Port Ellen Primary School recognises the important role that digital technology plays in a rapidly changing world. There is a growing body of evidence that the appropriate and effective use of digital technology can lead to improved educational outcomes. Increased digital skills promote independent learning, provide learners with opportunities for personalisation and choice and gives greater access to a huge range of ideas and experiences.  Used effectively it can enhance and enrich the learning process for all children, whatever their needs.  We aim to deliver a technologies program which allows teachers flexibility and scope to plan for a wide variety of experiences which will enable young people to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes that they require for lifelong learning and work.

Our objectives at Port Ellen are to provide opportunities to develop digital technology skills such as:

  • Curiosity and problem-solving skills, capacity to work with others and take the initiative.
  • Planning and organizational skills in a range of contexts.
  • Creativity and innovation, for example though movies, music, CAD and coding.
  • Skills in using tools, equipment, software and materials.
  • Skills in collaborating; interacting with others online and in the wider world.
  • Computational thinking through exploration and discovery in a range of contexts.
  • Searching and retrieving information to inform thinking within diverse learning contexts.
  • Evaluating digital products, systems and services.
  • Presentation skills.
  • Skills to stay safe in the digital world.
  • Manipulating and presenting written work, images and sounds to convey ideas.
  • Making informed judgements about different applications.
  • Becoming a responsible digital citizen.



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