Meet Sammy, Our New Eco Mascot

As part of our Eco Schools action points, the children were set a challenge of designing an Eco Mascot for Portpatrick Primary. The requirements were to draw a mascot that represented our eco targets incorporating recycling features into their creation.

The entries were so good we decided to award a prize for 1st, 2nd and 3rd.

Here are the winning entries:






1st – Izzy White







2nd – Ava Lily







3rd – Alba White







Sammy has now taken pride of place on our Eco Display.

Linking across topics, the children in P5 – 7 also created party manifestos incorporating elements of Learning for Sustainability and the Rights of the Child. They canvassed their electorate and presented their manifesto speeches to the class.  A democratic vote was held and a coalition party was formed with the B.E.A. and Panther parties.









Manifesto Pledge

Well done everyone!

Maths Week Scotland at Portpatrick Round Up

The boys and girls Portpatrick Primary have been enjoying and celebrating maths Week Scotland in both classes. Below is a description of our week and some of the fantastic activities. Once again the children had lots of fun and laugher during Maths Week Scotland.

On Friday 24th of September children took part in a STEM building activity on where they recreated a model version of Portpatrick Village. We used our map reading skills to create a scaled version of Portpatrick and then used our positional language to organise the models correctly.

On Monday the boys and girls took part in the Mini Olympic Challenge. Children were tasked with multiple activities which enabled them to train like real athletes. This included recording the number of each activity. Recording person bests and calculating improved times and calculating and measuring during distance throw. We all got in the spirit by having our very own flags too.

On Tuesday the children focused on Maths and careers. They discussed the different types of maths that people use in everyday life and how all careers use maths. We played a game to identify some of the obvious maths skills needed for each job and then smaller skills which are less obvious were awarded with higher points. We listened to some presentations from outside speakers and finished off by playing the “Game of life”.

On Wednesday the upper class took part in the live NFU lesson and found out how cheese is made on a farm. We calculated air miles and the importance of reducing air miles by using locally sourced food to create pizzas.

On Thursday we welcomed the Maths roadshow which provided pupils with the chance to engage in levelled problem-solving activities. Problems required the children to use multiple different aspects of maths as well as develop their teamwork and communication skills.

On Friday we took part in the big maths bake off. This involved measuring out ingredients, used and reading scales, following instructions and reading ordinal numbers. Children had to work as part of a team and organise themselves and all the equipment that they needed.

The older children made Cous Cous as a way of using and applying maths in recipe instructions.


P5 – 7 followed a village maths trail; using an applying observation and calculation to find maths in our local environment.

Maths Week – Mini Olympics, Pizza Maths & More!

Primary 1 – 7 held a mini-Olympics as part of their Maths Week Scotland challenges.  The children watched a video from  Olympic athlete Eilish
McColgan all about how she uses maths in her training.  They then looked at some of the events that took place in the Tokyo 2020 Olympics and discussed where maths was used.  Not content with being spectators, everyone went outdoors and got active in a range of physical challenges.  The children timed their personal best to see how many of each activity they could complete within the timeframe allowed.

Winning at Maths and Movement!





Next on the agenda was a live NFU session where P5 – 7 calculated air miles for just 3 toppings for making pizzas. The children then compared these ingredients with other choices to see if substitutions could be made to lesson air miles.  The focus was using our maths to calculate the environmental impact on food choices as part of learning for sustainability.

Every child participated in a Fun Maths Roadshow provided by D & G STEM.  Problem-solving activities were presented to learners in free-flowing carousel activity stations which encompassed both challenge and enjoyment. 

Follow the Maths Trail for Maths Week Scotland

For our last day of this year’s Maths Week Scotland, Primary 5 – 7 followed a Portpatrick village maths trail.  The children had a range of questions to answer through observation and calculation.  As well as observing numbers around us, we had time durations, multiplication and addition questions to answer.  The children created their own informal questions to challenge each other as we walked around.

Here is a copy of the challenge if you fancy having a wee go for yourselves when you are having a stroll in the village.






Alternatively, here is a Mental Maths Trail for all the family that can be done from the comfort of your own homes.

North Rhins Partnership Family Mental Maths Trail



Maths Week Begins!

P4 -7 got stuck into active learning for the start of this year’s Maths Week Scotland.  The theme for  2021 will be ‘Our World’. We will explore the importance of maths in understanding and responding to the climate emergency, as well as continuing to find the maths in the natural world around us. The theme links with our  commitment towards the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

The children applied their STEM and HWB skills to make a  healthy and delicious plant-based cous cous recipe which helps reduce the impact on our planet’s resources (SDG 12, 13 & 15).  Using hygienic food practices, they had to read scales to measure ingredients and liquids, ensuring they had the right quantities.  They also had to apply their literacy and comprehension skills to understand and follow the steps required.

Everyone really enjoyed the taste and thought it was a great way to help munch your 5-A-Day.


If you would like to try the recipe at home, here is the link:




  • I can use the common units of measure, convert between related units of the metric system and carry out calculations when solving problems. MNU 2-11b
  • I can estimate how long or heavy an object is, or what amount it holds, using everyday things as a guide, then measure or weigh it using appropriate instruments and units. MNU 1-11a
  • I can use a range of simple food preparation techniques when working
    with food TCH 1-04a
  • I am developing dexterity, creativity and confidence when preparing and
    cooking food TCH 2-04a

Supporting Biodiversity in our Nature Area

The boys and girls have been busy this last wee while creating creature comforts for our nature area to encourage birds and insects.

After all the fabulous work community helpers have previously done donating their efforts and equipment to tidy up our nature area, it was time to tempt more of our local bug and bird life to take up residence.

Bug Mansion

First, we began by collecting natural materials from our local woodland.  Next, our families and friends organised donations of repurposed materials such as pallets and bricks from local businesses.  Finally, we constructed our fabulous Bug Mansion in our nature area.  We are sure you will agree that it is fit for any king critter!

Bird Boxes

Not content with just that, we decided to make bird boxes to support our feathered friends.  Again, our wonderful school community rolled up their sleeves and got stuck in.  They sourced repurposed wood & materials and  machined the template sections to help the children construct our bird boxes.  The children were able to apply their STEM skills to interpret the schematic instructions and then construct the boxes.  The results are fabulous.

Next weekend, now that Covid restrictions are lifting, our willing helpers plan on returning to our nature area to continue the good work.  They will be laying paths with chippings made from the bushes and plants that were taken out from the garden. Recycling and Eco is at the forefront of our activities.

Many thanks again to everyone involved including Robert McQueen for providing his time and digger, Jewsons for donating materials, William Halliday of Galloway Tree Care & Gardening for his time and machinery , Mr Henry of Henry’s restaurant for sectioning the bird box pieces, Kim for her organisational skills AND, of course to our ever fabulous volunteer helpers!

# Responsible Citizens

# Effective Contributors


Pupil Voice at Portpatrick


To help develop the skills for life, learning and work and as part of Developing our Young Workforce, our boys and girls applied to join our Pupil Council, our Eco Council and to become Digital Leaders.  The children had to detail their skills and attributes that would match the role they were applying for.  They also offered ideas and suggestions as to ways we could take our Pupil Voice forward for the benefit of all.

The standard of entries was high and much deliberation was needed to elect this year’s representatives. Have a look at our Responsible Citizens who have been appointed as pupil representatives for 2021- 2022.

Pupil Council:

Eco Council

Digital Leaders


In addition to this, many of our children applied to take on school monitor roles to help contribute to the effective running of our school:

  • Library Monitors – Alba and Tilly
  • Dinner Hall – Izzy
  • Playground Buddies – Ruby, Katie & Carter
  • Outdoor Area – Rebecca & Cameron
  • Cloakroom Area – Atticus

As well has having whole school responsibilities, all of our pupils have been keen to take on roles in each of their classrooms.  Everyone will be given the opportunity to  contribute and participate.

It is important that our children are given opportunities to use their ‘voice’ as part of our commitment to being a Rights Respecting School.   Having achieved bronze, we are now working on achieving our silver status.  The enthusiasm of our pupils is great to see.  We are looking forward to a successful year with our Effective Contributors!


Tracy Serves Her Last Meal

The boys and girls of Portpatrick Primary bid farewell to Tracy on Friday.  Mrs Rankin is leaving us to begin her exciting new job as a Learning Assistant at Sheuchan Primary.

All of the children agree that Tracy has worked very hard to make sure the children enjoyed their meals during her time with us.

The boys and girls presented Tracy with a beautiful handmade card, flowers and a bottle of fizz for her to enjoy.  The children gave three cheers as  she served her very last meal to Louise.

We wish her well in her new venture.

Democracy In Action At Portpatrick

Our boys and girls at Portpatrick Primary used and applied a democratic process to elect our new House Captains today.  Fitting with our Social Studies topic of Democracy in Scotland, our candidates wrote their own manifesto speech to present to their audience.

Each applicant demonstrated a very high standard of professionalism and confidence as they outlined their personal skills and attributes.  Everyone spoke with clarity about the ideas and initiatives they had for the role of House Captain. We were all very impressed with the standard of each candidate’s talk.

The whole school then carried out the electorate voting process by selecting the candidate they felt would best represent them for the year ahead.  Everyone filled out a voting slip and posted it in our ballet box to be counted privately.

It was a VERY closely run campaign with the results as follows:

Dunskey: Lilly Weatherby

Portree: Alba White


We are sure both House Captains will represent their houses well in the coming year. Our thanks to all of our candidates who really did themselves proud. We can’t commend the quality of each candidate’s presentation highly enough! Each of them has earned a merit for their house team.

The activity helps support our learning as part of our curriculum and as part of a wider context; helping develop the Skills for Life, Learning and Work.  It also supports our drive towards our Rights Respecting Schools award and applies UNICEF’s Rights of The Child (articles 4, 12, 15, & 25)

# Effective Contributors/Responsible Citizens/Confident Individuals/Successful Learners

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