troot 1.       Cameron

2.       Atticus

3.       Max

1.       Max

2.       Cameron

3.       Tilly

1.       Lewis

2.       Connor

3.       Tilly

6 The Moosie’s Prayer 1.       Katie

2.       Jack

1.       Katie

2.       Jack

1.       Katie

2.       Jack

7 Robert Burns Poems 1.       Maya

2.       Ava Lily

3.       Ruby

1.       Izzy

2.       Ruby

3.       Ava Lily

1.       Ruby

2.       Izzy

3.       Alba

Highly Commended Across All 3 Categories Class 1

·      Stephen

·      Jenna

Class 2

·         Scott

·         Lilly

Regardless of results, everyone can be very proud of their achievement in being successful learners and confident individuals.



Big School Birdwatch

As part of our Eco Schools biodiversity targets, the whole school participated in this year’s RSPB Big School Birdwatch on Friday.

Armed with our bird spotter guides, we conducted our survey at three sites.  We took a walk to the woods at the church and continued up to Dunskey woods, and spent some time in our school grounds. On our way past, we noticed that Tilly’s Grandparents garden was a big hit with the local sparrows visiting their feeders.

We applied our maths skills to the task by taking tallies of each type of bird spotted.  We then submitted our results online and produced a graphical representation of our findings.  Not surprising for our location, crows and gulls were the most common birds we saw.



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