Category Archives: Sport

News from Dalintober Pre-5 Unit and Primary School

Dalintober Pre-5 Unit Sports Day

Dalintober Pre Five Unit held their Sports Day in the school gym on Wednesday 29th May. The children all enjoyed the day and here are our Pre School and Ante Pre School Champions.

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News from Kilninver Primary School

Kilninver go camping
Maps, compasses, questions, challenges, songs and marshmallows round the campfire, sunny days and no midgies.
Kilninver primary went camping overnight on Kerrera with Stramash and returned with rosy cheeks.

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Challenge Cup Football

Well done to the football teams from St. Joseph’s, Hermitage, Cardross and Rhu for their efforts in the Challenge Cup competition. St. Joseph’s ran out worthy winners in the end and a great day was enjoyed by everyone involved. Thanks to the teachers and helpers for organising the teams and thanks to all the parents who turned up to cheer on the children. We are hoping to run the competition again next year and welcome any more schools from the area who wish to enter.

Barcaldine Pupils pass Cycling Proficiency Test

Congratulations to pupils of Barcaldine Primary School for passing their recent Cycling Proficiency Tests. The children and instructor have battled through all kinds of weather every Wednesday afternoon to practise and it all paid off last week when all the children sat both their theory and practical tests. The children were presented in class with their certificates and badges.

Well done girls and boys!!

Glassary Primary Sponsored Cycle

Children, staff and parents from Glassary Primary School took part in a 10 mile sponsored cycle in Kilmichael Glen. The cycle was to raise money for the Lauren Currie Foundation who fund research into Vasculitis, a lung disease which affects a relative of a child in the school. After the cycle the whole school community had a soup and sandwich picnic in the sunshine. The soup had been made by the children from the school the day before. A great day out!

Golf comes to St Joseph’s!

What a star Mark Weed has been to St. Joseph’s this year! A Sports Coach student and former pupil of the school, Mark has more than paid back what we gave him by giving of his free time to help with sporting activities. Mark has come into school every Tuesday and Friday this session to help teachers deliver the sports programme and this term he has turned his talents to Golf. P5 and P7 are both learning the technical aspects of the game and Mark has ably assisted Mrs McLean and Miss Boyd to deliver the programme.
Continue reading Golf comes to St Joseph’s!

St Joseph’s lift the Challenge Cup!

Excitement ran high on Thursday 24 May when a number of local schools put forward a team to play for the local ‘Challenge Cup’ with the P6 & P7 boys of St. Joseph’s Primary School bringing home the trophy. The final game was a 2-1 win for the team with Robbie Livingston setting up the school to claim victory with the first of 2 goals. However, the winning goal came in the last few minutes of the game when Ben Malone placed the ball firmly in the back of the net.

Continue reading St Joseph’s lift the Challenge Cup!

Lismore Primary School: Healthy Body Week 13th to 17th May

The week started with a food themed day. The children found out about the different food groups that are necessary for a balanced diet. With the help of Hazel, each child made a healthy smoothie for their snack from a wide variety of different fruits including pineapple, mango raspberries and strawberries. Hazel also introduced a new salad bar at lunchtime where the children could try out different salad vegetables.

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Rothesay Primary Sleepover raises £1,917.50!

Pupils from Primary 4-7 of Rothesay Primary School took part in a 12 hour sponsored lock in at their school! Activities on offer were: a nail salon, cupcake decorating, a hair salon, football on the astro, SingStar in the GP Room, pancake making in the Home Ec department, trampolining, table tennis, computer suite and arts & crafts. We watched a film on the big screen in the assembly hall together before heading to bed – in the classrooms!

Continue reading Rothesay Primary Sleepover raises £1,917.50!

Innellan Primary Health Week

Week beginning 13th May saw the start of Innellan Primary School’s Health Week. This was to be a week of very exciting opportunities and a chance to learn about health matters.
On Monday 13th May the pupils all went to The Velvet Path Trekking Centre. The children all got the chance to ride a pony and had a tour of the Centre.
Tuesday 14th May saw the pupils learning about Golf!
Continue reading Innellan Primary Health Week

Christian Aid Football Tournament

On Monday 13th May the annual Christian Aid football tournament took place at Hermitage Academy. Schools from Helensburgh and the local area took place in, what was to be, a very wet football tournament. The Hermitage football team were competing for the first time since the National Finals in which they managed to come 3rd in the whole of Scotland. Their first game was against Cardross which Hermitage won 3-1. They followed this with another two impressive results against Lomond and JLB winning 5-0 and 7-0.
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Achahoish Jog Scotland

Well done Ben for taking part in the Inveraray Jail Break race on Sunday 12th May. He was the winner in the 6-9 Years Boy Category. We are very proud of him and thanks to Mrs Bosomworth for all the Jog Scotland training. Ben was very proud of his trophy this morning and can’t wait to spend his £5.00 voucher!

Mrs Bosomworth who works at the school and runs jog Scotland also came in 1st!

Oban Schools Orienteering Competition

Grace and Hugo who are both in P4 @ Kilninver Primary were delighted to win 2nd and 3rd place at the Oban Schools Orienteering Competition. “It was so windy I went round at double speed and that is why I won 3rd.” said Hugo.

We would like to thank everyone who helped to organises this day for us – we had a great time.


On Thursday the 2nd May, John Shearer of Badminton Scotland came to the Joint Campus to present the High School with the ‘School of the Month’ award for April 2013. Jillian Gibson, Active Schools Co-ordinator, nominated the High School largely due to the success of the after school club which ‘is the most popular club currently running at the school, with over 30 pupils attending each week.’


Hermitage Primary football team.

The Hermitage Primary School football team travelled to the Toryglen Regional Football Centre to participate in the Scottish Schools National Finals. The finals were played in two sections and Hermitage boys won two matches and lost one. As runners-up in their section they then played in a play off for third place which they achieved with a 3-1 scoreline. Well done boys, 3rd in Scotland is a wonderful result! There was also the consolation that the only team to beat them were the winners of the tournament!

Cross country

Hermitage Primary are very proud of their cross country runners who recently competed at the Toyota Cross Country Relay in Helensburgh. The event was very well supported with 10 local primary school taking part and 7 different schools represented in the medal winners. Primary 7 defend the trophy from last year though against some stiff competition. Well done to everybody who took part.

Easdale and Luing trip to Aviemore

P5,6 and 7 children from both Easdale and Luing traveled to Aviemore last week for two days of outdoor activities. Children experienced lots of new things, taking part in canoeing, sailing and mountain biking. They even had to brave hailstones and snow for the last activity! A great time was had by all children involved.

Continue reading Easdale and Luing trip to Aviemore

National Shinty Festival – Aviemore, April 2013

Oban has been represented at the annual Aviemore National Shinty Festival every season since its modest beginning over 11 years ago.
In that time it has grown into a countrywide event attracting schools as far apart as South Ayrshire and Inverness. Oban has always entered teams who compete well, and this year was no exception. Continue reading National Shinty Festival – Aviemore, April 2013