The Great Adventurers 13.02.2020

The children have been continuing to focus on the story Giraffes can’t dance in ABC and beyond. After learning about the word backwards some of the children have been activating this in and around the nursery.

Kacper was practising counting backwards whilst in the garden.

Deryn and Gill were walking backwards.

As the story was about Gerald the giraffe, for non-fiction week the children explored and discussed a non-fiction book about giraffes in their groups. They talked about the giraffes body parts, what giraffes eat, where giraffes live and how they protect themselves from other animals.

Marcel identified his favourite page in the book and described how he liked all of the trees in the picture he chose.

In Word Aware the children started learning about the word respected, one of our Shanarri indicators. They had pictures to sort out discussing with one another whether they thought the picture showed something or someone being respected or not respected. We talked about having respect for one another and respect for the nursery and the toys.

This week some of the children started to learn about recycling. We now have new recycling bags in the nursery which the children will use to put the recycling in and take turns to sort the recycling in to the correct colour of bin when the bags get full.

Sophie and Kacper have been matching the same shapes together. They have started to look at patterns identifying colours in each pattern and problem solving to work out the next part of the pattern.

In the garden, Harrison used the dominoes matching together quantities which were the same.

In the gym hall, the children have been developing their gross motor skills through participating in obstacle courses. they have also been developing their hand eye coordination through throwing different pieces of equipment towards different targets.

Marcel, Zac and Riley were playing football trying to kick the ball into the goal. They then decided to use the tyre as a goal to challenge themselves. Riley then moved the tyre to a higher height to make it even more challenging.

A number of the children have shown interest in writing letters and posting them. After a trip to the post office, they had a special visit from Riley’s Mum who told them all about her job as a post lady. The children had the opportunity to learn about the equipment she uses, where she puts the letters and ask any questions they have.

A couple of children have been using the carts in the garden to deliver books.

After seeing someone else has created a dice, Jorgie wanted to create a dice of her own. With support she made the shape of a dice using cardboard and then she counted out the dots as she drew them. She made a tower of dice then put the dice in order of size describing the size of each of them.

In the art studio, children have shown interest in writing.  Some children have been trying to write their name. They have started to explore letters matching letters together that look the same and trying to find the letters to make up their name. A number of children are starting to find the first letter of their name.

Some children have also been exploring letters in the water tray showing interest in spelling out their name.

A few children have shown interest in bathing the babies. This week they were washing clothes and developing their fine motor skills and pincer grip by pegging clothes on a washing line.

Harrison and Eva have been practising counting in sequence counting out objects and trying to find the matching numeral.

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