Category Archives: Uncategorized

World Book Day

A friendly scarecrow!
Who's this scary witch?

Yesterday was World Book Day.  We were able to come to school dressed as book characters.  We had a special box of books delivered to our classroom which we could choose to read from all week.  The whole school has been taking part in a sponsored reading project to try to raise money for more reading books for the school.

Six princesses and a Spongebob!

We made 3D collages of people reading for a new display outside the ICT suite.

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]

Data Handling

We have started our new maths unit on data handling. This week we have been looking at using tally marks to count things. We have learned that it is important that we only use one tally mark for each object we count and that they are easier to count if we group them in sets of 5. We have also looked at how we can begin to ask and answer questions from our tally marks.

Clich here to play the game from I Board and to practise your tally marks.

Flat Stanley visits the Dentist

Open wide Stanley!

Flat Stanley has been very quiet lately. It seems that he has been eating lots of sweeties from Mrs Stewart’s cupboard and not looking after his teeth very well! He has had a bit of toothache.

Luckily one of our Superstars was able to take him to the dentist.

Stanley was feeling a bit nervous!

Stanley was a bit reluctant to open his mouth at first but eventually the Dentist was able to have a good look. He didn’t need any fillings this time but the Dentist had to scrape away some of the plaque and said that he will neeed to try much harder at brushing and flossing in the future.

Now that the Supertstars know all about teeth they will be able to give him some good advice about looking after his teeth properly.

Postcards to America

Walk on Wednesday

We have finally managed to get all our postcards for America ready. While we were out for our Walk on Wednesday we stopped by the postbox to send them.

We have had about 20 postcards from different American States but, since there are 50 altogether, we are still waiting on a few to arrive!

We have also joined another postcard project where we will be able to send postcards to different parts of the world.

Sending the postcards.


Hard at work measuring and planting.

Today we all went over to the allotment to plant the first of our tatties. We were planting the Duke of Yorks.

The boys from Mrs Finlayson’s room had already dug a trench. We had to plant the potatoes 30cms apart, so we took our rulers with us to make sure they were far enough apart.

We ran out of space to plant all of the tatties so we are hoping to go over within the next couple of days to dig ourselves another trench.

On our way to the allotment.

Bottle Greenhouse

We have had deliveries of plastic bottles to our classroom every day for the plastic bottle greenhouse that we are hoping to build over at our allotment. Lots of people throughout the school have been busy saving them for us. Thank you everybody.

When we have a spare moment we are busy washing them, removing the labels and cutting off the bottoms. We have quite a lot of bottles already but are still looking for more. The target is 1,500.

The cutting bit is quite tricky to get started.
The bottles need to be fitted together.

Lights! Camera! Action!

Today's filmstars!

Today a group of us went out with Mrs Stewart to start shooting our video guide to Arbroath. We started off with a tour of the park and beach at the West Links. We are making this to put on our new wiki. A wiki is a kind of website that lots of people can contribute to and work on.

We are going to be working with our friends at Dunipace School in Falkirk and the Big Byte Learning Institute in Taiwan.

We will be sharing details of our wiki with you soon.

Emperor Penguins

Filling in the details.

Today we worked together to draw and paint some Emperor Penguins for a display in the hall outside our classroom. We have learned that Emperor Penguins are one of only three animals that live all the year round in Antarctica. The can grow to about one metre in height which is about the same height as a child in Primary 1!

We will add the finishing touches next week.