

A couple of children worked together using different sized construction blocks balancing them to create towers.

Some of the children have been developing their fine motor skills by threading different objects onto pipe cleaners.

Others have been mixing water with the paint blocks to create paint. They have used the paint to create pieces of art.

A few children made and explored gloop engaging in sensory play.


A number of children have been looking at the balance book trying out different balancing activities in the nursery and the garden.

Others have been developing their fine motor skills and problem solving skills piecing together puzzles.

A few children have been practising sequencing numbers from 1-10 playing caterpillar count on the interactive whiteboard.

Joshua played another bug game sequencing numbers to 10 and beyond.

Riley used the Paint programme on the Interactive board to draw pictures.

Deryn, Riley and Dannika were exploring the balance scales putting different objects in each side and observing what happened. They identified which items were the heaviest by observing what happened to the scales.

A few children played the Jack and the beanstalk game together. They took turns to identify and match shapes then helped to build the beanstalk.

Oliver spent time building his own train track. He selected the pieces and problem solved to get pieces to fit. When he was finished he took a photograph of his track.

Malcolm spent time in the garden one rainy afternoon. He showed great interest in investigating the large puddle in the mud kitchen.

In the other garden, they transported water to create their own puddle.

Towards the end of last week we got a new gazebo for one of the 3-5 nursery gardens. A few children were keen to watch the men as they built up the gazebo.

A few children have enjoyed playing in the gazebo adding materials to make it more enclosed and engaging in role-play.

In the other garden, Oscar used the blocks to design his house building the bricks one on top of the other.

Danny created an outer structure and problem solved to find the right sized bricks to fit inside to make  a garden.

A few children have been investigating loose parts and using their imagination to find different uses for resources.

Inside, others have been developing their fine motor skills showing an interest in threading and cutting.

Others have been developing their pincer grip through mark making in different ways.

After reading the 3 little pigs in group time, Shelley used the character props and the book to retell the story.

During group time, the children continue to participate in table top games developing their sharing, listening, memory and turn taking skills.

A few children have shown an interest in exploring apples after eating these for snack. They developed their cutting skills cutting open an apple and identified the different parts. They also looked at a book about apples.

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