The little explorers 26.09.19

The little explorers worked together to create an autumn tree using a range of materials.  They did some hand printing to create leaves enjoying the feel of the paint on their hands. The children are hoping to add photos of them with their families to display in their nursery room.

Some of the children have enjoyed exploring the sounds they can make with different musical instruments.


They transferred this interest to the garden using loose parts to make a range of sounds of different volumes.

Some of the children enjoy participating in action songs and rhymes coping actions and singing songs together.

Rowyn and Kane helped to make up the snack menu for all of the children in the nursery. they chose their favourite foods and the days they would like to have these foods for snack.

The children enjoy sharing a healthy snack together every day. They are developing their independence and self-help skills by serving their own snack.

The children continue to enjoy sensory play opportunities using different materials. Here are some of the children playing with foam.

The little explorers carried out a travel to nursery survey talking with their families about how they travel to nursery. Lots of us walk or come in the car.

The great adventurers 19.9.19

The children have become very familiar with their ABC and beyond story Goldilocks and the three bears helping to retell the story. Some children have enjoyed playing with the 3 bears in their roleplay.

They have been learning lots of new words whilst reading the stories in their group. First they learned the word little meaning small. Then they learned the word empty meaning nothing inside. This week their word is soft meaning nice to touch. We talked about things that were soft including teddies, pillows and clothes. What soft things can you find at home?

In the garden, some children were searching for things that were little using the camera to take photos of what they found.

On Monday mornings the children enjoy time in the school gym hall developing their gross motor skills. They have been climbing to different heights, balancing and jumping.

In the garden, they have extended this creating their own obstacle courses and using loose parts to create different things to climb on.

Deryn was practising his bunny hops in the garden on the logs.

The children have shown an interest in building towers and castles using the large construction blocks. Kacper build a castle he could go inside and invited his friends to play with him.

In the home corner, children have been taking turns to serve and be customers. They have been mark making using clipboards and pencils to take orders and using the till to make payments.

In art, the children have shown an interest in sensory play experiences making and exploring paint with their hands, making gloop and making and playing with coloured rice. They estimated what was needed to make each of these and measured it out problem solving to get the right consistency.

The purple group enjoyed looking at their learning journals together before going home.

Little explorers 11.9.19

Some of the children have enjoyed exploring a range of construction materials creating towers of different heights.

Dannika and Rowyn have been curious to find out about the visuals on the lanyards identifying  what different pictures mean.

In the garden children have been investigating, digging and loading up different building materials.


Some children continue to enjoy searching for different minibeasts including worms and slugs. They enjoy handling them and learning more about what they need to live them through asking questions.


In the garden they have enjoyed sensory play exploring water and mud.

Through games, they have been identifying colours and matching pictures of the same colours.

Some of the children enjoyed Big noise this week learning new songs, playing instruments and learning  to take turns.

In the garden, the children have had opportunities to develop gross motor skills through riding on the bikes.

The children continue to develop their fine motor skills through threading, cutting and gluing activities.

Some of the children enjoyed exploring different shapes building these on top of one another creating towers and trains.

Kane used  logs and animals to create his own farm.

The children enjoyed using playdough to mould their own creations. They transported this to the home corner making their own food.

Great adventurers 5.9.18

This week the children started ABC and beyond. The first book we are reading is Goldilocks and the three bears by Nicola Baxter. Our first sparkle word we learned was little which means small. Can you find any items that are little at home? Tell us when you come back to nursery what you found or draw a picture of things that are little.

In the garden the children have shown a keen interest in climbing. They have challenged themselves to climb to greater heights managing risk through their play

Reign enjoyed digging in the mud kitchen whilst Lyall was interested to find out how water travels.

In the home corner, Orlah has been mark making and developing her talking and listening skills by taking food orders and serving customers..

Zac and Marcel have shown an interest in mark making. Marcel is keen to learn how to write his name. He has been practising this using chalk and pencils.

Millie has enjoyed exploring the construction area building tall towers. She showed determination and perseverance not giving up when her tower fell over.

Emelia set up a shop using the till calling on people to come and visit her.

Jorgie enjoyed using the Lego to build her own house.

In the garden some children also enjoyed spray painting creating pictures of their choice.

A group of children also used construction blocks to create ramps which the children used travelling by bike or scooter.

In the art area, some children enjoyed drawing and using different materials to create their own collages.

In group time, the children have been talking about the friendly fish. Children receive friendly fish for doing kind things such as sharing, helping others doing good tidying and good listening