Stacey McLean

On Friday 31st August  we had an author named Stacey McLean come for a visit.  Stacey came in to our class and had a power point on where she is from; New Scotland also known as Nova Scotia in Canada. Her Gaelic was not the exact same as ours because it is Canadian Gaelic but it was close enough for us to understand.

When Stacey came in I was very excited I think everyone else was to. First we learned some things about Nova Scotia. We learned a game but it was actually a way of teaching the children of Nova Scotia Gaelic. The  teacher would hold up a number of fingers 1-5 and then say something in Gaelic and then the kid would guess. If the kid got it wrong they would not get supper their head will be put on a stake!(According to the rhyme!)

I found it very interesting and then we watched a video of milling. Milling is the Canandian name for Waulking where you try to shrink woolen things, so the girls would sit on the floor or at a table and would grab the blanket or whatever you are milling.   You would grab it and push it in and out in out then they change it so it is in out in then you pass it to the next person and get your next bit. She gathered us on the floor and we milled lots of sheets tied together.  It was fun and we got to sing along in Gaelic.  It was very interesting meeting Stacey.


Philip Reeve And Sarah McIntyre

On Thursday 29th August Philip Reeve and Sarah McIntyre came in to the school to do some activities with us and talk about their books. They started off talking and reading their newest book called Kevin the Flying Pony; it was very interesting and I would recommend it.

They got us to draw Kevin the overweight pony and we had lots of fun. Near the end of the lesson or visit we played a board game and I was in the blue team. We got to add in some traps, paths and ladders. At the end you save Kevin and go away into the sun set (we had lots of fun). When the school bell went we had the chance to buy some books of Philip reeve and Sarah McIntyre. We had lots of fun thank you Philip and Sarah.

By Scott

Primary 6/7 captains.

The day we came to school we got told that we could go for captains and vice captains. We had to make a speech about how we are helpful and encouraging and also Ambitious. The whole school is split into 3 houses Nave, Texa and Orsay and you can be voted as captain in your house.  You have to be nominated by 2 people first and be in P67.

On the wild day of captain speeches all the people from each house said their speech in fount of their house. After every one had said their successful speech we had a break and then we voted.

We voted by going into a room and picking a person out of the people in your colour  house on a voting slip, a ballot paper. You can only vote once but you can vote for yourself.

And finally at the end of the day Mrs Macdonald announced who had won and who is captain and vice captain. I was so nervous running for captain because I really wanted to get something and I did; captain of Nave !!!  My vice captains are Rhuraidh adn Aiden.  For Orsay the Captain is Drew and the vice captains are Charlet and Dearbhla.  For Texa the captain is Millie and the vice captains  Scott and Orla.

by Harmoni

2019 Dunyvaig Dig!

On Tuesday 27th of August the whole school went to Dunyvaig to contribute in a archaeology dig .  A kind lady called Sophie was are tour guide showing us all the stations, for some stations examples there was a digging in the trench, photography and looking at findings and lots more.

Personally I think that everyone loved the digging the most because the pride of finding some thing is just amazing but it was probably because we got to get dirty on a school day! But when I was digging I was the only one who found something from p6/7 and I found a broken part off a clay pigeon. When we were at the photography station we got to use a professional camera and are group made silly videos and I videoed it because I don’t like cameras.

But the last thing my group did was my favorite we got to hold and see all the artifacts from last year and this year.  My favorite thing was the half a cannon ball they thought that it was from a attack when clan Donald attacked Dunyvaig.  And another cool thing from last year was a stamp with a name and date on it.  And their most recent find was a broach from the 17th century.  Then sadly the day had to end.

By Caitidh

Dunyvaig Dig

On Tuesday 27th of August the whole school went to Dunyvaig to contribute in a archaeology dig .  A kind lady called Sophie was are tour guide showing us all the stations, for some stations examples there was a digging in the trench, photography and looking at findings and lots more.

Personally I think that everyone loved the digging the most because the pride of finding some thing is just amazing but it was probably because we got to get dirty on a school day! But when I was digging I was the only one who found something from p6/7 and I found a broken part off a clay pigeon. When we were at the photography station we got to use a professional camera and are group made silly videos and I videoed it because I don’t like cameras.

But the last thing my group did was my favorite we got to hold and see all the artifacts from last year and this year.  My favorite thing was the half a cannon ball they thought that it was from a attack when clan Donald attacked Dunyvaig.  And another cool thing from last year was a stamp with a name and date on it.  And their most recent find was a broach from the 17th century.  Then sadly the day had to end.

By Caitidh

Sports Championships

Every year Port Ellen Primary has a sports day in which every member of the school including the nursery gets a chance to compete in the races and win points for their houses. P6/7 all got a chance to win sports championships. Sports championships is a series of activities in which you can get first, second or third and if you do not get placed you get 25 points. The winners of sports championships for the girls were, in third place Harmoni Edwards, in second place was Charlet Rose and in joint first was Holly  and Freya. For the boys it was Donald Swanson in third place, Jack Shaw in second and in first place was Aaron. At sports day the three houses( Orsay, Texa  and Nave) made their relay teams, Orsay’s relay team was Holly, Aaron, Dearbhla and Charlet, Texa’s was Freya, Jack, Donald and Ciaran.

2019 Leavers Assembly

This year for the Leavers Assembly the theme is superheroes. We have made up our own superhero names and outfits. We are having our Leavers Assembly on Wednesday 26th June. The starting song that we are singing for the Assembly is Superheroes by the Script and the sad song that we are singing is Somewhere only we know. We have an I-movie to show what we have done through out the years that we have been in this school for. We also wrote speeches for the Assembly to say what we have done from Nursery to P7. We would like to say thanks to the Teachers and all the staff in the school. We would also like to say a little thing to the rest of the school pupils as they make their way through the next few years that they have in Primary. Good luck P7s in High School.

BY Charlie P7

Scottish Math Challenge

Every year every school in Scotland has an option to participate in the Scottish math challenge spread across the months there is three sets of questions some being harder than others. There are three rewards: Bronze, Silver and Gold. to earn these rewards you need points. Points are collected by getting correct answers and good working out.

In Port Ellen the previous record in the school was one point of gold (set by my sister) but this year I bet that record with getting a gold thenI got to go away to get the award.

That means this year had to go away to Glasgow university, we got lost a few times in the car park finding the university and any where else we went.

The awards where great they would pull up a schools name on the board then the students from the school came down but of course there was a math challenge it was pretty easy though. The presenter also pulled up on the board funny answers to the questions that included people who drew or wrote funny things. He even had a little segment where you had to guess where Islay was. I went up got my award got a envelope holding all the bronzes from my school got my mug and sat down.

It was a fun experience and I enjoyed it mostly.



Drew’s Magic Maths Endeavour

For my Endeavour I am doing magic maths and I’ve been doing it since the start of the year. Endeavour is something that you learn and it will help you in adult life and you do it for half a year.  I  inspired myself to research magic maths.  In my endeavour I wrote a letter to Dr Mark Biddiss and then he replied with a letter and  sent some of his books for me.  Also, everyone got one of the books, but I had more books, so I could do more tricks. Then I needed to learn his tricks off by heart, which was quite hard. After that I started making  an i Movie , filming all of my tricks I would have learned but there were one or two filming  troubles, including weather conditions.  I performed   my tricks for some people  in my school and most people enjoyed it. I managed to film these tricks. I am also planning to do a magic maths show near the end of term to perform the  tricks I have mastered.   I feel that studying magic maths could be useful in adult life for showing people what the tricks are and they’ll help you with things.  I have tried to fit a lot of stuff in with the time I had. I am already looking towards next year’s endeavour, but right now I need to concentrate on my current endeavour.

My Animation Endevour Alexander

My endeavour is about animation and I have been making stop motion videos with plasticine and rubber toys.   At first I didn’t really know what I was doing for example I couldn’t keep the camera still and that I didn’t really have a story Idea. I improved defiantly with timing and other things. I thought that animation was too much of a challenge but it wasn’t but, it was a good choice definitely. I have REALLY enjoyed endeavour this year I would almost say it is even more fun than last year

Bread around the World

My Endeavour is bread around the world and I have achieved one of my posters which has the history of bread on it and my other poster about facts about bread. I have also done a book creator about all the bread that I have done and made. I was inspired by my dad and my Uncle Chris because my dad is always making sourdough for the house and my Uncle Chris is a chef and really good at bread. I wrote a letter to Paul Hollywood to get information on the best bread to make and top tips on kneading but sadly he never replied.I have made all sorts of bread such as Foccacia which is Mediterranean and Islay garlic butter baguettes which is from Islay.

End of term Eco Committee.

The Eco Committee in Port Ellen primary have been looking at saving animals from dying by eating plastic and cleaning the Coop beach following on from our plastic topic that we had been doing as a whole school. Katie Harrison is in the global group and they have wrote a letter to the Ileach.  Mara who is in the litter group they had got everyone in the school to do a litter pick the total amount of litter we collected was 3245g.  When we were down cleaning the beach we found the following amount:

Plastic: 2000g


Aluminium: 75g

Wood: 50g

Plastic Box: 900g

Total: 3245g.

Katie Harrison wrote a letter to the Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust to ask them to come over to visit us. A couple of weeks ago Katie got a letter back from the Hebridean Whale and Dolphin trust and we got lots of different facts about sharks and dolphins and they might becoming through out the next year or so.



Scott’s Endeavour

My endeavour is all about world geography. I wanted to do this endeavour because I researched mountains last year,  I thought it was kind of similar but would challenge me more and I also chose this because I am interested in the world.

First for my endeavour, I started to make a book using  the  Book Creator app.  I chose at least two countries from each continent and I identified the president or the prime minister from each country. The next thing I did was to trace the world map and draw on countries. The third thing I did was I got a quiz off the internet and I am using that for my digital task. I also wrote a letter to a high school geography teacher to see if I could get any information I would need for my endeavour but I did not receive a reply. It was a hard start for me. So far I have finished my book creator and my quiz and I am almost finished my map. All I have to do is colour it in.

From the start, I have been following my endeavour plan carefully. The only things I need to do now are colour in my map, check over my work and set up everything up for the endeavour fair.

One interesting fact I found out is that Argentina’s real name is Argentine Republic.

At the start of endeavour I took a quiz and I had to name as many countries as I could and I could only get fourteen but now I can identify over thirty or forty so I am proud of myself for learning all of these countries. I have improved my knowledge of more countries in the world.

By Scott







Caitidh’s Endeavour

My endeavour is making a business selling items made of  Polymer Clay.I thought of this because I was inspired by my mum as who used to make and sell pens and key rings to her friends .To make my business successful I thought of using polymer clay because it is cheap and easy to work with.With the polymer clay I have made sea themed items including pens, magnets and octopus key ring.For my digital skill, I have used  Book Creator,gathering  pictures of me making my key rings ,pen and magnets.

 I also sent a letter to a person who own a business called the Celtic craft shop.The main thing I needed advice on was  pricing because that is really important because you need to know about profit. For example, when you have made like a pen, I would have to sand it then put a coat of glaze on it to protect it . I would need to work out how much all of this cost and to make sure I was charging more than the cost of my materials and time.

Before any of this I had to do a survey to see what people wanted and what they would buy.On endeavor day I am going to lay out some designs and some clay and get people to try and make them as good as they can.The most important thing I have completed is my business plan.Business plans are very important because they are telling you what you have planned to do and when you have to do it.

In this endeavour I have learned many skills, some of them are digital skills which is my book creator. Another one of my skills I have learned is time management. Everything I will be making is going to be sold at the endeavour fair.I have learned a lot from this endeavour this year.The only thing I need to do now is to attach the key rings on to the octopuses then I am ready for the endeavour fair.

By CaitidhImage result for polymer clay octopus keyrings

Orla’s Endeavour!

Hi, my name is Orla and my endeavour this year is interior design. Interior design is when someone or multiple people design a space to the customers standards and its a way of expressing art. I chose this topic because I like decorating or making things because I’m very interested in art and when I’m older I would love to be an interior designer. So far I have done 1 mood board, 1 room design ( on paper ), a power point about interior design and have upcycled an old table of my parents. I still have to finish gluing tiles on coasters, draw another room design and make a 3d model of a room design. I enjoy doing interior design because its a way for me to express my sense in art, colour and show how creative I can be. What I find challenging about my endeavour is time management, because when I was making my table it probably took me about 4-5 endeavour sessions and along with having to paint it at home. At the start of my endeavour I wrote to a famous or well known interior designer named Kelly hoppen, sadly she did not reply, then I decided to write to another interior designer called Jo Hamilton and again did not get a reply so that made it a little harder because I had questions that didn’t get answered. Besides all that I would like to hope that the endeavour fair for me goes good.

Orla Campbell, P6, Endeavour Blog 2019.

Millie’s endeavor

My endeavor is sea life. I was inspired to research sea life because  my dad used to be a fisherman but still goes fishing. I thought he could help me if I chose this topic. I also wanted to do sea life because last year I researched whales and dolphins and wanted to learn even more about the ocean. The first thing I did was research how to set up and aquarium and got lots of information. My goal by the end was to have a working aquarium with sea creatures. Everyone wrote a letter to someone about there endeavor I wrote to Fiona McGillivary and I asked her some questions. I wrote to her because see works at the sea life centre in Port Charlotte. So far I have an i-movie,poster,fact file and I am making a wee game were you have to guess the names of the shells for the endeavor fair. In my aquarium I am thinking of having just some crabs , including hermit crabs. My aquarium is 29 litres which is not that big so can have only a few sea creatures in the tank. I can only have a few because if I have lots it will get hot quickly and the sea creatures may die. My i-movie is a few minutes long, showing how you set up an aquarium and where to get all the best sea creatures. My fact file is all the basic things you need for an aquarium. My poster shows my aquarium and what it will look like.The only thing I have left to do is my game and set up my stall. The endeavor fair is on Friday the 14th of June.

Evie’s Endeavour

My endeavour is Ancient Egypt. I have completed my poster. I have also completed a cardboard pyramid, Tutankhamun mask ,cnopic gars and a mummy. I would like to complete my fact book and my Egypt flag. I would also like to complete panting my cnopic gars that are at school. This Thursday I want to complete my cnopic gars and some blogs. I would like to complete my fact book.  next week I will try to complete half of my stuff then I will do the rest at home so that I am ready for the Endeavour fair. I think that I will be organised for the Endeavour and I think it will go well. In the week end I am going to make some flat bread and that is what the Egyptians use to eat and I will bring it into school and let some students and teachers try the bread. Me and my mum are in the middle if making a cover of Egyptians paper out of paper mache then I will let it dry and write a pretend letter for Tutankhamun.

Mara’s Endeavour Blog-Writing a Book

My Endeavour is about Writing a story, for people to read. I have created this story mainly for little kids, but anyone can read it if they want. So far I am close to completing my story, I have an art book for my story; I have 1 drawing of a Hermit Crab, I am planning top add more. However I also have a writing jotter for my Endeavour so I can write at home, and when I’m in school I can add it in; I have done this a few times. Currently I am planning on having a feed back sheet, after somebody has read my book. The feed back sheet is for me to know what I could change, and what I did well. Letter; I also wrote a letter to David Walliams agent, for David Walliam to see, I thought that I wouldn’t get a reply but I did, I had a letter sent to me From David Walliams!

Sports championships 2019

Sports championship is all about doing your best to win points.  There is 9 events each one is for points for your total score.  You get 100 points for 1st 75 points for 2nd and 50 for 3rd.  We did hurdles and long jump on the beach hurdles Dearbhla got first for hurdles for the girls and for the boys it was Aaron. long jump girls Freya and boy Donald, the second day we did cross country and basketball  for cross country we did four laps around the school and on baskets we had 20 shots and we had to see how many we could get in. For boys Braeden and for girls Holly won baskets. For cross country girls Holly won and Aaron for boys.  The last 2 events we have done so far is football dribble and distant throw, Holly won distant throw for girls and Aidan won for boys.  Are last and final event we have done is football dribble, for girls Charlet and Jack won for boys the only events we need to do is the high jump and the 100m sprint.

by Millie and Donald

Islay Schools Primary 7’s Robotic Trip!

On the 16th of May All the primary 7’s in Port Ellen went to the high school for a robotic trip in the hall. When we got there they showed us what the robot was (the robot was made of cubes which had different purposes which were magnetic) we were told that the blue cubes were the power cubes, the black were the sensors, The white cubs were the cubes that moved or made noise (action cubes,) The red cubes were reverse cubes and the green cubes were for decoration. At first we were told to make cubes that moved and made sound but after the first task was complete the second was different, we were told to make robots that could fall over or move without falling over. At the third test we had to make something that was like a motorcycle and could move. At the final test we were told to make a robot that could move and make art with a pen while moving. Altogether I thought the event was very enjoyable. by Alexander and Ciaran

The Science and History Behind Ardbeg Distillery

This year for my Endeavour I am doing The science and history behind Ardbeg Distillery.  So far I have made an I-movie I have also made a blog and I have started my posters and they are almost finished.   At the start of this project we all wrote letters to a certain person or people.  This year I wrote to Mickey/ Michael Heads to ask him for help with my project.  This year I got a reply for Mickey heads and he gave me lots and lots of facts about the distillery.  I have used the facts that I got from my letter and put it into my blog I also used some of it in my I-movie.  I think that I will need a few more Endeavour sessions to finish my whole project.




Maldives Scientist Glow Meet

Recently we had a Glow meet with two scientist that are working about Whalesharks mainly around the Maldives. Their names where Alina Wieczorek, and Giulia. They were also telling us about; Plastic  turns into miniature microplastics, and then when whalesharks eat their food, they can be possibly eating tiny microplastics which can damadge their bodies, and it can lead to death sometimes. Whalesharks eat plankton.

The scientists also said that when the Whalesharks eat plankton, the plankton may already have plastic inside of it, so when they eat it they are eating plankton but also some plastic/or microplastics.

There was also something about a Whaleshark and its baby, and the mother was staying with its baby, even though the baby just recently died because of the milk from the mother.The milk was poisoned from the ammount of plastic the mother had recently eaten.

The two scientists  were  from Ireland, and Switzerland. There were also some facts we were given that we already


As a whole school our topic is Pollinating. We will be learning all about the different species of bees and flowers that are around the school grounds and all over the island and maybe the whole world. Every Monday we have been having visits from Fiona MacGillivray who is part of the Islay Pollinators project and is from the Islay Natural History Trust.  Yesterday Mrs MacGillivray came into the school to do the project. When Mrs MacGillivray came in yesterday we were looking at all the different types flowers up the back of the school. Yesterday we also looked at all the different flowers that were in the Quadrants on the hill behind the school.  We found the following plants up the back of the school:

  1.  Sorrel
  2. Bluebells
  3. Pignuts
  4. Ribwort
  5. Billberry
  6. Tormentil
  7. Meadow Buttercup.
  8. Scapius Leave.

We drew Botanical drawings of the flowers that we found. Here are some facts about pollinators/ pollinating;

  1. There are 24 different species of bumble bees in britain.
  2.  Ivy is a very good food source for pollinators at the end of the summer.
  3.  There are around 220 species of solitary bees in britain and they don’t sting.




Maldives Whale Shark Community

On Tuesday 14th May we had a glow meet with Alina Wieczorek and Giulia Donati. Who are part of the Maldives Whale Shark Conservation. There are 200 islands in total and 100 are used for tourists and the other hundred are just normal islands for the people who grew up in the Maldives. They answered a lot of our questions and we also found out a lot of new facts. We learned that whale sharks can live for up to a century and in rare cases over a century, we also learned that the reason they are protecting this fascinating creature is because it is endangered and if it were to become extinct its loss in the ocean would have repercussions on many of the other marine animals. In the end we thoroughly enjoyed learning many interesting facts from this experience and we all will be sure to watch our use of plastics and will also help contribute to saving these magnificent creatures and all the others who share the ocean.

By Holly and Scott

Digital Learning Week at Port Ellen

This week is digital learning week #NDLW19 across Scotland, and we are carrying out lots of digital activities here at Port Ellen.  We have STEM Robotics, Expressive Arts Green Screen Movies, Literacy and IDL with Google Meets, Numeracy Graphing with Gapminder online and Digital Story Telling using Sway.

As part of our ongoing plastics topic we are holding a Google Meet with scientists from the Maldives on Tuesday, linkng 3 different countries in order to find out about the latest research into the effects of plastics on our oceans from another island nation.

Generation Science will be joining us later in the week to deliver Robot constructor workshops for P4-6 in school, and P7s at a transition event in High School.

We will be telling superhero stories using Microsoft Sway and preparing to film our superhero tales using greenscreen and Imovie for our leavers assembly.

Finally, in our long term Endeavour projects we have to apply a new digital skill to our learning.  Some people have been designing video games on Kodu; we have gymnastics, triathalon and world geography Book Creators; a powerpoint recipe book; microbits and electronics being built; and several imovie documentaries from survival to marine aquariums to magic maths.

Global Data

Primary 6&7 have been using a great resource so they can look at data from around the world and use it to compare life in different countries.

Using the Gapminder tools online they have been able to compare things like income, life expectancy and child mortality for a range of places around the world, creating their own comparison graphs on Excel.

They have also visited Dollar Street, a fantastic tool that show exactly what it means to live on one of the four income levels, no matter where in the world you live.  The children have researched a family living on one of the income levels, and created a fact file.  We now know a lot more about the world around us, based on facts!

Plastics in the ocean.

We used storyline during our turning the tide on plastic topic. Claire Bryden visited us while we were writing an imaginative story about an incident in Hawaii. And I enjoyed it this is my story.

The Disaster
Such an ordinary day the sun shining and everyone having a jolly time. I was sitting down getting my flippers and tank on to go diving. The sea was as sparkly as my diamond ring.
I was just about to jump in but suddenly a crowd of tourists flooded in saying “There’s a dead dolphin on the beach…” I stopped what I was doing threw my tank on the black velvet sofa and sprinted as fast as Usain Bolt. I crossed the road to Kailua beach and saw a baby dolphin washed up on the beach. I got some cones and rope to put around the baby. I done the check list around the dolphin. I carefully flipped the dolphin on to its tummy and dug little holes for its flippers because they aren’t used to be on land also holding below the blow hole for 20 minutes because they can hold their breath for ages. As soon as 20 minutes were finished the dolphin was breathing!!! I put wet towels over its back and a giant beach umbrella to keep it damp and not to dry out. When I finished I ran back to the happy hump back centre to get the others. I came back with the vet and the waitress to help me lift it to the centre.
When we finally got the dolphin to the centre the vet did a check up on it. She said the dolphin was ok but needed injections to help it breathe and get stronger. I put it in a tank and named it Rosa. 7 days later the dolphin was great but still needed a few more doses to be able to defend its self in the wild. Finally 1 week later I let her free. “After all that I finally got to go diving” I said and I saw her having the time of her life dancing flipping and playing !!! 

by Harmoni


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