Category Archives: Eco Schools


Here at Rosneath we are determined to apply for our first Green Flag in the New Year.
Recently, we had an amazing Eco Week – so much going on! From model making using recycled materials to Beach Cleaning to welcoming our “visitors” from Zoolab to sprucing up our school grounds to Teamwork(out) Day to whole school village walk to planting………………..the list is endless!

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Road Safety at Rothesay Joint Campus

The Eco Committee has been working with PC Heather Simpson on the 20 mph speed limit area outside the school. Heather told the pupils that when the lights flash it means that drivers are reminded to be aware of pupils traveling to or from school and to slow down.

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What a load of rubbish!

As a conclusion to their IDL (Inter disciplinary Learning) of Eco, the children of Clachan and Skipness Primary Schools put on a show stopping performance. As part of their learning the children had completed either a beach clean or a litter walk around their village.

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Dunoon Primary School Gardening Club – Harvest Update

In September, children in Dunoon Primary School’s Gardening Club harvested their first crop of potatoes. After throwing away the bad ones and cleaning the soil from the rest, the children piled the potatoes into the barrow and delivered them across the road to the local health food store, Eco Grain, to be sold. (They also kept a few behind for tasting and all agreed that they were very tasty!) Local shoppers had to be quick off the mark as already we’ve heard that the potatoes have sold out! We’ll need to start working on a bumper crop for next year …

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One Planet Picnic at Strath of Appin Primary School.

The One Planet Picnic initiative is part of the Keep Scotland Beautiful Eco-Schools programme and Clean and Green Legacy 2014. It is designed to raise awareness of where food comes from, and how it is produced.

Strath of Appin Primary School’s picnic took the form of a Harvest lunch where all the children and staff in the school were invited to enjoy fabulous foods that had been freshly prepared in the school kitchen.

Continue reading One Planet Picnic at Strath of Appin Primary School.

Food to Fork Adventure for Rothesay Primary

Rothesay Primary Eco Committee visited Tesco in Greenock this week to learn more about where their food comes from. Ruth Sharkey set us our first task – to find a rainbow of fruit and veg, name them and find their country of origin. Robin was amazed to find his bananas came all the way from the Cameroons! Next we ventured into the deep freeze! At -12 degrees we had to dress up very warmly. Ruth told us that it is important to keep the food very cold and that the freezers usually run at minus 20 brrrrrr!

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Would you like mud with that sir?

Achaleven Primary have taken mud to a whole new level with a new addition to their outdoor learning space.

To co-incide with International Mud Day at the end of June, the school had a grand opening of our mud kitchen which Mrs MacPherson designed and Mr MacPherson very kindly built for us. The toddler group came along and shared in the mud-themed ceremony (which also included some very delicious edible goodies). Continue reading Would you like mud with that sir?

Essay Success – What does ‘sustainable living’ mean to you?

Each year the Trust for Sustainable Living organises a global essay competition, which this year invited schoolchildren to outline their ideas for sustainable living and the steps needed for societies to achieve them. This year 73 countries participated and essays were received from 1,094 children. We had several finalists from Port Ellen and in July Asher travelled down to Oxford to attend the international schools debate, which was attended by children from 23 countries.

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Exciting News from St. Muns!

St. Mun’s Pupils Awarded Blue Peter Green Badge
The Rolls Royce Science Project, ‘If You Go Down In The Woods Today’, has definitely inspired a number of children in the school. None more so than 3 Primary 7s, Leonie Cuddahy, Ewan McIntosh and Scott Stewart, who decided to write to Blue Peter and tell them what they had been up to over the course of the last year.

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Flushed With Success at Rothesay Joint Campus

Rothesay Joint Campus Eco Committee was invited to Edinburgh last week to discuss the findings of their enquiry into school toilets. The enquiry, ‘Flushed With Success’ was initiated by Tam Baillie, Scotland’s Commissioner for Children and Young People and sounded just the sort of thing we would like to get our teeth into (in a manner of speaking!).
Over the last session we have conducted surveys about the Rights of the Child, questionnaires, created power points, had a poster campaign and uncovered the good, the bad and the ugly about school toilets!
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Hedgehog House at Garelochhead Primary School

P1 in Garelochhead Primary School have been extending the accommodation in the Anniversary Garden to include a Hedgehog House. Some distance from the newly opened hotel, in a corner so as not to upset the guests, they constructed a home for Hedgehogs. Using materials found in the garden and some recycled waterproof resources the children set to work enthusiastically, so much so that we now have two houses.
Look out birds, you will be next.

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P2 Pupils from Castlehill visit local Co-op

Primary 2 from Castlehill Primary School enjoyed a visit from the Co-op who talked about the environment and Fairtrade Products and the children entered a Green schools Competition. Their Eco pictures were displayed in the foyer of the Co-op during the Easter holidays.
The children then visited the Co-op and would like to thank the staff for their kind donation of seeds and compost for their school garden and also for the Easter treats.


P1 & P2 children in Garelochhead Primary worked together with their teachers Mrs Clark and Ms Macaulay to build a bug Hotel in the Anniversary Garden. Recycled resources were sorted, adapted and shaped into a new home for minibeasts. Pupils worked collaboratively in the garden to design and make a hotel fit for the 21st century!
Their biodiversity studies are part of the school’s work to achieve a 3rd Green Flag.
Let’s hope lots of guests arrive soon!


Zoolab visit Barcaldine PS

Barcaldine Primary School recently had a visit from an ‘Eco Investigator from Zoolab’.

Anthony from Zoolab descended upon us with a huge big box in tow to discuss with us our environment and what creatures and animals require from their environment to survive. The children got to touch, feel and handle the various animals but there were a few we didn’t dare touch!! Some of the animals had to stay inside their boxes but we did get a chance to see them when they appeared from their hiding place! Continue reading Zoolab visit Barcaldine PS

Barcaldine Tree Planting

Barcaldine Primary school children were invited along to Sutherland’s Grove on Tuesday afternoon to help plant Coastal Red Woods trees.

The weather was a bit wet to start but it soon dried up and the children along with Forestry Commission Scotland Craftsmen’s Peter MacArthur and Rory Maclean spent a couple of hours planting trees.

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The Luss Powan Blog

The children of Luss Primary School in class P5-7 have gone blogging mad!

They decided that this year they would write a blog, in order to detail the development of their very special powan fish eggs. This means that the local and wider community can follow the various steps involved in caring for this endangered ice age fish. The children are delighted, as their blog has had views from as far afield as the USA and Australia.

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‘Options’ Fridays at Dalintober Primary School

Dalintober Primary pupils are enjoying their new skills based programme, called ‘Options’, which has been running every Friday since January. Pupils have ‘opted in’ to one of four areas – Healthy Heroes (Health & Wellbeing), Eco Warriors (Sustainable Education), Techno Whizzes (Technologies) and Smarty Arties (Expressive Arts) – which represent the wide variety of interests and wider achievements of the pupils themselves. Continue reading ‘Options’ Fridays at Dalintober Primary School

Dogs Trust Centre visit Dunoon Primary!

On Wednesday 12th February Alison and Alfie from the Dogs Trust Centre in Glasgow came to visit our school. Alison told the children about the work carried out there and also discussed with them the important aspects of dog care. She emphasised the need to clean up after our dogs when exercising them in public places. This tied in with our Eco Schools Committee who are organising a poster competition to highlight the need to keep our streets clean and free from dog mess.

Continue reading Dogs Trust Centre visit Dunoon Primary!

Tobermory High School & Primary School Celebrate 2nd Green Flag

Tobermory High School 3-18 Learning Community are celebrating being awarded their second Eco Schools Green flag. The eco committee worked hard over the last 2 years to minimise waste, improve the school grounds and keep on top of litter across the campus. The Eco Schools assessor was impressed with the collaborative approach the school has adopted to tackling eco topics, working in conjunction with the Forestry Commission, Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust and the Mull and Iona community Trust.

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