All posts by Tom McLaughlin

Taking Learning Outdoors! Active Experiential Learning 11th -17th October 2014 Schilpario – Italy

CPD and IN-SERVICE opportunities for UK/EU teachers, headteachers, lecturers, educators, based in stunning location near Bergamo, Italy.
Why and How to….Take Learning Outdoors!
Erasmus+ is the NEW EU format (replacing Comenius/Grundtvig etc) As a result the application forms have JUST been published on 18th Feb with a closing date of 17th March.
Contact us at: for further information/guidance on how to apply using this new process and/or see Erasmus+ site
One of the biggest changes is that an ‘organisation’ (school) must apply, NOT individuals.
The application process is thorough and time is short, however with only one deadline date/year we have had no option but to try and aim to fill a course by 17th March due to late publication of EU forms.
Call Irene Bews: 07769701934
Ally Sangster: 07720711453

click Erasmus flier to view full details

Best Practice in Outdoor Learning

THE SCOTTISH ADVISORY PANEL is the forum for representatives from Local Authorities across Scotland to consider and debate best practice in the development and safe delivery of Outdoor Learning.

It aims to:

*   Support Local Authorities in the development of Outdoor Learning as part of the Curriculum for Excellence
*   Promote and develop consistent good practice across Scotland for off-site visits through the implementation of Going Out There
*   Support the provision of Adventure Activities and residential Outdoor Centres

Find out more About Us


Outdoor learning training opportunities 2015-16

Dear colleagues

At Grounds for Learning we offer many in-service outdoor learning courses for teachers, all developed by Scottish teachers and Universities, and proven to have positive impact on learners. Our feedback is overwhelmingly positive, with more than a few teachers suggesting it is the ‘best course in (12) years of teaching’ and more.

I am accredited by GTCS, and teachers completing the long term courses will be recommended for Professional Recognition. These courses all support CfE, Learning for Sustainability and GTCS professional standards, which require every teacher to be leading outdoor learning on a regular and progressive basis. Continue reading Outdoor learning training opportunities 2015-16

Outdoor Learning Twilight

The first gathering of Oban and Lorn Little Owls met at sunny Ganavan on Monday 30th May at 4pm. OWLS (Outdoor and Woodland Learning Scotland) is a national group, formed from the Forest Education Initiative and promotes outdoor learning. At our gathering we shared ideas, tried out some new maths and talking and listening activities and of course had a brew on the Kelly kettle.
The next gathering will be at Dunstaffnage on Wednesday 7th September. Anyone with an interest in outdoor learning is welcome. We will discuss what people would like to get from the group, whether it is funding, resources, training opportunities or sharing good practice. The next meeting will also have a theme of science outdoors. If you have any ideas to share then please bring them along. Sign up for the next meeting with or to have your name put on our mailing list.

Holistic Tasks

Please find in this section resources related specifically to the creation and moderation of holistic assessment tasks in literacy and numeracy.

What is a Holistic Task?

Authority guidance on Holistic Assessment Tasks

Advice from Education Scotland on what holistic tasks are:

Creating Holistic Assessments

Creating Effective Holistic Assessment Tasks Primary– Powerpoint presentation to be used for training purposes
Creating Effective Holistic Assessment Tasks Secondary– Powerpoint presentation to be used for training purposes

Holistic Assessment Examples Designed for Training Purposes by Argyll and Bute AMFs Numeracy– Exemplar holistic assessment tasks for numeracy, Early-Fourth level.  These were created by groups of practitioners on training days, moderated by a second group and received good feedback.

Holistic Assessment Examples Designed for Training Purposes by Argyll and Bute AMFs Writing– Exemplar holistic assessment tasks for writing, Early-Fourth level.  These were created by groups of practitioners on training days, moderated by a second group and received good feedback.


Examples of Holistic Tasks being used in schools

Here are examples of Holistic Tasks created by practitioners in the authority and being used in schools. These can be used as exemplars and adapted by schools to suit their contexts.



Resources taken from the AMF pack to support training:













Reading Fourth Level – Holistic Assessment RAG Traffic Light Task

Reading Third Level – Holistic Assessment RAG Traffic Light Task

Reading Second Level – Holistic Assessment RAG Traffic Light Task

Reading First Level – Holistic Assessment RAG Traffic Light Task

Reading Early Level – Holistic Assessment RAG Traffic Light

National Resources/Links

At the most recent national moderation events we have been made aware of these two documents and schools have been encouraged to ensure that they are engaging with these:

Reporting to Parents Carers Guidance Schools and ELC
NIF School Improvement Guidance 201718

Some useful videos:

A training webinar on analysing GL assessments can be found here:

The videos below have been taken from the National Improvement Hub.  They may be useful to inform collegiate discussions and/or as tools for staff development.

Please note, some of the videos may require a GLOW login.

Effective planning, assessment and moderation practices/making effective use of the benchmarks

Dylan Wiliam – Assessment Strategies

Dylan Wiliam – Formative Assessment

Dylan Wiliam – Self- and Peer-Assessment

Dylan Wiliam – Hinge Questions

Dylan Wiliam – Feedback on Learning

Using the benchmarks in science as part of collegiate planning, assessment and moderation processes