Little explorers 11.9.19

Some of the children have enjoyed exploring a range of construction materials creating towers of different heights.

Dannika and Rowyn have been curious to find out about the visuals on the lanyards identifying  what different pictures mean.

In the garden children have been investigating, digging and loading up different building materials.


Some children continue to enjoy searching for different minibeasts including worms and slugs. They enjoy handling them and learning more about what they need to live them through asking questions.


In the garden they have enjoyed sensory play exploring water and mud.

Through games, they have been identifying colours and matching pictures of the same colours.

Some of the children enjoyed Big noise this week learning new songs, playing instruments and learning  to take turns.

In the garden, the children have had opportunities to develop gross motor skills through riding on the bikes.

The children continue to develop their fine motor skills through threading, cutting and gluing activities.

Some of the children enjoyed exploring different shapes building these on top of one another creating towers and trains.

Kane used  logs and animals to create his own farm.

The children enjoyed using playdough to mould their own creations. They transported this to the home corner making their own food.

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