Category Archives: PSE

Interdisciplinary Learning at Rockfield Primary School

Rockfield PS pirates 1Over the last term the children of Rockfield Primary have been learning a great deal through their interdisciplinary topics based on our overarching theme of “Adventure, Exploration and Innovation” Children in the early level have been learning about Pirates,

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Donation to Raven Trust

Strachur Donation to Raven TrustStrachur Primary P6-7 have donated proceeds from selling a school newspaper to a local charity that supports communities in Malawi. They also sold second hand school uniforms, making their total donation up to £70. The money will be used to purchase jotters and pens for school children across Malawi. Mr Challis from the Raven Trust was very thankful for the donation and promised to come back with photographs from his trip next year. Annie and Tommi (house captains) are pictured presenting the cheque to Mr Challis.

Storytelling at Minard Primary

Minard Storyteller 1Recently Minard Primary children welcomed Mrs Linda Williamson to their school as part of their ‘Scottish Traditions’ topic. Mrs Williamson is the wife of the late Duncan Williamson, storyteller, who had connections with the area. We spent the morning listening to Linda’s stories and hearing about her life then were joined by the children from Furnace Primary and members of the community for more stories and fun. We hope to welcome Linda again soon.

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Toward’s Tower

Towards Tower KAPLA1 2At Toward Primary we have been exploring and creating buildings, objects, and much more using a new wooden construction toy called KAPLA. We discovered KAPLA at the recent Scottish Learning Festival. KAPLA is made up of a set of 1000 identical pine blocks which makes them ideal for building many kinds of structures. You don’t need glue, screws or anything else to hold the blocks together. The blocks are held together by gravity and balance.

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DGS Auschwitz 1On Wednesday 29th October, S6 DGS students Tylor Bracey and Simone Peter set off on a one day trip to Auschwitz in Poland, along with their History teacher, Mr Darkins. This life changing trip was part of an experience organised and part funded by the Holocaust Educational Trust (HET), designed to keep the memory of the Holocaust alive and to educate younger generations on the lessons of the past.


Global Citizenship Alive and Well at St. Joseph’s!

St Josephs Missio 2The children of St. Joseph’s Primary in Helensburgh were delighted to welcome Sr. Stacey of the order of ‘The Sisters of St. Peter Claver’ at assembly this week. Sr. Stacey gave a superb presentation on the work of ‘Missio Scotland’, a charity close to the heart of all the children at school. At specific times in the academic session, in a bid to support the missions, the children collect money for this charity.

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Dunoon Grammar School – Advanced Higher German Work Experience Trip

dgsadvancedhighergermanworkexperiencetripEarly on Saturday 12th September, Ruby Brown, Caitlyn Meaney, Chloe Macdonald and Calum MacKinnon set off for Schwarzenbach an der Saale in Germany with their teacher Mrs Clark to undertake work experience. Ruby and Caitlyn worked for Sandler AG, a company which makes textiles, Chloe worked in a Nursery and Calum spent his three days working for an Architect.

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Transition Time at Dalintober ELCC

Dalintober ELCC TransitionThe move to the ‘Big School’ is already underway for the children of Dalintober ELCC.

Dalintober Primary School have been looking at ways to improve their quality of transition and now staff have developed a Transition Calendar with activities such as Story Telling Sessions beginning in September. Other activities will be running most months throughout the year helping the pre-school children to grow in confidence and build relationships with the class teachers.
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‘Groundforce Day – Port Charlotte Pre 5’…

Groundforce day Port CharlotteParents, children, staff and members of the local community have been hard at work this weekend developing our Pre 5 outdoor area. There was a great turnout and we are looking forward to day 2! The children and parents have planned the different areas they would like to have, these include a ‘Dig pit’, ‘Magical den’, ‘Story stage’ and ‘Mud kitchen’. Here’s to a great start to outdoor learning!

Dunoon Primary wins prizes at Strathclyde University

DPS reallysmallscience verion 3Pupils from Dunoon Primary School were invited to the reallysmallscience on tour celebration event, at the University of Strathclyde, on the 17th of June. Primary 7 pupils, Siobhan Simpson and Leagha Campbell lifted the trophy for the best 3D entry for the ‘science in everyday life’ image competition. P7 pupil, Lucia Westwood-Phillips also received a medal for her drawing entry to the competition.

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Local History Display – Glenbranter Forestry Office July 2015

Sandbank Glenbranter office 1Taisbeanach – Ard na Blathaich
Chuir clas 6/7 o Bhunsgoil Thaigh a’Chladaich crioch air an topaic aca mun eachdraidh ionadail le taisbeanach san oifis Coiltearachd Gleann a’Bhrandaidh o chionn ghoirid.
Sandbank Primary’s GM6/7 ended their topic on local history by setting up an exhibition in the Glenbranter Visitor Centre and Forestry Offices.

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Crofting Connections – the story of wool

Sandbank Crofting Connections  card 12Rinn clas Ghaidhlig 6/7 ealain le cloimhe. B’fheudar dhuinn cìreadh, snìomh agus breabadaireachd a dh’ionnsachadh. Chuir sinn dathan nadarrach air an cloimhe cuideachd.
As part of our local history study and Crofting Connections programme, Sandbank GMU 6/7 worked on their handcraft skills to complete a piece of textile art together. We took the inspiration of a croft as the basis for a wall hanging, seeing as we had researched an abandoned farm settlement near Loch Eck.
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Health Week @ John Logie Baird

JLB Health Week 4 FunkyJohn Logie Baird Primary School children and staff took part in a variety of fun activities, to celebrate Health Week. The children’s activities included a presentation from SSPCA, Tae Kwon Do, Fruit demonstration and tasting by Waitrose, Big Pedal Cycling and Scooter event, the school sports day and nursery sports day, cardio tennis, rugby, mini kickers. Julie Smith of Funky Fitness put both children and staff through their paces with an energetic and fun filled day of fitness on the Friday to end the week in style.

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Roots of Empathy

Rosneath Roots of Empathy 1This session, 21 pupils from Primary 2/3 have been involved in an exciting new initiative called Roots of Empathy. Throughout the year there have been weekly visits from the instructor Jane McLean, School Nurse and every two weeks a visit from a mother and baby, Kathy and Hamish.
Roots of Empathy is an innovative program teaching pupils valuable lessons while fostering a more nurturing and caring environment in the classroom.
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Cardross Primary 7 in the Spotlight!

Cardross Oscar 4On Thursday the 4th of June we had our Oscar Night at the Roslea Hall Hotel in Rhu. This was to celebrate the success of our Homunculi Movies which we made in our class with the help of our teacher Miss Travers. We worked with the psychologists Dr Greig and Amy to find out more about what to do if you are worried about something. Homunculi are tiny people inside your head who help you to function, solve problems and help you with your worries.

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Kirn P3 visit Western Ferries

Kirn PS wester ferries 1As part of their Seaside topic, P3 visited Western Ferries to learn about how these big boats work, and visited the beach.

Lots of us have been on Western Ferries to go ‘across the water’, but we don’t normally see the huge engines and all the machinery in the engine room at the bottom of the boat, or the control room where the captain sits right up at the top! We also saw how someone would be rescued if they fell overboard. Continue reading Kirn P3 visit Western Ferries

Kirn’s ELCC Head Outdoors

Kirn ELCC 1Over the past three weeks, we have been meeting each Friday morning at Scabby Knowe, near to Kirn School for Outdoor Learning with some of our parents and also some of the Childcare students from Dunoon Grammar School. Each week we planned what we would do when we arrived next time.

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