Posting our letters to Santa

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We blogged about sending our letters to Santa a couple of weeks ago.  Here is a slideshow of the Superstars posting them.  Let me know when you get a reply by posting a comment, P3S.  Hope you are enjoying the first full day of your holiday.   Mrs Stewart

Christmas with the Aliens

Today we all watched the dress rehearsal of “Christmas with the Aliens.”
The show is tomorrow and the performance will be shared with parents.

Here is a picture of some of the children from our class who have parts in the show.

Superstars with the alien spaceship.

We are all taking part by singing the songs. Our class thought the show was super. We have great singers and actors in our school. We think the parents will love it!

Bird Feeders

The snow has just about cleared, but the weather forecast is saying we are about to get lots more!

Today we made some bird feeders and bird snacks in class. We know that winter is hard for the birds in our garden when the snow is deep on the ground.

To make the bird feeders we mixed lard with sultanas and bird seed. It was very messy but brilliant fun. The lard was a bit smelly though!

Getting the mixture ready for the feeders.

When we had mixed it thoroughly we packed it into plastic cups. We had already threaded some string through the middle to hang them up. We put them in the fridge to harden.

Ready for the birds!

We also made some bird snacks by covering fir cones with lard and then rolling them in sunflower seeds.

A selection of sunflower snacks.

Later on in the morning we had a special eco assembly and Rhys, Archie and Taylor showed what we had been doing to the rest of the Primary 1, 2’s and 3’s.

The boys with Miss Deans, our Head Teacher.

Phew! What a busy morning!

Winter Ice Art

This week we made some winter ice art to hang on the trees in our school garden.

Mrs Stewart saw this fantastic idea on this website:

There are lots of ideas on this site for children and schools to do during the various seasons.

On Tuesday we went into the forest behind our school to collect natural objects such as pines cones, leaves and twigs. This was great fun!

Look what I've found!

When we got back to class we sorted them all out.

On Wednesday we chose some of the things we had collected and put them into a cup and and topped it up with water. We also put in a piece of string as a handle and a bit of glitter for some festive sparkle. We then put them in the freezer.
On Thursday they had become beautiful pieces of winter art which we could display in our garden (until they melt!). We think they are beautiful.

A closeup!

Snowflake Art on Friday

Hard at work making the snowflakes!

This has been a really hectic week with all the practices going on for our Christmas school shows. Nevertheless, as we are an art loving class, we still managed to fit in some this week.

We made these pictures by cutting out snowflakes from white paper and sticking them on to black card. We then used our oil pastels to draw snowflake shapes in the negative space. We then added some sparkly details with glitter glue. Right now we are waiting for the glue to dry but we think they will make a fantastic display next week.

All finished!

A selection of pictures.

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