The great adventurers 19.9.19

The children have become very familiar with their ABC and beyond story Goldilocks and the three bears helping to retell the story. Some children have enjoyed playing with the 3 bears in their roleplay.

They have been learning lots of new words whilst reading the stories in their group. First they learned the word little meaning small. Then they learned the word empty meaning nothing inside. This week their word is soft meaning nice to touch. We talked about things that were soft including teddies, pillows and clothes. What soft things can you find at home?

In the garden, some children were searching for things that were little using the camera to take photos of what they found.

On Monday mornings the children enjoy time in the school gym hall developing their gross motor skills. They have been climbing to different heights, balancing and jumping.

In the garden, they have extended this creating their own obstacle courses and using loose parts to create different things to climb on.

Deryn was practising his bunny hops in the garden on the logs.

The children have shown an interest in building towers and castles using the large construction blocks. Kacper build a castle heĀ could go inside and invited his friends to play with him.

In the home corner, children have been taking turns to serve and be customers. They have been mark making using clipboards and pencils to take orders and using the till to make payments.

In art, the children have shown an interest in sensory play experiences making and exploring paint with their hands, making gloop and making and playing with coloured rice. They estimated what was needed to make each of these and measured it out problem solving to get the right consistency.

The purple group enjoyed looking at their learning journals together before going home.

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